Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 1)

God Cares for the Defenceless

Backgrounder on Psalms 67-72:
David and Solomon show you
how praiseworthy is the great
God of Israel. God is worthy of
praise for His judgements (P67),
His compassion & provision (P68)
His attentiveness to the cry of
His children, His strength on behalf
of the weak (P71) & His sovereignty
over the nations (P72).

Lord, You Care & Bear Burdens:
Let the godly rejoice. Let them
be glad in God’s presence.
Let them be filled with joy…
A father to the fatherless,
a defender of widows, is God
in his holy dwelling. God sets
the lonely in families, he leads
out the prisoners with singing…
Praise be to the Lord, to God
our Savior, who daily Bears
our burdens (Ps 68:3-6 & v19).
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