Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 8)

Jehoshaphat’s Reforms
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Chron 17-20)

Backgrounder: Jehoshaphat
knows the key to spiritual revival
in the nation is a renewed interest
in and commitment to the law of
the Lord. He institutes a nation-
wide “Bible study program”, an
effort which God richly blesses
with peace and prosperity.
In contrast to his predecessors,
Jehoshaphat manages to make
peace with the king of Israel. But
a friendly visit nearly costs him
his life as he becomes entangled
in a war between Israel and Syria.

Dear Lord, help us learn from the
experience of King Jehoshaphat
that Your Word is the key to
success and true spirituality.
Help us to Feed on Your Word,
Obey Your Direction & Commit
to Follow Your Precepts. Amen.

Lord, we will Feed on Your Word:
In the third year of his reign,
Jehoshaphat sent out his officials
to teach in all the towns of Judah.
They took copies of the Book of
the Law of the Lord and travelled
around through all the towns
of Judah, teaching the people.
Then the fear of the Lord fell over
all the surrounding kingdoms
so that none of them declared
war on Jehoshaphat. Some of
the Philistines brought him gifts
as tribute. So Jehoshaphat
became more and more
powerful (2 Chron 17:7-12).
Lord, we purpose to have regular
personal devotion and even
family devotion in certain cases,
as knowing God’s Word is the
first step to live as we should.
Grant us grace to be disciplined
in this spiritual imperative. Amen.

Lord, we will Obey Your Direction:
Ahab king of Israel said to
Jehoshaphat king of Judah:
Will you join me to attack Ramoth
Gilead? Jehoshaphat replied: let’s
first find out what the Lord says…
And the Lord said: Who will
persuade Ahab to go up that
he may fall at Ramoth Gilead?…
Now Ahab said to Jehoshaphat:
As we go into battle, I’ll disguise
myself, but you wear your royal
robes… When the captains saw
Jehoshaphat, they surrounded
him to attack; but Jehoshaphat
cried out and the Lord helped
him & diverted them from him…
An Aramean soldier however
randomly shot an arrow at the
Israelite troops & the arrow hit
the king of Israel between the
joints of his armour (2Chr18:3-33)
Lord, Help us not merely ask for
Your direction but also to Follow
it once it’s given & Strengthen our
faith that U will deliver us. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Follow Your Precepts:
Jehoshaphat was a good king,
following the ways of his father,
Asa. He did what was pleasing
in the Lord’s sight. During his
reign however he failed to remove
all the pagan shrines, and the
people never fully committed
themselves to following the God
of their ancestors (2C20:32-33).
Lord, let us not take neglect
spending time with You. We need
your guidance both in the easy
days and when facing difficulties.
Let us not take your love for
granted, but instead purpose to
Follow yr instructions & depend
on you. Grant us grace each day
as we trust in your control. Amen.

Dear Lord, we learn from King
Jehoshaphat that Commitment to
Yr Word leads to peace & success.
Grant us grace to be disciplined in
feeding Your Word thro regular QT.
Help us not only to ask for Your
direction but also to trust & obey.
And we Commit to Follow Your
Precepts for we don’t want
to take your love for granted,
and for Thy Word is a Lamp unto
our feet and a light unto our Path!
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.