Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 9)

God Offers His Faithfulness

Backgrounder on Psalms 84-89:
These psalms are petitions to God:
satisfy us again (P84), revive us
again (P85), hear us again (P86);
gather us again (P87); encourage
us again (P88) and Make Us Sing
Again (P89). And each psalm ends
with a benediction of confidence
that God will do that in response
to the prayers of His people.

Lord, we Praise Your Faithfulness:
Your Unfailing Love will last forever.
Your Faithfulness is as enduring
as the heavens… All heaven will
praise your great wonders Lord;
myriads of angels will praise you
for Your Faithfulness. For who
in all the heaven can compare
with the Lord? (Psa 89:2, 5-6).
Happy are those who hear the Call
to Worship. They Rejoice all day
in Yr wonderful reputation (v15-16)

Lord, Your Word assures us that
You God is eternal, that You are
Unfailingly Loving and Faithful
and that You can never change.
And the testimonies of many
Christians and personal healing
attest to Your Might & Faithfulness.
Lord, we also praise you for your
wondrous miracles for you have
created all things in the heaven &
on earth. U are worthy to receive
glory, honor and praise. Amen.

Lord, what a privilege it is to
Worship You. Purify my heart
and my thoughts so that I can
learn to Worship You continually.
Help me walk in your presence
and know you more intimately.
Help me to perform all my duties
today in joyful obedience to you.
Help me to continually Sing to You
in authentic Worship. For What A Good & Faithful God Have I. Amen

Lord, I come b4 Yr throne of grace;
I find rest in Your presence
And fulness of joy.
In worship and wonder
I behold Your face,
Singing what a faithful God have I.
What a faithful God have I,
What a faithful God.
What a faithful God have I,
Faithful in every way. Amen.

Lord of mercy, U hv heard my cry;
Thro the storm You’re the beacon,
My song in the night.
In the shelter of Your wings,
Hear my heart’s reply,
Singing what a faithful God have I.
Lord all sovereign,
granting peace from heaven,
Let me comfort those who suffer
With the comfort You have given.
I will tell of Your great love
for as long as I live,
Singing what a faithful God have I.
Amen and amen.