Praying thro Amos (Dec 17)

Guard Against Complacency
(Prayer Walk thro Amos 1-9)

Backgrounder: Externally the
northern kingdom was marked
by flourishing business. But
internally the nation’s condition
was grim. Idolatry, injustice, greed,
hypocrisy & arrogance indicated
deep-seated sin. Amos makes
God’s message crystal clear
to those who had grown lax in
luxurious living: Repent or Perish.
The storm clouds of judgment are
soon to break over God’s people.

Dear Lord, Your are holy and you
require truth, goodness, justice
& righteousness from yr people.
Help us to be open to Your Word:;
Help us Live in the Truth and
Help us Care for Others. Amen.

Lord, we’ll be open to Your Word:
Hear this word that the Lord has
spoken against you, O children
of Israel, which I brought up
from the land of Egypt, saying:
You only have I known of all the
families of the earth; therefore
I’ll punish u for all your iniquities.
Can two walk together, unless
they have agreed to do so?…
If a trumpet is blown in a city,
will not the Lord have done it?
Surely the Lord does nothing
unless He reveals His secret
to His servants the prophets…
The Lord God has spoken! Who
can but prophesy? (Amos 3:1-8)
Lord, I pray I would always have
good godly friends and that
we would encourage and inspire
each other to walk closer to You.
Grant me friends who will tell me
the truth in love, give me sound
counsel and be a help in times of
trouble. Enable me to be that kind
of friend too to someone. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Live in the Truth:
Come back to the Lord and live!
If you don’t, He will roar through
Israel like a fire, devouring you
completely… it is the Lord who
created the stars… It is He who
turns darkness into morning and
day into night. It is He who draws
up water from the oceans and
pours it down as rain in the land.
With blinding speed and power
He destroys the strong, crushing
all their defenses (Amos 5:6-9).
Lord Almighty, praise you for
creating and ruling over heaven
and earth. Nothing can withstand
Your power. Thank you for Your
Word which reminds me of Who
U are & calls me back to devotion.
Cause my heart to bow to the
truth in scripture. Keep me from
the defilement of evil & guide
me along the path of life. Amen.

Lord, we will Care for Others:
How terrible it will be for you who
lounge in luxury and think you are
secure… You push away every
thought of coming disaster but
your actions only bring the day
of judgment closer… You eat the
meat of tender lambs & choice
calves and drink wine by the
bowlful … caring nothing at all
that your nation is going to ruin.
So you will be the first to be led
away as captives. Suddenly all
the revelry will end (Amos 6:1-7).
Lord, we learnt that great wealth
and comfortable life-styles may
make people think they are secure.
But You God are not pleased if
we isolate ourselves from others’
needs. You God want us to care
for others as You care for us.
And that Your kingdom has no
place for selfishness & indifference.
Help us learn to consider the
needs of others besides our own.
And help us use our wealth to
help others to guard against
pride and complacency. Amen.

Dear Lord, Your are holy and you
require truth, goodness, justice
& righteousness from yr people.
Help us to be open to Your Word,
godly counsel & prophetic Word.
Help us Live in the Truth and be
kept from defilement of evil & sin.
Help us guard against selfishness,
indifference and complacency
but instead to Care for Others.
Help us be light of the world & try
a little kindness to people we meet.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.