Praying thro Lamentations (Feb 10)

Lessons from Weeping Prophet
(Prayer Walk thro Lam 1-5)

Backgrounder: In Lamentations
the prophet Jeremiah turns to
poetry to express his deepest
emotions over the tragic fall of
Jerusalem. The book consists
of five poems. The prophet begins
by weeping over Jerusalem in the
midst of her destruction. But thro
his tears, Jeremiah turns his heart
to view the sovereign God behind
it all. As he considers God’s Control
of human affairs, Jeremiah is able
to shout victoriously: Great is thy
faithfulness (3:23) as he intercedes
for the restoration of the nation
after its punishment is complete.

Dear Lord, we learn in Lamentation
that to disobey You is to invite
disaster. But U are always Faithful
to Your people, ever merciful and
restoration is upmost in your plan.
Help us to Find Hope in sorrow
and See Your Timing Is Perfect for
U are Unchanging & Faithful. Amen
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Preview on Lamentations (Feb 10)

We have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: History Up to King David
from Joshua to 1 Chron + Psalms
as well as Reign of King Solomon
in 2nd Chron & Wisdom Poetry.

In OT Phase 3, we see decline of the two nations & Israel dispersed.
OT3A: 1 Kings, Obadiah & Joel
OT3B: 2K1-17: Israel Dispersion
as well as Jonah, Amos, Hosea,
Micah and Isaiah & Jeremiah.

Continuing, God’s warning had
come thro Prophet Jeremiah, but
the people of Judah refused to
listen. In 586BC as the Babylonian
army attacked, judgment was
poured out on the city and the
people were carried into exile.
Jerusalem lay ruined and empty.

For days Jeremiah lamented over
the city and its future. As he cries
out in the darkness of destruction,
Jeremiah is given a spark of hope.
God promises forgiveness & grace.
The period of judgment is limited
and in His mercy God will Restore
the city and Return the captives.

We’ll cover book of Lamentations
in one session. Lookout for it!