Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 20)

God Keeps His Promises

Backgrounder on Isaiah 5-7:
Wickedness has permeated Judah
and Isaiah’s call for repentance is
so urgent that even his commission
was delayed. The task before Isaiah
is unenviable, for God had said the
pple will be spiritually deaf & near
-sighted. But having encountered
God, Isaiah begins to declare harsh
words from on high with confidence

Lord, You Keep Your Promises:
(God said): Ask me for a sign,
Ahaz, to prove that I will crush
your enemies As I Have Promised…
But the king refused… Therefore
the Lord Himself will Give you
A Sign. The virgin will conceive
and give birth to a son, and will
call him Immanuel (Isa 7:11-14).

Lord, thank you for Keeping
Your Promises. Thank you that
You also provides signs to help
us understand that You keep
your promises. Your faithfulness
fills me with inner peace. But
sometimes I can’t sense your
presence despite the promise
that You are always with me.
Encourage me and sustain me
in a very real way. And I thank
You for the promise that one day
I will see you face-to-face and
I will dwell with you forever. Amen.

Lord, forgive me for seeking
outward signs rather than being
drawn into closer communion
with You. Your Word says: Though
heaven and earth may pass away,
You are the same yesterday,
today & forever; and I am yours.
Nothing can change that fact.
May You take pleasure in me
and be glorified as I trust You,
and not test You. Amen.

Lord, forgive us for our tendency
to seek outward, tangible signs
as indications of Your direction
and as a basis for our faith in You.
We realize that You God intends
to nurture in us a faith and a trust
that don’t require external support.
Help us develop the kind of faith
that rests on Your character,
especially that of your Faithfulness.
But Lord in your tender mercies,
please do not test us beyond
what we are able to bear. Amen.