Adoring God In Genesis 1 (Jan 2)

This Is My Father’s World

Maltbie Babcock was a champion
swimmer and he kept himself
in shape by running. When he was
pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church in Lockport New York,
he would run out in early morning
to the brow of the hill two miles
away and look over Lake Ontario.
Before he left, he would tell his
church staff: I am going out to see
my Father’s world. Babcock loved
athletics and nature, as well as
playing music on the organ,
piano and violin. So it was not
strange that he would write a hymn
extolling God’s handiwork in nature.

Lord, thank You for Creating Us:
Then God said: Let the waters
under the heavens be gathered…
and let the dry land appear…
Then God said: Let the earth
bring forth grass… and fruit trees…
Then God said: Let the waters
abound with living creatures
and let birds fly… (Gen 1:9-20).
Then God said: Let Us Make man
in Our Image, according to Our
likeness; let them have dominion
over all the earth… So God
created man in His own image…
male and female… Then God
blessed them and said to them:
Be fruitful and multiply; fill the
earth and subdue it (Gen 1:26-28).
Then God saw everything
that He had made, and indeed
it was Very Good (Gen 1:31).

Lord, I thank You for creating me
and because I am wonderfully
made in Your image. Thank You
that everything about me: physical
features, the way I think and my
talents is handcrafted by You.
And thanks for the opportunity
to live in this wonderful world
which is also Your creation. Amen

Lord, I acknowledge that You are
the Giver and Sustainer of my life.
Help me to cultivate a life of
thanksgiving and be constantly
aware that You’re always with me,
caring, guiding, protecting me.
I will ever be thankful for the life &
goodness You’ve blessed me with.
And as each day the Lord makes,
I’ll rejoice and be glad in it. Amen.

This is my Father’s world,
And to my listening ears
All nature sings & round me rings
The music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world:
I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies & seas
His hand the wonders wrought…
This is my Father’s world,
The birds their carols raise;
In the rustling grass I hear Him pass,
He speaks to me everywhere.
This is my Father’s world:
O let me ne’re forget That though
the wrong seems oft so strong,
God Is the Ruler yet. Amen.

Launch of New Series (Jan 1)

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

Dear Brothers & Sisters In Christ,
It’s my conviction that the path
to intentional discipleship is to
grow towards spiritual maturity
by nurturing key disciple attitudes:
a) Seeking God especially when
we have challenges, thru prayers,
waiting upon Him & being watchful.
b) Trusting God. Humans due to
self centredness tends to unbelief.
And we ought to trust God for
His goodness, might and especially
His faithfulness, for as a covenantal
God given us numerous promises.
c) Adoring God. But mankind
following the Fall just did not
adore Him but seek own ways.
And Apostle Paul said in Romans
1:21 that they did not glorify Him
nor were thankful (and) became
futile in their thoughts and their
foolish hearts were darkened.

We have to learn to adore God;
especially through Thanking God
for what He has done for us
and Praising God for who He is.
And worship is an excellent way
to thank and praise God through
hymns and spiritual songs,
which not only engage the mind
and heart but also our emotion.

Beginning this week, we will be
meditating on a new series on
Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise.
Like the two previous series
(Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers
& Trusting God thru His Promises),
we will systematically cover
Adoring God in one year, over six
phases guided by Biblical genres.

From the earliest days of the church,
the singing of hymns & spiritual songs has been an integral part of Christian worship. It is a means
for believers to express praise to
their Creator and Saviour. It’s a way
for us to communicate with God
using more than just words. For
it allows us to pour out the grateful
feelings of the heart as well as
to express commitment to God.
We’ll be sharing the story behind
the hymns and spiritual songs,
the scripture that inspires lyrics,
besides prayer response. Look for it!

Reflection on Acts & NT Letters

Trusting God through His Promises

Over the last twelve months, we
have been meditating on the theme:
Trusting God thru His Promises.
We know the importance of prayer
in our lives; and there are so much
to pray about for ourselves and
for others: dreams, hopes & plans.
But often we are held up by doubts:
Does God care about our requests?
How valuable then it is to pray back
to God the very promises found
in His Word. When we speak God’s
very words back to Him, we no
longer wonder if this is something
God cares about, for He brought
it up in the very first place.

