Praying thro Nahum (Feb 18)

No More Time to Delay
(Prayer Walk thro Nahum 1-3)

Backgrounder: To whom much
is given, much is also required.
Nineveh had been given the
privilege of knowing the one true
God. Under Jonah’s preaching
this great Gentile city had repented
and God had graciously stayed
His judgment. But now about
150 years later, Nahum proclaims
the downfall of once mighty
Nineveh. The Assyrians had
forgotten their revival and had
returned to their habits of violence,
idolatry and arrogance. As a result,
Babylon would so destroy the city
that no trace of it would remain,
a prophecy fulfilled in painful detail.

Dear Lord,from Nahum’s prophecy,
we learn anyone who remains
arrogant & rejects God’s authority
will face His anger. Yet those who
keep trusting God will be kept safe.
Knowing that U God are not only
Holy & Jealous, but also Good,
help us to relate to You Reverently
with Trust and Gratitude. Amen.

Lord, You are Holy & Jealous God:
The Lord, is a jealous God, filled
with vengeance and wrath. He
takes revenge on all who oppose
him and furiously destroys his
enemies! The Lord is slow to
get angry, but his power is great,
and he never lets the guilt go
unpunished (Nahum 1:2-3).
Lord, help me remember that You
are a jealous and avenging God.
You take vengeance on Your foes
& maintain wrath agst Yr enemies.
Thank God that I’m not Yr enemy
because of what Christ has done.
Remind me that whilst You are
slow to anger and great in power;
(yet) You will not leave the guilty
unpunished. So Holy Spirit, lead me
to readily hear your voice so that
I’ll confess & repent of sins. Amen

Lord, You are wholly Good:
The Lord is good, a refuge
in times of trouble. He cares
for those who trust in Him.
But with an overwhelming flood
He will make an end of Nineveh…
Whatever they plot against the Lord
He will bring to an end; trouble will
not come a second time (N1:7-9).

It has been said that one of
the greatest struggles in life
is believing that God is good.
In the garden of Eden, Adam & Eve
doubted the goodness of God –
apparently thinking that He was
withholding something wonderful
fr them. As a result they sampled
the forbidden fruit and plunged
the human race into sin.

We wrestle with the same doubt.
Why else would we refuse to do
what a good God tells us to do,
or do the very things he forbids?
When trouble comes, do we
run to God for refuge, or do we
run away from him and try to
solve our problems on our own.
The truth we can take to heart
is the reality that God is good.
So are his plans and purposes
for us, whom He deeply loves.

Lord, Thank You that You are my
refuge and my strength in hard
times and an ever present helper in
times of trouble. Help me cling to U
& remind me U are absolutely good.
Teach me to trust U wholeheartedly
and lead me to run to You when
I am in trouble. Keep me from an
attitude of independence & mistake
of seeking help outside of U. Amen