Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 7)

Divided Kingdom & Asa’s Reforms
(Prayer Walk thro 2 Chron 10-16)

Backgrounder: After Solomon’s
death, his son Rohoboam
imposes a foolish tax increase,
prompting revolt of the northern
tribes, and we read little more
about them. The rest of 2 Chron
recounts alternating periods of
apostasy and reforms in Judah.

Dear Lord, we recognise that in life
there’s may be crucial decisions
to be made in challenging
circumstances. Help us learn
from Israel’s history to seek Your
Counsel, Cry out to You for help,
and Stay committed to U. Amen.

Lord, we will seek Your Counsel:
Then King Rehoboam went to
discuss with the older men who
had counselled His father Solomon:
What is your advise? He asked.
The older counsellors replied:
If you do good to the people
and show them kindness and
do your best to please them,
they will always be your loyal
subjects. But Rehoboam rejected
the advice of the elders and
instead asked the opinion of the
young men who had grown up
with him and who were now
his advisors (2 Chron 10:6-8).
Lord, help us learn fr the mistake
of King Rehoboam. We will ask U
God for wisdom to discern the
better option in decision making.
And also pay extra consideration
to the suggestion of those who
know the situation better. Amen.

Lord, we Cry out to You for help:
King Asa had an army of 300,000
warriors from tribe of Judah and
280,000 from tribe of Benjamin.
Once an Ethiopian named Zerah
attacked Judah with an army of
1 million men and 300 chariots…
Then Asa cried to the Lord his God
O Lord, no one but you can help
the powerless against the mighty!
Help us O Lord our God, for we
trust in you alone. It is in yr name
that we have come against this
vast horde. O Lord, you are our
God; don’t let this mere men
prevail against You! So the Lord
defeated the Ethiopians in the
presence of Asa…(2Chr 14:8-12).
Lord, we cry out to you who can
help when the odds are agst us.
Help us exercise faith daily, that
we might naturally look up to You
during peaceful & stormy times.
Thank U for peaceful times and
your strength during chaos.Amen

Lord, help us to Be Committed:
Then they entered into a covenant
to seek the Lord with all their
heart and soul. They agreed
that anyone who refused to seek
the Lord would be put to death…
Eagerly they sought after God
and they found him. And the
Lord gave them rest from
their enemies on every side…
Although he did not remove the
high places from Israel, Asa’s
heart was fully committed to the
Lord all his life (2Chron 15:12-17).
Lord, we learnt that decisive and
whole-hearted Commitment
pleases you and results in peace.
Help us to remember to pray to
You in the good times as we do
in challenging times. Enable us
to always keep our hearts open
to what Your high purpose. Amen

Lord, help us Stay fully committed:
Hanani the seer came to King Asa
and told him: Because you have
put your trust in the king of Aram
instead of the Lord your God,
u missed your chance to destroy
the army of the king of Aram.
Don’t u remember what happened
to the Ethiopians and Libyans
and their vast army, with all their
chariots and horsemen? At that
time You relied on the Lord and
He handed them call over to You.
The eyes of the Lord search the
whole earth in order to strengthen
those whose hearts are fully
committed to Him. What a fool
you have been! From now on,
u will be at war (2 Chron 16:7-9).
Lord, help up to remember your
past mighty deeds, grant us the
faith that you are in full control
of the circumstances and help us
Stay fully committed to U. Amen.

Dear Lord, recognising in life
there’s crucial decisions to be
made, Help us to Seek Your
Counsel to discern your way.
Lord, while we’ll Cry out to You
when the odds are against us,
Help us Exercise Faith daily, and
grant your strength during chaos.
Lord, Help us Stay Committed
to You and to Your high purpose,
remembering your mighty deeds
and knowing you’re in full control.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.