Praying thro Ezra (Mar 24)

God Is Faithful to His Promise
(Prayer Walk thro Ezra 1-10)

Backgrounder: After 70 years
of exile, God Fulfils His Promise
to return His people to their
homeland. Under His direction,
King Cyrus of Persia now rules
Babylonia, and the Jews are free
to go home. The first group of
returnees rebuild the temple in
Jerusalem (E1-6). 58 years later,
Ezra leads a second group back to
Jerusalem to rebuild the spiritual
character of the people (E7-10).

Dear Lord, thank You for the book
of Ezra, showing God’s faithfulness
and the way You kept Your promise
to restore Your people to their land.
Help us not get discouraged and
quit; but instead to continue on boldly in the face of life challenges.
Help us to Use Gifts for Kingdom; Help us Not Fear but Focus on U;
Help us Submit wholly to U. Amen

Lord, we will Use Gifts for Kingdom:
So a total of 42,360 people
returned to Judah, in addition to
7337 servants and 200 singers,
both men and women. When they
arrived at the Temple of the Lord
in Jerusalem some of the family
leaders gave generously toward
the rebuilding of God’s Temple
on its original site, and each
leader gave as much as he could.
The total of their gifts came to
61,000 gold coins, 6250 pounds
of silver and 100 robes for
the priests (Ezra 2:64-69).
Lord, we realise generosity is
a strong mark of Faithfulness.
We also realise God’s servants
need dedication, perseverance
and generosity in furthering
His work in the world. Help us
Lord to volunteer cheerfully to
to use the gifts God has given
us in His service. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Not Fear but Focus on U:
With praise and thanksgiving
they sang to the Lord: He is good;
His love to Israel endures forever.
And all the people have a great
shout of praise to the Lord,
because the foundation of the
house of the Lord was laid (Ez3:11)
Lord, You are Almighty & far above
all things. Mold us so that Your
presence in our life is greater than
anything we fear. For Faith in You
and in Your Word will conquer
all the challenges in our lives.
Help us when we are struggling
or doubting, to make praise the
first response to fearful situations.
Help us not to dwell on problems
but instead to thank You and
praise Your name continually.
And as we praise and thank you,
Help us by taking away our fear
and instead give us peace. Amen.

Lord, we Submit ourselves to You:
By the Ahava Canal, I gave orders
for all of us to fast and humble
ourselves before our God. We
prayed that he would give us
a safe journey and protect us
as we travelled… After all, we had
told the king: Our God’s hand of
protection is on all who worship
Him. So we fasted and petitioned
our God about this, and He
answered our prayer (Ez 8:21-23)
Lord, we purpose to put You
God as the first in our lives.
And we submit ourselves to You
for our body is not in charge.
And we deny the flesh, so that
we will exalt You above all else.
Help us pray powerfully about the
issues & the situations in our life.
When we face difficulties, help us
Lord that when we fast and pray,
You will accomplish more in the
spiritual realm than what can be
done in the physical realm. Amen