Imploring God thro His Promises: Significance Reinstated (Dec 11)

Imploring God thro His Promises:
Significance Reinstated (Dec 11)

Dear Friends,
We have done 4 weeks into our
4th series of topical devotion on
Imploring God thro His Promises
following three earlier series on
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving,
Knowing God thro His Names
and Praising God thro Hymns.
Before we continue in the series,
let’s reconsider the significance
of Imploring God on His Promises.

We know the importance of prayer;
and there are so much to pray
about: dreams, hopes & plans.
But often we are held up by our
own doubts: Does God really
care about this request of ours?
How valuable then it is to pray
back to God the very promises
found in His Word. When we
speak God’s very words back
to Him, we no longer wonder
if this is something God cares
about, for He brought it up
in the very first place.

As we pray God’s promises,
we must always remember that
the starting point is the nature
of God. In fact the very essence
of God’s character is in itself a
promise: The Lord is trustworthy
in all he promises and faithful
in all he does (Psa 145:13).
Each time when God reveals
something of His nature, He is
promising us that He will be true
to that nature in any circumstance.
And His promises are eternally
rock solid for His very nature and
character stand behind them.

However, we should take note
that praying God’s Promises is
not some kind of magic formula.
Although scripture tells us
fervent prayers are effective,
we must always trust God to
work it In His Way & In His Time.
We must be patient, wait upon
the Lord and keep trusting that
His promises will come true!

For your convenience of referring
to God’s Promises that may meet
your current need, we list the
Promises covered over the last
one month by scripture sequence:

D8: God Loves Impossible (Jdgs 7)
D7: Mighty One Is For Us (J22)
D6: Obedience Brings Victory (J6)
D5: God’s Deeds Build Faith (J4)
D4: Presence Gives Courage (Jos1)

Dec1: The Lord My Shield (D33)
N30: God Goes Before You (D31)
N29: God Source of Wealth (D8)
N28: The Faithful God (D7)
N27: God Who Rules (Deut 3)

N24: Lord Who Sanctifies (E31)
N23: Lord Help U Press On (E16)
N22: Lord Who Protects (E17)
N21: God Who Heals (E15)
N20: God Meet Needs (Exo 3)

N17: God’s Sovereign Control (G50)
N16: God Able Do Anything (G18)
N15: Following God’s Calling (G12)
N14: Walking With God (Gen 5)
Nov13: God’s Nature & Character

You’re invited to post your prayer
at PT Users’ Prayer Depository
using the following navigation:
=> Click
=> Click navigation Menu
=> Mission drop down menu
=> 3rd sub menu (Users Prayers)

You can also post your prayer
request so that the PrayerThots
community will intercede with you
and implore God thro His Promises!
Or even to testify of answered
prayers to give God the glory
as well as to encourage others.

And Lord,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on Your scriptural Promises:
that Your Spirit will minister
to their soul & comfort them;
that they will experience the
blessings of a praying life; and
that their faith will arise so that
they will trust U more and more.
In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.