Praying thro Esther (Mar 18)

God Is In Sovereign Control
(Prayer Walk thro Esther 1-10)

Backgrounder: Beautiful Esther
is among the many Jews whose
family chooses to remain in Persia
following the return of Israel to
Jerusalem with Zerubbabel, Ezra
and Nehemiah. Selected as queen
she discovers a court official’s plot
to kill her and her countrymen.
In a dramatic turn of events,
God uses the roll of the dice and
a king’s sleeplessness to save
the day and preserve His people.

Dear Lord, through the Israel
history recorded in the book of
Esther, we learnt that You are
in complete control of situations.
Help us to Be Available to You;
Help us to Wait for Your Timing &
Help us Remember Yr Goodness.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we will Be Available to You:
Mordecai told them to answer
Esther: If you remain completely
silent at this time, deliverance
will arise for the Jews from another
place… Yet who knows whether
you have come to the kingdom
for such a time as this? Then
Esther told them to reply Mordecai:
Go, gather all the Jews who are
present in Shushan and fast for me
for three days. My maids and I
will fast likewise. And so I will go
to the king, which is against the law
and if I perish, I perish (Est 4:13-16)
Lord, show me when Your Spirit
is calling me to put everything
aside to seek You, and grant me
grace to respond to that call.
Give me the discipline I need to be
able to follow through and the faith
to know that U are able to deliver
in any circumstances I find myself.
Make my heart obedient to seek
You and do the right thing. Amen.

Lord, we will Wait for Your Timing:
The king and Haman went to
Queen Esther’s banquet. And while
they were drinking wine that day,
the king again asked her: Tell me
what you want, Queen Esther. I will
give u even if it’s half the kingdom
And so Queen Esther replied:
My petition is that my life and the
lives of my people will be spared.
For my people and I have been
sold to those who would kill us.
Who would do such a thing?
King Xerxes demanded. Who would
dare to touch you? Esther replied:
He is wicked Haman (Est 7:1-6).
Lord, we realise that when dealing
with those in authority that it is
very important to make sure the
timing is right before we speak.
So teach us to listen to Your
voice and respond in obedience
on Your perfect Timing. Amen.

Lord,we’ll Remember Yr Goodness:
On that day, King Xerxes gave the
estate of Haman, the enemy of
the Jews to Queen Esther (E8:1).
Mordecai recorded these events
and sent letters to the Jews
thro out all the king’s provinces,
encouraging them to celebrate
an annual festival… These would
commemorate a time when the
Jews gained relief from their
enemies, when their sorrow was
turned into gladness and their
mourning into joy. So, the Jews
adopted Mordecai’s suggestion
and began this custom (E9:20-28)
Lord, we ask for your favour in
response to our keeping faith in U.
We will celebrate & commemorate
Your goodness in our lives.
And we will run with perseverance
the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus. Amen.

Dear Lord, with You God in charge,
we can take courage in life’s
challenges. You can guide us
through the circumstances
we face in our lives. We can
expect U God to display Yr power
in carrying out Your Sovereign will.
As we unite our life’s purposes
to You God, we look forward
to benefit from Yr Sovereign care.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.