Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 23)

Thy Word

Backgrounder: Amy Grant and
Michael Smith wrote this hymnal
song in 1984. Michael came up
with the melody & some words for
the chorus straight from David’s
Psalms about being a light into
my path. But as Michael had
no idea what the verses were
supposed to say, he gave it to
Amy & told her to finish the tune.
So that night she starts walking
back to her cabin,” Michael said.
Caribou Ranch is 8,000 acre and
it’s very dark, And she got lost.
There’s bears & that sort of thing.
“She finally saw a lamp & started
walking towards that light, didn’t
realize that that was her cabin,”
he continued. “And she walked
into that little cabin and sat down
with a notebook and pen and
wrote the verses to ‘Thy Word.'”

Lord, we’ll feed & Follow Yr Word:
Your word is a lamp for my feet,
a light on my path. I have taken
an oath and confirmed it, that
I will follow your righteous laws…
Preserve my life, according to
your word..Though I constantly
take my life in my hands, I will not
forget your law..Your statutes are
my heritage forever; they are the
joy of my heart. My heart is
set on keeping your decrees to
the very end (Psa 119:105-112).

Dear Lord, Your Word is perfect &
it makes us Wise. Thank you for giving us the Truth thro Yr Word.
Thanks for giving us the blueprint on what to follow and what
to believe in this fallen world.
Help us to delight in your Word,
to obey it and to commit to
walk in the light it provides.
Help us to continue reading,
absorbing & following Your Word
daily so that we be transformed
to be more like Christ.

Lord, we praise you that Your
Word lights the path at our feet
so that we don’t have to wander
in the wilderness. Thank you that
Yr Word acts as spiritual compass
to guide and direct our paths.
Help us to remember that we
can always count on Your Word
to guide, lead and keep us on
the right track. All Thanks to You
Lord for your wonderful Word.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path

When I feel afraid, think I’ve
lost my way
Still You’re there right beside me
Nothing will I fear as long as
you are near
Please be near me to the end.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path.

I will not forget your love for me
And yet my heart forever
is wandering
Jesus be my guide, hold me
to Your side
And I will love You to the end.