Lord, each time when You reveal
something of Your nature, You are
promising us that You will be true
to that nature in any circumstance.
We know by promising and then
performing what U promised, You’ll
awaken in us expectation & desire
and find outlets in prayer of faith.
Praise You that Your promises are
rock solid; and that Your very nature
and character stand behind them.
Grant us faith not only to merely
believe Your Word but also to act
on it. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

We are meditating through the Bible,
which is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
Before we start new series this year,
here’s the key thots from NT letters,
which define how God’s newly
redeemed and reconciled people
are to live in the present age
as they await the Lord’s return.
Their main concerns lie in the
instruction, encouragement and
exhortation of God’s people.

S17:Praising G Releases Power(A16)
S24: Spirit Helps in Distress(Rom 8)
Oct 1: Spirit Gives Insights (1Cor 2)
Oct8:G Comforts & Delivers(2Cor2)
Oct15:G Adopts Us Children (Gal 4)
Oct22:Christ Gives Sp Gifts (Eph 4)
O29:G Completes Good Work(Phil1)
Nov5:God of Peace Sanctifies(1Th5)
Nov 12: God Is Patient to You (1Tim1)
N19: G Stands By t Faithful (2Tim 4)
Nov 26: God Keeps Promises (Heb6)
Dec 3: God Completes You(Heb 13)
D10: God Urges Living Faith (Jas 2)
D17: G Enables Godly Living(2Pet 1)
D24: God Listens to Prayers (1Jn 5)
D31:G Makes All Things New (Rev21)
Navigation: Click
Scroll to Calendar, Select mth & day.

Thought for the Week: Rev 21

God Making All Things New

Following judgments of the 7 vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings praises
ahead of the marriage of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet…
setting the stage for a new heaven
and new earth, where God and His
people live in intimate fellowship.

Lord, You will Restore All Things:
I saw a new heaven & a new earth…
I saw New Jerusalem (Rev 21:1-2).
And I heard a loud voice from the
throne saying: Look God’s dwelling
place is now among the people,
and He Will Dwell with them…
And God will wipe every tear
from their eyes. There will be no
more death or mourning or pain…
… I am making everything New!
… these words are trustworthy
and true (Rev 21:3-5). And…
the glory of God illuminates the city
and… the nations of the earth will
Walk in its Light (v23-24). Amen.

Father, when I am sad, keep me
from despair; and remind me that
Christ has defeated sin and death.
Grateful Lord that the day is
coming when the world will be
put right and all sorrow will cease.
Thanks for the promise of making
everything new and of making
heaven a place of infinite joy for us.
Praise Yr mighty & holy name. Amen

Lord, help us to see not just the
present challenges, but also the
future that You have planned for us.
Flood our minds and hearts with
Your light; grant us wisdom and help
us find the way out of dark places.
Illuminate Your Word and assure
us that a wonderful future awaits.
Help us to take the long-term view;
and keep us from impatience and
faithlessness. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thanks for illuminating Your
Word, taught me & comforted me.
Even as Your light has changed
my life, grant me wisdom and help
me find my way out of dark places.
Look forward to the day when we
can walk in a city where the Lamb
is the light. And look forward to
see that light fully and to bask
in the light of Your glory. Amen.

Reflection on Revelation (Dec 31)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Revelation is to
reveal the full identity of Christ
and to give warning and hope
to believers. And just as the
first book of the Bible (Genesis)
provides the opening chapter
of God’s redemption program, so
the last book (Revelation) supplies
the conclusion as it describes
the return of Jesus Christ and the
creation of a new heaven & earth.

On Mon, we learn fr Rev 1 that God
Made us Priests in His Kingdom.
On Tuesday, we learn from Rev 3
that God Longs Being Close to Us.
On Wed, we learn from Rev 8-12
that God Gives Hope in Gloom.
On Thursday, we learn from Rev 15
that God Is Almighty & Marvellous.
On Friday, we learn from Rev 20
that God Promises Victory Over Evil.
On Saturday, we learn from Rev 21
that God Makes All Things New.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You:
For You God long being close to us
and make us priests in Yr kingdom;
For You are almighty & marvellous
and give us hope in gloomy times;
For You promise ultimate victory
and You will make all things new;
And You truly keep Your promises
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Trusting God In Rev 21 (Dec 30)

God Making All Things New

Following judgments of the 7 vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings praises
ahead of the marriage of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet…
setting the stage for a new heaven
and new earth, where God and His
people live in intimate fellowship.

