Praying thro Nehemiah (Mar 25)

God Renews Faith of His People
(Prayer Walk thro Neh 1-13)

Backgrounder: A rebuilt temple
stands in Jerusalem, but only
crumbled walls surround the Holy
City.There’s much work to be done.
For the task of rebuilding the city
walls, God raises up Nehemiah
to lead the third & last expedition
of Jewish returnees from Persia.
In spite of stiff opposition to the
reconstruction efforts, Nehemiah
and his band of bricklayers
complete the job in only 52 days.
Nehemiah’ zeal extends not only
to reconstructing the city, but also
to reforming its citizentry – a task
which demands inspired leadership

Dear Lord, thank you for the last
OT historical book, which records
the third return to Jerusalem
after captivity, how the walls
were rebuilt and the people were
renewed in their faith. Thank You
that we’re Stirred by Your Spirit;
that Your Joy is Our Strength &
that You are Gracious & Merciful.
Help us to Watch & Pray. Amen.

Lord, we’re Stirred by Your Spirit:
When I heard these words, I wept
for many days; I was fasting and
praying. And I said: O Lord, God
of heaven, the great and awesome
God who keeps his covenant of
unfailing love with those who love
Him and obey His commands,
listen to my prayer! Look down
and see me praying night and day
for Your people Israel. I confess
that we have sinned against You.
Yes, even my family and I have
sinned (Nehemiah 1:4-7).
Lord, I purpose that my heart be
gripped by the things that grip
Your heart for Your purposes.
Make me sensitive to the stirring
of Your Spirit and the sound of
Your voice. And when I have sought
Your will and direction, make me
willingly, eagerly and even joyfully
participate in Your plan. Amen.

Lord, we will Watch & Pray:
The walls of Jerusalem were
beginning to be closed, that they
became very angry. And all of
them conspired together to attack
Jerusalem and create confusion.
But we prayed to our God and
posted a guard day and night
to meet this threat (Neh 4:7-9).
Lord, help me to be watchful
in prayer so that I am always aware
of what I am supposed to be doing;
and understand what I am not
supposed to be doing. Help me
to pray without ceasing so that
I can stand guard agst every plan
of the enemy against me. Amen.

Lord, Your Joy is Our Strength:
Nehemiah who was the governor,
said: Do not mourn nor weep.
For all the people wept when
they heard the words of the Law.
Don’t be dejected and sad, for
the Joy of the Lord is yr Strength.
And the Levites too quieted the
people, telling them: Hush! Don’t
weep! For this is a sacred day. So
the pple went away to eat & drink &
to celebrate with great joy because
they had heard God’s words and
understood them (Neh 8:9-12).
Lord, we rejoice in the grace that
You have poured out in our lives.
Thank You that it is never too late
to come back to You in repentance.
The past can be difficult to let go
of, but with Your Joy helping me,
I can move forward into what
You have prepared for me. Amen.

Lord, You are Gracious & Merciful:
Yet for many years U had patience
with them, & testified against them
by Your Spirit in Your prophets.
Yet they would not listen. Therefore
You gave them into the hand
of the peoples of the lands.
But in your great mercy, You did
not put an end to them or abandon
them, for you are a Gracious and
merciful God (Neh 9:30-31).
Lord, thank U for Your great mercy
toward me. Thank U that You have
never judged me according to
what I have deserved. Thank U
that your grace toward me that
is beyond comprehension.
Thank U that You will never
forsake me. Help me to never
forsake You in any way either.
Pray that my attitude will always
be right before You, and that
I will never take your mercy
and your grace for granted. Amen.