Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 4)

God’s Presence Gives Courage

Backgrounder to Joshua 1-5:
Moses has died and Joshua is
appointed by God to take over
the reins of leadership. The people
are poised within view of the land
promised to their ancestors and
denied their unbelieving patents.
The time has come to cross over,
conquer and possess! But will
they succeed where their fathers
failed? The task seems impossible:
a turbulent river to ford and mighty
walled cities to conquer. So God
begins to prepare His people
for the days of warfare ahead.

Lord,Your Presence Gives Courage:
No man shall be able to stand
before you… as I was with Moses,
so I will be with you. I will not
leave you nor forsake you.

Be strong and of good courage,
for to this people you shall divide
as an inheritance the land which I
swore to their fathers to give them.
Only be strong & very courageous
that you may observe to do
according to the law which
Moses commanded you…that you
may prosper wherever you go…
Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed ,
for the Lord your God is with you
wherever you go (Joshua 1:5-9).

Lord, you tell us to be strong and
courageous – to not be afraid
or discouraged. With all that I’m
facing in my life situation, such
commands seem so impossible.
Yet you pledge your presence
with me everywhere I go. Thank
you God for this amazing promise.
Help me believe this pledge,
not just in my head, but within
my heart & deep within my soul.
Make this truth real to me
in my times of trouble.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.