Prayer Thot for the Day (April 9)

God Wants to Show U Good Path

Backgrounder on Jeremiah 4-6:
These early chapters narrate
the coming Babylonian invasion
as God’s people experience the
deadly consequences of their
rebellion, pursuit of loathsome
activities and proud indulgence.

Lord,U Want to Show Us Good Path
This is what the Lord says: Stand
at the crossroads and look; ask for
the Ancient Paths, ask where the
Good Way is, Walk in it, and you
will Find Rest for yr souls (Jer 6:16)
But you said: We will not walk in it…
I’m bringing disaster on this people
because they have not listened to
My words (v17-19). To whom shall
I give warning? Behold the word
of the Lord is a reproach to them;
they have no delight in it. So I am
full of the fury of the Lord (v10-11)

Lord, thank you for Your Word
and I ask you to show me clearly
Your ancient yet Proven Good way.
Forgive me for periodically foolishly
thinking that I can ignore Your
truth and find blessing & peace.
There is no true rest for my soul
unless and until I submit to Your
Will and Your Plan for my life.
Grant me the grace and the
courage to do just that. Amen.

Lord, we come before You and
confess the sins of the nations.
Even though there are people
who believe in You, far too many
have refused to walk in Your way.
As Christians, we stand in the gap
at the crossroads and pray for
many more to join us in walking
according to Your instructions
so that disaster be averted. Amen.

Lord, fill us with Your Feelings,
regardless of what they are.
Help us love what You love,
hate what You hate,
Rejoice over Your joys, and
be angry at what angers You.
Shape our heart and let our
prayers and actions flow from
what You have put within us. Amen