Praying thro Judges (May 13)

In Joshua, an obedient people
conquered the land through
trust in God’s power. By contrast,
in Judges a disobedient and
idolatrous people are often
defeated because of their
rebellion against God.

In seven cycles of sin, Judges
shows how the nation sets aside
God’s laws and replaces them
with “that which was right in
their own eyes” (21:25). Time
after time God disciplines the
nation with foreign oppression.
But national repentance leads
to national deliverance as God
raises up Deborah, Gideon,
Samson and others to
overthrow their oppressors.

We’ll cover Judges over 4 parts:-
J1-3: Military Failure of Israel
J3-8: Rescue by Judges
J9-16: Rescue by Judges
J17-21: Moral Failure of Israel