Lord, You will Restore All Things:
I saw a new heaven & a new earth…
I saw New Jerusalem (Rev 21:1-2).
And I heard a loud voice from the
throne saying: Look God’s dwelling
place is now among the people,
and He Will Dwell with them…
And God will wipe every tear
from their eyes. There will be no
more death or mourning or pain…
… I am making everything New!
… these words are trustworthy
and true (Rev 21:3-5). And…
the glory of God illuminates the city
and… the nations of the earth will
Walk in its Light (v23-24). Amen.

Father, when I am sad, keep me
from despair; and remind me that
Christ has defeated sin and death.
Grateful Lord that the day is
coming when the world will be
put right and all sorrow will cease.
Thanks for the promise of making
everything new and of making
heaven a place of infinite joy for us.
Praise Yr mighty & holy name. Amen

Lord, help us to see not just the
present challenges, but also the
future that You have planned for us.
Flood our minds and hearts with
Your light; grant us wisdom and help
us find the way out of dark places.
Illuminate Your Word and assure
us that a wonderful future awaits.
Help us to take the long-term view;
and keep us from impatience and
faithlessness. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thanks for illuminating Your
Word, taught me & comforted me.
Even as Your light has changed
my life, grant me wisdom and help
me find my way out of dark places.
Look forward to the day when we
can walk in a city where the Lamb
is the light. And look forward to
see that light fully and to bask
in the light of Your glory. Amen.

Trusting God In Rev 20 (Dec 29)

God Promises Victory Over Evil

Following judgments of the 7 vials,
John sees the doom of Babylon.
And a great multitude sings praises
ahead of the marriage of the Lamb.
A white horse emerges, mounted
by the King of Kings who destroys
the beast and the false prophet…
setting the stage for a new heaven
and new earth, where God and His
people live in intimate fellowship.

Lord, we’ll Be Ready for Judgment:
Then I saw an angel…with the key
to the bottomless pit…He seized
the dragon who is the devil & bound
him for a thousand years(Rev20:1-2)
The Devil who betrayed them was
thrown into the lake of fire… joining
the beast and the false prophets…
And I saw a great white throne, and
I saw the One…sitting on it (v10-11).
I saw the dead… standing before
God’s throne. And the books were
opened, including Book of Life (v12)

Lord, the revelation on end times
reassures us good will ultimately 
triumph over evil and gives us hope
when faithfully enduring struggles 
though we are wavering in faith.
Grant us courage and strong heart
to keep pressing on & fix our eyes
on Christ Jesus. And we will rejoice,
knowing that You Triumph Over Evil
and that You are in control. Amen.

Lord, You are sovereignly on the
throne, You have already overcome
the enemy and You are the victor.
Living in the end times, help me 
spend less time worrying about
a defeated enemy and more time
concerned about those who need
the truth. Help me remember time
is limited & help me play the game
of life to make a difference. Amen.

Lord, I pray in faith that when You
open the books, what You find will
not bring condemnation but will
be confirmation that all my dear
friends & loved ones are all Yours.
I pray that it will not be a record
of their fleshly works, but only of
the righteousness of Christ, both
imputed by grace and imparted
through the grace of the Spirit’s
sanctifying power. In His name,Amen

Trusting God In Rev 15 (Dec 28)

God Is Almighty & Marvellous

Backgrounder on Revelation 8-16:
The 7th seal is broken, revealing
7 Trumpets. As each is sounded,
natural and heavenly disasters…
result: hail, fire, darkness…
Then Seven angels emerge
with the seven last plagues, which
involve… scorching heat, pain,
earthquakes & titanic confrontation
at a place called Armageddon.
But then there’s hope for we have
a God Who is Great & Marvellous.

Lord, You are Great & Marvelous:
Then I saw another sign in heaven:
seven angels having the seven
last plagues, firing them the wrath
of God is complete (Rev 15:1).
And I saw… those who have the
victory over the beast..They sing the
song of Moses & song of the Lamb:
Great and Marvellous are Your
actions, Lord God Almighty.
Just and true are Your ways,
O King of the nations. Who will
not fear O Lord & Glorify Your name?
For You alone are holy. All nations
will come and worship before You
for Your righteous deeds have
been revealed (Rev 15:2-4).
The temple was filled with
smoke from the glory of God
and from His power (v8). Amen.

