Praying thro Haggai (Mar 31)

Getting Our Priorities Right
(Prayer Walk thro Haggai 1-2)

Backgrounder: Consider your ways
& Finish what u have begun are
the resounding calls of prophet
Haggai as he tries to awaken the
people spiritually. They have just
returned from exile in Babylonia
and are discouraged by the
destruction in the city.But Haggai’s
message brings encouragement,
particularly to the governor,
Zerubbabel, who must inspire
the people. I am with you, declares
the Lord as the people are called
to rebuild and fight against future
oppression. There is hope and
future blessing for their obedience!

Dear Lord, it’s easy to make other
priorities more important than
doing God’s work. But You God
wants us to follow through
and build up Your kingdom.
Help us not make excuses but
set our hearts on what is right.
Help us Get our priorities straight.
And Help us not be discouraged,
knowing You are With Us. Amen.

Lord, we’ll not make excuses
and not neglect walk with You:
Thus says the Lord: Consider
your ways! Go up to the mountains
and bring wood and build the
temple, that I may take pleasure
in it and be glorified, says the Lord.
You expected much, but see,
it turned out to be little. What
you brought home, I brew away.
Why? declares the Lord Almighty.
Because of my house, which
remains a ruin, while each of u is
busy with his own house (H1:8-9).

Lord, help me to not be concerned
with outward appearance and
selfish pursuits, but rather to be
concerned with spiritual growth,
unselfish service, the condition
of our hearts and the things that
touch the hearts of You God.
Help me to have my priorities
in order so that my walk with
You continues to grow closer
and deeper over time. Amen.

Lord, help us learn from Haggai’s
prophesy that one possible reason
one does not have enough may
be because of misplaced value.
Holy Spirit, help me guard our
spiritual priorities. Help us as
we allocate our time, energy
and resources, not to forget
the importance of pursuits that
matter to You God. And even as
we seek to further your kingdom,
Won’t you ambly provide us. Amen.

Lord, Your Spirit Is With Us:
Yet now be strong Zerubbabel,
says the Lord; and be strong
Joshua the high priest; and be
strong all you people of the land,
says the Lord, and work; for I am
with you, says the Lord of hosts.
My Spirit remains among you,
just as I promised when you
came out of Egypt. So do not
be afraid (Haggai 2:4-5). Amen.

Lord, sometimes You God gives
us challenging tasks to do. And
they may seem completely out
of our reach; and we may feel
like just give up, thinking the job
is impossible. But Lord, no job
is impossible when You God
tells us it’s part of Your plan
and you say it’s time to do it.
Lord, empower us with Your
wisdom & perseverance. Amen.