Praying thro Haggai (Mar 31)

Getting Our Priorities Right
(Prayer Walk thro Haggai 1-2)

Backgrounder: Consider your ways
& Finish what u have begun are
the resounding calls of prophet
Haggai as he tries to awaken the
people spiritually. They have just
returned from exile in Babylonia
and are discouraged by the
destruction in the city.But Haggai’s
message brings encouragement,
particularly to the governor,
Zerubbabel, who must inspire
the people. I am with you, declares
the Lord as the people are called
to rebuild and fight against future
oppression. There is hope and
future blessing for their obedience!

Dear Lord, it’s easy to make other
priorities more important than
doing God’s work. But You God
wants us to follow through
and build up Your kingdom.
Help us not make excuses but
set our hearts on what is right.
Help us Get our priorities straight.
And Help us not be discouraged,
knowing You are With Us. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Haggai (Mar 31)”

Preview on Hag, Zac & Mal

Return From Exile (Mar 31)

We have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: Israel History to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
as well as Reign of King Solomon
in 2nd Chron & Wisdom Poetry.
In OT Phase 3, we see decline
of the two Divided Kingdoms.
OT3A: 1 Kings & minor prophets.
OT3B: 2K1-17 & Prophets incl Isaiah
up to Israel’s Dispersion in 722BC.
OT3C: 2K18-25 & Prophets incl Jer
up to Judah’s Dispersion in 586BC.
Followed by Ezekiel & Daniel.
And then the return from exile,
namely Esther, Ezra & Nehemiah.

Continuing, we will meditate on
the last three prophetic books
of the Old Testament following
the return from exile. Listed below
are the background condition and
issues during that period of time.
Continue reading “Preview on Hag, Zac & Mal”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 30)

God Who Turns Sorrow Into Joy

Backgrounder on Isaiah 52-57:
Nowhere in the OT will you see
a clearer picture of the horrible price of your redemption than in these six chapters. And on this Good Friday, let us meditate upon
the many verses that show the
anquish your Savior endured
in paying the awful price of sin.
Lord, grateful Your visage was so
marred more than any man (52:14)
U were bruised… the chastisement
of our peace was upon You (53:5).
The Lord has laid on You
the iniquity of us all (53:6).
Jesus we’re eternally grateful.
We wholeheartedly adore U. Amen

Lord, U Turn Sorrow Into Joy:
Sing O barren woman, you who
never bore a child; burst into song,
shout for joy, you who were never
in labour; because more are the
children of the desolate woman
than of her who has a husband,
says the Lord (Isaiah 54:1).
For a mere moment I have forsaken
you, but with great mercies I will
gather you. With s little wrath
I hid My face from u for a moment;
but with everlasting kindness
I will have mercy on you, says
the Lord, your Redeemer (v7-8).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 30)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 29)

God Sustains U Thro Rough Times

Backgrounder on Isaiah 44-48:
In an amazing collection of
specific prophecies, Isaiah foretells
the agent of comfort God will use
in delivering His people (Cyrus,
king of Persia) and the means
of comfort God will employ
(destruction of adulterous Babylon)
Isaiah taunts those who would
put their trust in mere images of
stone and wood. And God declares
I am God and there is none else;
I am God and there is none like me.

Lord, You Will Sustain Us:
Listen to me, all you who are left
in Israel. I created you and have
cared for you since you’re born.
Even to your old age & grey hairs
I am He who will Sustain you.
I have made You and I will carry
you; I will Sustain you and I will
rescue you (Isaiah 46:3-4).
I am God and there is no other;
I am God and there is none like me.
I make known the end from the
beginning… what is still to come.
I say: My purpose will stand, and
I Will Do all that I please (v9-10).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 29)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 28)

God With You Through Trials

Backgrounder on Isaiah 40-43:
The book of Isaiah has been likened
to a miniature Bible, its 66 chapters
paralleling the 66 books of Bible.
The first 39 chapters of Isaiah,
like the 39 books of OT proclaim
judgment upon sinful mankind.
God’s patience is great, but He
will not allow persistent sin go not
punished. Beginning with today’s
section, the final 27 chapters of
Isaiah, like the 27 books of the NT,
proclaim a message of comfort
and hope. The Messiah is coming
to be the Saviour of sinful people.

