Praying thro Jeremiah (Feb 4)

Judgment on Gentile Nations
(Prayer Walk thro Jer 46-52)

Backgrounder: Jeremiah closes
his book with a mighty sweep of
prophetic judgment, moving from
west to east, namely Egypt,
Philistia, Moab, Ammon & Edom
(J46-49). Babylon, the greatest
enemy of Judah will suffer the
same fate as the rest of Judah’s
ungodly neighbours (J50-51).
But Jeremiah concludes his
prophecy with a note of hope (J52)
Though Jerusalem has fallen
as predicted, her king Jehoiachim
is shown unexpected kindness in
Babylon. In the restoration of this
covenant breaking king, Jeremiah
pictures the future restoration
of covenant-breaking Judah
by her covenant keeping God.

Dear Lord, in Your Judgment on the
Gentle nations in Jeremiah 46-52,
we see your redemptive purpose.
Help us Yield our life to Yr Shaping;
Help us to Humble before You; &
Help us return & Seek You. Amen.
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