Lord, this song was sang by Moses
as the Israelites celebrated their
deliverance from Egypt and will be
sung at the end of times when the
redeemed of the Lord are gathered
after their victory over forces of evil.
Help us realize You are in control
even in the midst of challenges.
And praise You for the marvellous
deeds You be executing to bring
about Your purposes on earth. Amen

O Lord God Almighty, Your deeds
are great and marvelous. You are
King of the nations & Lord of my life!
You alone are holy and worthy to
receive adoration, glory and honour
May the things that distract me
and excuses for not abiding in You
fade in the light of Your glory.
Fill my heart with a sense of
Your greatness and majesty.
I adore You Christ the Lord. Amen

Lord, the revelation on end times
is both a warning to Christians
who have grown apathetic and
an encouragement to those who
faithfully endure life’s struggles.
It reassures us that good will
triumph over evil, give us hope
as we face difficulties and gives
guidance when we waver in faith.
Lord, our prayers rise up to You;
and we will Overcome with You;
for You’re Great & Marvelous.Amen

Trusting God In Rev 8-12 (Dec 27)

God Gives Hope in Gloom

The seventh seal is then broken,
revealing seven Trumpets.
As each is sounded in turn,
natural and heavenly disasters
once again result: hail, fire, falling
stars, death, darkness, torment-
plagues which cause people to
seek death but not find it…Then
Seven angels emerge with the
seven last plagues, which involve
boils, blood, scorching heat,
darkness, pain, earthquakes,
hailstones & titanic confrontation
at a place called Armageddon.

Lord, our prayers rise up to You:
He was given much incense,
that he should offer it with
the prayers of all the saints…
And the smoke of the incense,
together with the prayers of
the saints, went up before God
from the angel’s hand (Rev 8:3-4).
The second woe is past. Behold
the third woe is coming quickly.
Then the seventh angel sounded:
And there were loud voices in
heaven saying: The world now
become the Kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ, and He will
reign forever & ever (Rev 11:14-15)
They have defeated (the accuser)
by the blood of the Lamb and
by their testimony (Rev 12:11).

Lord, the revelation on end times
is both a warning to Christians
who have grown apathetic and
an encouragement to those who
are faithfully enduring struggles.
It reassures us good will triumph
over evil, give us hope as we face
difficult times and gives guidance
when we are wavering in our faith.
Lord, our prayers rise up to You; and
we will Overcome with You. Amen.

Lord, our prayers will rise to You
in heaven and how grateful that
You will eagerly hear each one.
Even the quietest prayers born
out of faith are as important as the
loudest prayers ignited by fervency.
Thank You Lord and grateful that
You will hear and answer them all.
How blessed are we to have You
as the center of our lives. Amen.

Lord, we will Overcome with You
for the accuser has already been
defeated by the blood of the Lamb.
Lord, we praise You for You are
In control and we surrender to
Your ways and to Your timing.
And we rest all our expectations
on You at Your Word of promise;
for You are utterly Faithful. Amen.

Trusting God In Rev 3 (Dec 26)

God Longs Being Close to Us

John writes to the seven churches
in Asia Minor to address their
scriptural need. Each message
begins with the expression:
I know thy works; each contains a
promise: to him that overcometh;
each concludes with the warning:
He that hath ear, let him hear what
the Spirit says to the churches.
In short, John sends words of
reproof and reassurance from
Jesus Christ, the Alpha & Omega.

Lord, we will Draw Near to You:
There are some who have not
soiled their garments…They walk
with me… for they are worthy…
I will never erase their names
from the Book of Life, but I will
announce before My Father…
that they are mine (Rev 3:4-5).
These things says the Amen,
the Faithful and True Witness (v14)
As many as I love, I rebuke and
chasten. Therefore be zealous
and repent. Behold I stand at the
door and knock. If anyone Hears
My voice and opens the door, I will
come in to him and dine with him
and he with Me (v19-20). Amen.

Lord Jesus, we are thankful of
Your friendship and love for us.
And You Lord desire us to be in
the Book of Life & want to bless us.
Help us to purpose not to practise
sin, to never stop doing good,
to fight the good fight & not give up.
For You Lord is Faithful & True and
You will surely make up for the trials
for the kingdom on that day. Amen.

Lord, You are always near and
always desirous of my attention.
Forgive me for the times I ignore
or push You to the edges of my life.
For You deserve the central place.
Whenever I hear You calling and
knocking, help me to open myself
to You so that we can enjoy rich
and intimate time together. Amen.

Lord, thank You for the lessons
from the letter to seven churches.
We willingly receive Your charge
to constantly fight against the
temptation to become loveless,
indifference or compromising.
Thank You for loving us so much
and wanting relationship with us.
We will Come Back to first love and
we will Draw Near to You. Amen.