Praying thro Jeremiah (Feb 3)

Downfall of Jerusalem
(Prayer Walk thro Jer 34-45)

Backgrounder: These chapters
deal primarily with Jeremiah’s
personal trials as he stands true
to his prophetic mission. Pleading
with his countrymen to go into
exile voluntarily, Jeremiah watches
as they resist Jerusalem’s collapse
and captivity to the end. Though
God’s people have marched into
exile, God’s Word continues to
come through the mouth of His
prophet on Judah’s discipline at
the hands of Jehovah for knowing
what to do but refusing to do it.

Dear Lord, we clearly see Your holiness thro ministry of Jeremiah.
Help us Learn to Listen to You
and Help us Heed Your Direction.
Thank U for Getting Us Thro for
You are also a merciful God. Amen

Lord, we will Learn to Listen to U:
The Lord Almighty, the God of
Israel says: Go and say to the
people in Judah and Jerusalem:
Come and learn a lesson about
how to obey me. The Recabites
do not drink wine because their
ancestor Jehonadab told them
not to. But I have spoken to you
again and again, and you refuse
to listen or obey. I have sent you
prophet after prophet to tell you
to turn from your wicked ways
and to stop worshipping other
gods, so that you might live in
peace here in the land I gave to
you and your ancestors. But you
would not listen to me or obey.
Therefore the Lord God Almighty,
the God of Israel says: Because
you refuse to listen or answer
when I call, I will send upon Judah
and Jerusalem all the disasters
I have threatened (Jer 35:12-17).

Help me to be a good listener to
Your voice speaking to my heart.
I don’t want to drown it out with
the noise & the busyness of life.
Help me to take every thought
captive in obedience to Your Word.
Keep me from entertaining any
unrighteousness in my thought life.
Enable me to be diligent in not
allowing anything into my mind
that does not glorify You. Amen.

Lord, we will Heed Your Direction:
Zedekiah son of Josiah succeeded
Jehoiachin as the king of Judah.
He was appointed by King Nebu-
chadnezzar of Babylon. But neither
King Zedekiah nor his officials
nor the people who were left in
the land listened to what the Lord
said through Jeremiah (Jer 37:1-2)
I ask for clear direction in my life.
Help me to hear and understand
what it is. I don’t want to miss
Your instructions to my heart
because I wouldn’t listen.
Help me to act immediately on
the guidance You give me and
not ignore it. Show me what to
do and enable me to do it. Amen.

Lord, You will Get Us Through:
The word that prophet Jeremiah
spoke to Baruch in the fourth year
of Jehoiakim king of Judah saying:
Should you then seek great things
for yourself? Seek them not.
For I will bring disaster in all
people, declares the Lord, but
wherever you go I will let you
escape with your life (Jer 45:1-5).
Lord, I pray you will be with me
in the most difficult and trying
areas of my life, helping me in
ways I may not even comprehend.
Your Word says even though
there may be troubles ahead
when I walk with You, You won’t
let me fall. When I go through
difficult situations, help me not
to complain. For I know You will
Make A Way through for me. Amen