Praying thro 2 Kings (Dec 9)

Ministry of Prophet Elisha: God’s
Mouthpiece & Miracle Worker
(Prayer thro 2 Kings 1-8)

Backgrounder: The downward
spiral begun in 1 Kings accelerates
as one bad king after another
accedes to the throne. Standing
in the path of this downward trend
are prophets who speak for God.
Elisha, the great miracle worker
of God, performs no fewer
than eight miracles: providing
an “oil well” for a destitute,
giving new life for a dead boy,
making poisoned stew harmless,
multiplying bread for hungry crowd,
curing a leprous army captain,
making an ax head defy gravity,
reading mind of an enemy king,
enabling servant to see angels of
God & closing eyes of the enemy.
In each case, God’s power at
work in the individual shows His
readiness to do the same in the
nation He has called His own.

Dear Lord, Elisha’s mighty miracles
showed that You God controls
events of everyday life. Help us
to listen, follow and obey You by
Thinking from Your Divine angle,
Adopting a Humble Attitude,
Looking from Eyes of Faith and
Sharing the Good News. Amen.
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Praying thro 2 Kings (Dec 9)

Dear Friends,
As the Bible is not chronological,
to have a better understanding of
the context of each Biblical book,
we have been covering the Bible
by time sequence, phase by phase.
It also deepens our insight on the
development of the mega themes.

We begin with the 5 books of Laws
(from Genesis to Deut) by Moses
to appreciate the Redemptive
Plan of God for mankind as well
as the poetry book of Job (which
occurs in the time of Genesis) to
understand the sovereignty of God.
Continue reading “Praying thro 2 Kings (Dec 9)”