Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 1)

Solomon’s Temple Dedicated
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Chron 6-9)

Backgrounder: Solomon leads
the nation in dedicating the newly
completed temple to the glory
and worship of the God of Israel.
After Solomon finished praising
God for unfailing promises,
the glory of God fills the temple.
But there is cause for concern.
By night, God appears to Solomon
to warn him that if the nation fails
to remain true to God, He will
uproot the people from their
homeland & destroy the temple.

Dear Lord, we recognise that
though we are the temple of
the Holy Spirit, we are fresh and
blood with still the fallen nature.
Lord, help us to remain True to U:
prompt us seek Yr Forgiveness;
challenge us Pray for our nation
& empower us to be Your Witness.
For we can truly do nothing,
apart from you. Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Forgiveness:
When they sin against You… yet
when they come to themselves…
and repent & make supplication
to you saying: We have sinned,
we have done wrong… and when
they return to You with all their
heart and pray, then hear their
prayers, uphold their cause and
forgive Your people who have
sinned against You. Now my God,
may your eyes be open and
your ears attentive to the prayers
offered in this place (2C6:36-40)
Lord, thank you that there’s no
problem so great that we can’t
turn to You for help. Help me
to be a holy place for Your Spirit
to dwell. Forgive me of all sin
and cleanse my heart of all
unrighteousness. Nothing is
more comforting than to know
You are with me, no matter what
is happening in my life. Amen.

Lord, we Pray for our nation:
Thus Solomon finished the house
of the Lord… Then the Lord
appeared to Solomon by night
and said: I have heard your prayer
and have chosen this place for
Myself as a house of sacrifice.
If my people, who are called by
my name, will humble themselves
and pray and seek my face and
turn from their wicked ways,
then will I hear from heaven
and will forgive their sin and will
heal their land (2 Chron 7:11-14).
Lord, we come humbly before U
& confess the sins of our nation.
As a people, we pray we would
turn from our wicked ways
and seek your face so that
You will hear our prayers,
forgive our sins and heal our land.
We need Your hand of blessing
and protection upon our country.
Pour out Your Spirit on us and
work Your righteousness in
the hearts of the people. Amen.

Lord, help us be Your Witnesses:
Now when the Queen of Sheba
heard of the fame of Solomon,
she came to Jerusalem to test
Solomon with hard questions…
So Solomon answered all her
questions; there was nothing
so difficult for Solomon that
he could not explain to her…
Queen Sheba exclaimed to the
king: Everything I heard about
your achievements and wisdom
is true! How happy these people
must be! What a privilege for
your officials listening to your
wisdom. The Lord your God is
great indeed! He delights in you
and has placed you on the throne
to rule for Him (2 Chron 9:1-8).
Lord, help us be worthy witness,
so that others see You at work.
Show us who You want us to
share Christ and shine your light.
Pray that they be open and let
our response reflect God. Amen.

Dear Lord, we learn from first
quarter of 2nd Chronicles that
U want your people to worship U.
Help us to remain true to You
O Lord, for we are but fresh and
blood, with still the fallen nature.

Lord, Prompt us to regularly
seek Your presence and ask for
your Forgivenesses for our sins.
And thank you Lord that there’s
no problem so great that we can’t
turn to You for help no matter
what is happening in our life.
Lord, as your people in SG,
we come humbly before You
confessing the sins of our nation.
We purpose to turn from our
wicked ways and seek your face
so that You will hear our prayers,
forgive our sins and heal our land.
Lord, help us be worthy Witness
so that others see You at work.
Pray that they be open and
let our response reflect God.
And empower us to be Your
Witnesses for apart from you,
we can do absolutely nothing.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.