Praying thro 2 Kings (Feb 17)

Lessons from Surviving Kingdom
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Kings 18-25)

Backgrounder: The Northern
kingdom was destroyed, and
prophets were predicting the same
fate for Judah. What more could
cause the nation to repent?
Hezekiah & Josiah were able
to stem the tide of evil. They both
repaired the Temple and gathered
the people for the Passover.
Josiah eradicated idolatry from
the land, but as soon as these
good kings were gone, the people
returned again living their own way
instead of God’s way.

Dear Lord, thanks for the history
of the Surviving Kingdom that
reminds us that each individual
must believe and live for God.
And thanks for the record of
King Hezekiah that reminds us
of the importance of prayer.
Help us to Humble before You,
and Come to You in Prayer.
Lord, Remember and Heal us,
for You Recognise our cries. Amen

Lord, we will Humble before You:
When King Hezekiah heard their
report, he tore his clothes and
put on sackcloth and went into
the Temple of the Lord to pray.
And he sent Eliakim the palace
administrator; Shebna the court
secretary and the leading priests,
all dressed in sackcloth, to the
prophet Isaiah. They told him:
This is what King Hezekiah says:
This is a day of trouble…Pray for
those of us who are left (IK19:1-4)
Lord, help me to remember to run
to You when I need help. Help me
to swallow my pride & asks others
to pray for me when circumstances
seem overwhelming, or even before
things get to that point. And thank
you God for the peace that You
give when we run to you. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Come to You in Prayer:
After Hezekiah received the letter
and read it, he went up to the
Lord’s Temple and spread it out
before the Lord. And Hezekiah
prayed this prayer before the Lord:
O Lord, You alone are God of all
the kingdoms of the earth. You
alone created the heavens and
the earth. Listen to Sennacherib’s
words of defiance against the
living God… Now O Lord our God,
rescue us from his power, then
all the kingdoms of the earth
will know that You alone, O Lord
are God (2 Kings 19:14-19).
Lord, Help us Confront problems
by means of prayer as first resort.
Help us to simply spread out our
problems before You, laying the
facts on the table and Trust You.
Help us see matter in perspective
and help us hope expectantly
for we have Almighty God on our
side and that He loves us. Amen.

Lord, Remember & Heal us:
In those days Hezekiah was sick
and near death. And Isaiah went
to him and said: Thus says the
Lord: Set your house in order,
for you shall die and not live.
Then Hezekiah turned his face to
the wall and prayed to the Lord:
Remember O Lord how I’ve walked
faithfully and with wholehearted
devotion and have done what is
good in your eyes. And Hezekiah
wept bitterly (2 Kings 20:1-3).
Lord, You are my Healer. In times
of illness, I pray U will remember
me and heal me from anything
that will diminish or end my life.
Help me to be able to serve You
longer and ever more effectively
and not succumb to the plans of
the enemy. Remember me with
Your health & wholeness. Amen.

Lord, You Recognise our cries:
But before Isaiah had left the
middle courtyard, this message
came to him from the Lord:
Go back to Hezekiah, the leader
of my people. Tell him: This is
what the Lord, the God of your
ancestor David says: I have heard
your prayer and seen your tears.
I will heal you (2 Kings 20:4-5).
Lord, sometimes I just can’t get
the words to say what my heart
feels. Thank you for reminding me
that U hear me even when I can’t
speak. Thank U for seeing beyond
my words for understanding
how I feel even better than I do.
Most of all, God thank you for
caring enough to respond
when you know I’m hurting.

For every time I pray
I move the hand of God
My prayer does the things
My hands cannot do
For every time I pray
The mountains are removed
The paths are made straight
And nations turn to you. Amen.