Adoring God In Mark 8

Christ the Bread of Life

As opposition to Jesus’ ministry
increases, it is no longer safe
to move openly in Galilee. So
Jesus traverses the regions of
Decapolis, Caesarea and Perea,
thereby avoiding the crowds and
deadly plots of religious leaders.
In the concluding days of His
earthly ministry, Jesus begins
to prepare His disciples for the
faithful journey to Jerusalem
that will mark the end of His life
and the beginning of their role
as bearers of the glad tidings.

Lord, You are our Bread of Life:
Another great crowd had gathered,
& the people ran out of food again.
Jesus called His disciples and told
them: I feel sorry for these people…
How many loaves of bread do
you have?..And He took the seven         loaves… gave thanks… and gave                   them to His disciples…So (the pple)                ate and were filled (Mark 8:1-8).
When the Pharisees heard that
Jesus had arrived, they came to
argue with Him. Testing Him to see
if He was from God, they demanded:
Give us a miraculous sign to prove
Yourself. When He heard this, He
sighed and said: Why do you keep
demanding miraculous sign(v11-12)
Whoever desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up
his cross & follow Me… Whoever
loses his life for My sake and the
gospel’s will save it. For what will
it profit a man if he gains the whole
world, and loses his soul? (v34-36)

Lord, we are amazed by the miracle
U performed to feed the multitude.
Thank You Lord for the ways You
are still providing for our needs
even as we put our trust in You.
There are many people who are
physically and spiritually hungry.
Prepare us Lord, strengthen us
and use us to partner with You in
what You are doing on earth. Amen

Lord, forgive me when I demand
evidence of Your power instead
of thanking You for all that You do.
Open my eyes to see the works
of Your hand everywhere I go.
With all my heart I welcome
Your presence however You
choose to reveal Yourself to me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You promise that we will
find true life by denying ourselves.
Help me Lord not to be too
preoccupied with myself; and
grant me the humility to do so.
Help me instead to focus on You,
Your kingdom & Your purposes.
For as I trust and follow You Lord,
You will provide all that I need; and
let me experience You fully. Amen.

Adoring God In Mark 6

God Is Caring & Compassionate

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At first even His companions are
perplexed by His power & authority,
wondering: What manner of man
is this, that even the wind and
the sea obey Him. But patiently –
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even raising the dead
the Master Servant works to
convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we will be Compassionate:
(Jesus) said to them: Come with
me by yourself to a quiet place
and get some rest. There were
many coming & going and they did
not even have time to eat (Mk6:31)
When Jesus landed and saw a
large crowd, He had compassion
on them, because they were
like sheep without a Shepherd.
So he began teaching them
many things (Mark 6:34).
By this time it was late in the day,
so his disciples said: Send the pple
away so that they can buy food to
eat. But Jesus answered: You give
them something to eat. (v35-36).

Lord, the creation account shows
a work-rest, work-rest rhythm
being built by You into life. When
we violate this natural order by
excessive work, we’ll soon burnout.
And no wonder Jesus scheduled
retreat for Himself & His disciples.
Sometimes I feel drained physically
and spiritually. Give me the wisdom
to recognise the warning signs
of burnout. For I can’t be effective
for You if I am running on empty; and
I want the rest that You offer. Amen.

Lord, You know needs of people
and You responded accordingly.
We are to care for the weak
and to encourage the timid.
Grant us Lord wisdom to respond
correctly with the right words
and at the right time. Above all
grant us compassion like Yours; so
that when we reach out to others,
that they may see You. Amen.

