Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 22)

A God Who Rescues

Backgrounder on 2 Kings 13-17:
Time is running out for the nation
of Israel. Though God’s patience
with His wayward people is
enormous, his hand of judgment
is poised and will not be stayed
much longer. Following the
death of Elisha, the nation’s
downward spiral accelerates.

Lord, You are a God who Rescues:
Jehoahaz prayed for the Lord’s
help & the Lord heard his prayer.
The Lord could see how terribly
the king of Aram was oppressing
Israel. So the Lord raised up a
deliverer to rescue the Israelites
from the tyranny of the Arameans.
Then Israel lived in safety again
as they had in former days
(2 Kings 24:4-5).
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