Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 14)

Judah’s Kings & Ahaz’s Corruption
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Chron 21-28)

Backgrounder: Raised by a godly
father and grandfather, Jehoram
marries the wicked daughter of
Ahab and Jezebel, embraces her
pagan deities & leads the nation
into idol worship once again…
In rapid succession, his son, wife
and grandson come to the throne
Then Joash and Amaziah both
become long-reigning Kings
with half-hearted commitments.
King Uzziah does mighty things
for Judah both militarily and
architecturally; but spiritually
his life resembles a roller coaster
and dies a leper’s death for his
half-hearted devotion to God.
By contrast, his grandson Ahaz
is wholehearted in his zeal for
false gods and pagan practices.
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