Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 5)

God Knows You & Cares For You

Backgrounder on Psalms 135-139:
These psalms about Praising God.
Sometimes it’s easy to praise the
Lord simply by recalling the past
(P135-136); at other times, past
memories produce more pain than
praise (P137). But even times of
trouble can be cause of praise
(P138) as you think about the
infinite Knowledge & unceasing
Presence of yr mighty God (P139)

Lord, Praise Your Constant Care:
You Discern my going out and
my lying down; You are Familiar
with all my ways (Psalm 139:3).
Where can I free from Yr Presence?
If I go to the heavens, U are there;
If I settle on the far side of the
sea, even there Your hand will
guide and hold me fast (v7-10).
Every day of my life was recorded.
Every moment was Laid Out before
a day had passed. How precious
are Your Thoughts (v16-17) Amen.
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