Lord, You created in our soul,
mind, will and also emotion.
Let us be renewed in our mind
as we meditate on Your Word.
Let us be yielded to the Holy
Spirit as we respond to the Word.
And let our emotions be under
the control of the Holy Spirit and
Lord we want to feel Your emotions.
As You had promised a new heart
do also put Your feelings within us,
even the compassion of Jesus.Amen

Adoring God In Mark 4

God’s Word Is Trustworthy

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At 1st even His closest companions
are perplexed by His power and
authority, wondering: What manner
of man is this, that even the wind
and the sea obey Him (4:41). But
patiently through the miracles of
exorcism, healing and even raising
the dead the Master Servant works
to convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we’ll Wholly Trust Your Word:
Listen, a sower went out to sow…
The one sown among thorns; they
are the ones who hear the word
and the cares of this world…choke
the word and it becomes unfruitful.
But the ones sown on good ground,
those who Hear the Word, Accept
It and Bear fruit (Mark 4:1-20).
When evening had come,
Jesus said to his disciples: LET US
Cross to the east side (v35).
Suddenly a storm struck the lake.
Waves started splashing into the
boat and it was about to sink. Jesus
was in the back of the boat asleep.
His disciples woke him and said:
Teacher don’t You care that we’re
about to drown? Jesus got up and
ordered the wind and waves to
be quiet. The wind stopped and
everything was calm. Jesus asked
His disciples: Why are u So Fearful?
How is it you hv No Faith (v37-40).
And they said to one another:
Who can this be, that even the
wind and the sea obey Him (v41).

Lord, worldly worries and desire
for things can affect us, especially
when our routine is overcrowded.
For material pursuits can easily
distract & deafen us to God’s Word.
Help us Lord to be focussed so that
we can Hear God when You speak.
Lead us not to have divided heart
but instead be Wholehearted to
You by Responding to Your Word.
Mold our hearts Lord to see things
from Your perspective so that we
will be ready to produce fruit. Amen

Lord, help us to remember clearly
Your Instructions like what You
told the disciples: “Let US Cross.”
Remind us to Rely On Your Word
and Not Focus on situation we’re in.
Remind us Lord Your Presence and
help us to stay focussed on You.
Remind us no storm can take us
off course, for You Can Do all things
& Your plan can’t be thwarted. Amen

Lord, Thank You for Mark gospel,
which captures two purposes of
Christ coming to earth: to minister
and give His life a random for many.
Grant us the grace to be like Jesus
in having a servant mindset.
Grant us the grace to Love the
Word of God and to Respond to it.
Grant us the grace to Trust Fully His
Word for it’s powerful & trustworthy.
Help us to Live By Your Word. Amen.

Adoring God In Mark 1 (Apr 8)

God Empowers & Directs Us

Mark begins his gospel without
genealogy, birth narrative or
any prologue. He begins with
the ministry of John the Baptist,
the forerunner who will prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
Servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout is on Christ’s works
rather than His words, as befitting
a Servant. Miracles of healing and
exorcism precede calling Andrew,
Peter, James, John and Matthew – and His choosing 7 other disciples.

Lord, You Empower & Direct Us:
This messenger was John Baptist.
He was preaching that people
should be baptised to show that
they had turned from their sins
and turned to God… It came to pass
that Jesus came…and was baptised
by John in the Jordan. Immediately
the Spirit drove Him into the
wilderness. And He was there
in the wilderness forty days,
Tempted by Satan…and the angels
Ministered to Him (Mark 1:4-13).
Then Jesus said: Follow Me & I will
make you become fishers of men.
They immediately left their nets
and Followed Him (v17-18).
After sunset the whole town
gathered at the door and Jesus
healed many of various diseases…
Very early in the morning… Jesus
went off to a solitary place to Pray.
Simon and his companions went
to look for him and when they
found him they said: Everyone
is looking for you! Jesus replied:
Let Us Go to the next towns that
I May Preach there also (v32-38).

Lord, recognise that soon after
the commission of Jesus Christ
into ministry comes temptation.
Equip me Lord to Resist Temptation
and Enable me to be so prepared
that I recognise the enemy’s tactics
from the moment they manifest.
Teach me to rebuke the enemy by
having good knowledge of Yr Word.
Enable me to resist entertaining
temptation even for a moment,
but rather Turn to U immediately
so that I can stand strong. Amen.

