Praying thro Hosea (Dec 23)

God’s Love for His Sinful People
(Prayer Walk thro Hosea 1-14)

Backgrounder: Hosea prophesies
to an idolatrous Israel from his
own experience. Instructed by God
to marry the harlot Gomer, Hosea
finds mirrored in his domestic life
the unfaithfulness of God’s people.
Hosea carries God’s message:
The wickedness of Israel will bring
calamity. But though God’s love
must discipline, it will also restore.

Dear Lord, thank you for your
Lovingkindness: that though
Your love compels U to discipline
You will also restore your children.
Lord, we will Respond to Your Love,
We will Know You More &
We will Return to You. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Love:
But then I will win her back once
again. I will lead her out & speak
tenderly to her… In that day, says
the Lord, you will call me “my
husband” instead of “my master”.
I will make you my wife forever,
showing you unfailing love and
compassion. I will be faithful to
you and make you mine & you will
finally know me as Lord (H2:14-23)
Lord, Thank you for loving me so
relentlessly & wanting intimacy.
In response, even when I feel
unworthy, (after falling into sinful
ways) I want You. Knowing that
my insecurity in our relationship
is unfounded, I choose to be
with You, and gladly accept the
the gift of Your open arms. Amen.

Lord, we’ll get to Know You More:
Hear the word of the Lord,
O people of Israel! The Lord had
filed a lawsuit against you saying:
There is no faithfulness, no
kindness, no knowledge of God
in the land. You curse and lie
and kill and steal… Don’t point
your finger at someone else and
try to pass the blame… My people
are being destroyed because
they don’t know me (Hos 4:1-6).
Lord, we pray that we will be
faithful, kind and knowledgeable
of You. Help me to cherish those
things that are of lasting value
and to find significance thro You.
Help us recognise what is of value
& what is not. Open our eyes so
that we will change our ways. Amen

Lord, we will Return to You:
Return O Israel to the Lord yr God
for your sins brought your down.
Bring your petitions and return
to the Lord. Say to him: Forgive
all our sins and graciously
receive us, so that we may offer
You the sacrifice of praise…
Never again will we call the idols
we have made our gods (H14:1-3)
Lord, we recognise how sinful
and I needy we are. I cannot save
myself but You have saved me.
That’s why I humble myself
before U in confession of my sins.
And I praise You for all You have
done to extend your love, mercy
and forgiveness to me. I am truly
grateful and love you deeply. Amen

Dear Lord, thank you for your
Lovingkindness: that though
Your love compels U to discipline
You will also restore your children.
Help us to Respond to Your
relentless Love and seeking to
have close relationship with us.
Convict us of our sinful ways
so that we will Humbly confess
our sins and Return to You with
relationship fully restored; for
that’s what Your heart desires.
Grant us grace to Know U More,
to be faithful to You, to be kind
to others and to cherish those
things that are of lasting value.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.