Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 19)

God Helps His People

Backgrounder on Psalms 107-110:
There is plenty to sing about
in these selection of psalms.
First comes the song of the
Redeemed (P107), then a song
dedicated to the God of might
and glory (P108) and a song
of lament over the slanderous
attacks of an enemy (Ps 109).
But how can you sing when the
godless are seemingly getting
away with murder? Remember
with the psalmist David that
the Lord is king (Psalm 110).

Lord, You Help Your People:
Some wandered in the desert,
lost & homeless. Hungry & thirsty,
they nearly died. Lord, Help!
they Cried in their trouble and He
Rescued them from their distress…
Let them Praise the Lord for his
great love & for all his wonderful
deeds to them. For He satisfies
the longing soul, & fills the hungry
soul with goodness (Ps 107:4-9).
Whoever is wise will Observe these
things and they will understand
the faithful love of the Lord (v43).
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