Praying thro Jeremiah (Feb 4)

Judgment on Gentile Nations
(Prayer Walk thro Jer 46-52)

Backgrounder: Jeremiah closes
his book with a mighty sweep of
prophetic judgment, moving from
west to east, namely Egypt,
Philistia, Moab, Ammon & Edom
(J46-49). Babylon, the greatest
enemy of Judah will suffer the
same fate as the rest of Judah’s
ungodly neighbours (J50-51).
But Jeremiah concludes his
prophecy with a note of hope (J52)
Though Jerusalem has fallen
as predicted, her king Jehoiachim
is shown unexpected kindness in
Babylon. In the restoration of this
covenant breaking king, Jeremiah
pictures the future restoration
of covenant-breaking Judah
by her covenant keeping God.

Dear Lord, in Your Judgment on the
Gentle nations in Jeremiah 46-52,
we see your redemptive purpose.
Help us Yield our life to Yr Shaping;
Help us to Humble before You; &
Help us return & Seek You. Amen.

Lord,we Yield our life to Yr Shaping:
Moab has been at rest from
youth like wine left on its dregs,
not poured from one jar to another.
So she tastes as she did,
and her aroma is unchanged.
Therefore behold the days are
coming, says the Lord, that I shall
send him wine workers who will
tip him over and empty his vessels
and break the bottles (Jer 48:11-12)
Lord, You are the winemaker –
fermenting my life until it is a
perfect vintage with beautiful
aroma. I trust you and thank you
for all the stages of my journey,
including the not so comfortable.
With You, nothing is wasted or
erratic but is part of a needful
process. I yield myself to U. Amen

Lord, we will Humble before You:
This is what the Lord says:
I will cut you down to size among
the nations, Edom. You will be
despised by all. You are proud
that you inspire fear in others.
And you are proud because you
live in a rock fortress and hide
high in the mountains. But don’t
fool yourselves! Though you live
among the peaks with the eagles,
I will bring you crashing down,
says the Lord (Jer 49:15-16).
Lord, we noted that Edom was
destroyed because of her pride.
You hate Pride for it can make
us think we can take care of
ourselves without Your help.
So we ask You God to point out
and remove any pride we may
be habouring in our life. Amen.

Lord, we will return & Seek You:
The people of Israel will Return
home together with the people
of Judah. They will come weeping
and Seeking the Lord their God.
They will ask the way to Jerusalem
and will start back home again.
They will Bind themselves to the
Lord with an eternal covenant that
will Never Be Forgotten (J50:4-5)
Lord, my season of struggle is
made bearable by your presence.
I know there is an end and I will
hope in it before I experience it.
And Lord, thank you for the gift
of freedom you bought for me
on the cross. Thank you that in
Christ I no longer walk as a slave.
Guard my steps and my thoughts
from places that will snare me.
And use me and enable me to help
others walk in your freedom.Amen

Dear Lord, You are good and we
see your redemptive purpose in
Your Judgment on Gentle nations.
Help us Yield our life to Yr Shaping
for it is part of a needful process.
Help us to Humble before You;
point out and remove any pride
we may be habouring in our life.
Help us return to You when
we fall and Seek You each day.
Thank you for the gift of freedom
you bought for me on the cross.
Thank you for your lovingkindness
& What a Faithful God Have I. Amen