Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 15)

God Who Blesses His People

Backgrounder on Psalms 98-103:
In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to Count Your Blessings. And
Psalms 98-102 provide plenty of
ideas to help you do just that by
focusing on the many things for
which you should be thankful:
your salvation (P98), answered
prayer (P99), God’s mercy and
truth (P100), God’s justice and
holiness (P101) and God’s Care
when you are downcast (P102).

Lord, You Bless Your People:
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
forget not all his benefits – who
forgives all your sins and heals
all your diseases… who satisfies
your desires with Good things
so that your youth is renewed like
the eagles (Ps 103:2-5). The Lord
is merciful & gracious,slow to
anger and abounding in mercy (v8)
The Lord is like a father to his
children, tender & Compassionate
to those who fear Him. For He knows how weak we are (v13-14).
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