Praying thro Zechariah (April 1)

Living Out the Glorious Hope
(Prayer Walk thro Zech 1-14)

Backgrounder: Using colourful
visions and consoling sermons to
portray God’s glorious future plans
for His covenant people, Zechariah
encourages the workers engaged
in rebuilding the temple. Although
early enthusiasm has waned,
the task is an important one,
for the temple will be the focal
point of the ministry of Israel’s
coming Messiah. God will keep
His promises to His people, and
fasting will turn to feasting when
Messiah arrives. So put away sin,
finish the temple, and await the
Messiah with eager excitement.

Dear Lord, thanks for the prophetic
book of Zechariah, giving Hope
to Your people by revealing God’s
deliverance through the Messiah.
We are eternally grateful for the
sacrificial love of Jesus Christ.
Help us to response appropriately
to the amazing love and hope.
Help us to Return to Your Live;
help us to Depend on Your Spirit;
help us develop Heart of Worship
and thanks for Cleansing Fountain,
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we Return to Your Love:
In the second year of King Darius’
reign, the Lord gave this message
to Zechariah: I the Lord was very
angry with your ancestors. So say
to the people: This is what the
Lord Almighty says: Return to me
and I will return to you, says the
Lord Almighty (Zechariah 1:1-3).
Father, You are Lord of the universe
and yet you are also my friend.
May I not grieve your Spirit but
rather Return the love that You
have given me without reservation.
I give you my heart over to You.
Thank you for walking with me
during difficult times. And I rejoice
in the peace & shelter of Your love
that comes from knowing U. Amen

Lord, we Depend on Your Spirit:
This is the word of the Lord to
Zerubbabel: Not by might not by
power, but by my Spirit, says the
Lord Almighty. Who are u, O great
mountain? Before Zerubbabel
shall become a plain (Zech 4:6-7)
Lord, forgive me for the times when
I try to do your work in my way
and by my power. I acknowledge
I cannot do all You have called me
to do, except Your Spirit enables
me to do it. I depend on You to
help me get where I need to go
and guide me every step. Fill me
with Your Spirit & Do immeasurably
more than I ask or imagine. And I
praise You as the Almighty God for
whom nothing is too hard. Amen.

Lord,we’ll develop heart of Worship:
Ask all the people of the land and
the priests: When you fasted and
mourned in the 5th and 7th months
for the past 70 years, was it really
for me that you fasted? … Should
you not have obeyed the words
which the Lord proclaimed through
the former prophets (Zech 7:5-7).
Lord, help me to not get to the
point where I take You for granted.
Help me not take the things I do
for You lightly so that they lose
meaning in my heart. I know my
worshipping, praying and fasting
mean nothing to You if they mean
nothing to me. Help me do things
in a way that pleases You. Amen.

Lord,thanks for Cleansing Fountain:
On that day a fountain will be
opened for the dynasty of David
and for the people of Jerusalem,
a fountain to cleanse them from
all their sins and impurity (Z13:1).
Lord Jesus, thank you for such
a great salvation. I receive the
forgiveness for which you paid
so great a price. And I thank you
also for the cleansing that is on-
going each day of my life. Amen.