Lord, You are With Us thro Trials:
Do not fear, for I have redeemed u;
I have summoned u; you are mine.
When you go thro deep waters
and great trouble, I Will Be With u.
When you go through rivers of
difficulty, you will not drown!
… For I am the Lord your God
… your Savior (Isa 43:1-3).
Behold I will do a new thing…
I will even made a road in the
wilderness & rivers in the desert…
I provide water in the desert and
streams in the wasteland, to give
drink to my people…that they may
Proclaim My Praise (v19-21).Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 28)”

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Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 27)

God Is Tender & Helps the Weak

Backgrounder on Isaiah 40-43:
The book of Isaiah has been likened
to a miniature Bible, its 66 chapters
paralleling the 66 books of Bible.
The first 39 chapters of Isaiah,
like the 39 books of the OT
proclaim judgment upon sinful
mankind. God’s patience is great,
but He will not allow persistent sin
go unpunished. Beginning with
today’s section, the final 27
chapters of Isaiah, like the 27 books
of the NT, proclaim a message of
comfort and hope. The Messiah
is coming to be the Saviour of
sinful people. Therefore, comfort
ye my people, saith your God (40:1)

Lord, U are Tender to Your People:
He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his
heart; he gently leads those
that have young (Isa 40:11).
The Everlasting God, the Lord,
the creator of the ends of the
earth neither faints nor is weary…
He gives power to the weak,
and to those who have no might
He Increases Strength…
But those Who Wait on the Lord
Shall Renew their strength:
They shall mount up with wings
like eagles, they shall run and
not be weary, they shall walk
and not faint (v28-31). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 27)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 26)

God Strengthens & Directs You

Backgrounder on Isaiah 28-30:
Isaiah’s prophecies begin to focus
on the approach of the Assyrians.
Ephraim (northern kingdom) reels
like a drunkard, oblivious to the
danger & falsely confident in Egypt
to deliver her in time of trouble.
Ariel (Jerusalem, symbol of the
southern kingdom) stands next
in line for judgment if her citizens
follow Ephraim’s sorry example by
relying upon Egypt for protection.

Lord, You Strengthen & Direct Us:
This is what the Sovereign Lord
says: In repentance & rest is your
salvation, in quietness and Trust
is your Strength (Isa 30:15).
The Lord longs to be gracious to
you; therefore He will rise up to
show you compassion. Blessed
are all Who Wait for Him (v18).
Whether you turn to the right
or to the left, your ears will
hear a voice behind you saying:
This is the Way, Walk in it (v21).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 26)”

Praying thro Nehemiah (Mar 25)

God Renews Faith of His People
(Prayer Walk thro Neh 1-13)

Backgrounder: A rebuilt temple
stands in Jerusalem, but only
crumbled walls surround the Holy
City.There’s much work to be done.
For the task of rebuilding the city
walls, God raises up Nehemiah
to lead the third & last expedition
of Jewish returnees from Persia.
In spite of stiff opposition to the
reconstruction efforts, Nehemiah
and his band of bricklayers
complete the job in only 52 days.
Nehemiah’ zeal extends not only
to reconstructing the city, but also
to reforming its citizentry – a task
which demands inspired leadership

Dear Lord, thank you for the last
OT historical book, which records
the third return to Jerusalem
after captivity, how the walls
were rebuilt and the people were
renewed in their faith. Thank You
that we’re Stirred by Your Spirit;
that Your Joy is Our Strength &
that You are Gracious & Merciful.
Help us to Watch & Pray. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Nehemiah (Mar 25)”

Praying thro Ezra (Mar 24)

God Is Faithful to His Promise
(Prayer Walk thro Ezra 1-10)

Backgrounder: After 70 years
of exile, God Fulfils His Promise
to return His people to their
homeland. Under His direction,
King Cyrus of Persia now rules
Babylonia, and the Jews are free
to go home. The first group of
returnees rebuild the temple in
Jerusalem (E1-6). 58 years later,
Ezra leads a second group back to
Jerusalem to rebuild the spiritual
character of the people (E7-10).

Dear Lord, thank You for the book
of Ezra, showing God’s faithfulness
and the way You kept Your promise
to restore Your people to their land.
Help us not get discouraged and
quit; but instead to continue on boldly in the face of life challenges.
Help us to Use Gifts for Kingdom; Help us Not Fear but Focus on U;
Help us Submit wholly to U. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Ezra (Mar 24)”