Lord, we carry a lot of things
around with us – responsibilities,
attachments, and to-do lists.
You alone know all the issues; but
I hold them loosely as I come to You.
Grant me Lord the willingness to
be prepared to Let Go & Follow You.
And as You increase in importance,
let other things decrease. Amen.

Lord, we note You know exactly
what to do after a very successful
ministry time. Help us follow Your
example to seek the Father’s Will
rather than rely on common sense.
For we tend to think of things that
we’ve to do. Help us set aside time
with You, help us focus and reward
our solitude with Yr company. Amen.

Reflection on Historical Books

God thru Thanks & Praise

The path to intentional discipleship
is to grow towards spiritual maturity
by nurturing key disciple attitudes.
So for past two years, we had been
Seeking God thru biblical prayers;
and Trusting God thru His Promises.
And for the past three month; we’ve
been Adoring God through Thanking
Him for what He has done for us
and Praising Him for who He is.

From the earliest days of the church,
the singing of hymns and spiritual
songs has been an integral part
of Christian worship. It is a means
for believers to express praise to
their Creator and Saviour. And it’s
also a way for us to communicate
with God using more than words.
For it enables us to pour out the
grateful feelings of the heart and
to express commitment to God.

We are meditating through the Bible,
which is organised by genres:
Laws, History… Prophets, Gospels…
Before we continue into Poetry,
for variety sake we will have the
Second Gospel interlude in Mark.
But here’s the key thoughts
from the 12 Historical books;
which shows God’s hand in the history of the people of Israel.
Feb25: God Gives Courage(Josh 1)
Mar3:Praise the Faithful God(Ru 1/2)
Mar10:God Is Our Strength(1Sam30)
Mar18:God Provides Directn(2Sam5)
Mar25: God Gives Wisdom (1Kgs 3)
Mar 31: God Strengthens the Committed (1 Chronicles 15/16)
Apr 7: Faithful God In Control(Ez 1-3)
Navigation: Click
Scroll to Calendar, Select mth & day.

Thought for the Week: Ezra 1-3

God Is Faithful & In Control

After 70 years of exile, God Fulfils
His Promise to return His people to
their homeland. Under His direction,
King Cyrus of Persia now rules
Babylonia, and the Jews are free
to go home. The first group of
returnees rebuild the temple in
Jerusalem (Ezra 1-6). 58 years later,
Ezra leads a second group back to
Jerusalem to rebuild the spiritual
character of the people (Ezra 7-10).

Lord, we Trust the world In Yr Hands:
To fulfil the word of the Lord spoken
by Jeremiah, the Lord moved the
heart of Cyrus to make proclamatn:
Thus says Cyrus king of Persia:
All the kingdoms of the earth the
Lord God of heaven has given me.
And He has commanded me to build
Him a house at Jerusalem(Ezra1:1-2)
God stirred the hearts of the priests
and Levites… to go to Jerusalem to
rebuild the Temple of the Lord (v5).
So a total of 42,360 pple returned
to Judah… and each leader gave as
much as he could towar rebuilding
of God’s Temple (Ezra 2:64-69).
With praise and thanksgiving
they sang to the Lord: He is good;
His love to Israel endures forever.
And all the people have a great
shout of praise to the Lord,
because the foundation of the
house of the Lord was laid (Ez3:11)

Lord, You enabled Cyrus to conquer
the Babylonians and guided Cyrus
to allow Judah return to their home
-land to fulfil Jeremiah’s prophecy.
Remind us Lord to trust that You
are actively at work even when
we may not be able to see how.
Lord, stir up people to come to You
for that’s where true security can
be found. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, by returning to their home
land of Israel fr Babylon, the Jews
showed their faith in Your promise
to restore them as a people.
Trust Father God that You show
mercy to every generation; and
compassionately restores Your pple.
No matter how difficult our present
“captivity,” we are never far from
Your love and mercy. For You will
restore us when we return to You.
Lord, we Trust You Are In Control &
we’ll Not Fear but Praise You. Amen

Lord, You are Almighty, far above
all things; and Your presence is
greater than anything we fear. For
Faith in You and in Your Word will
conquer all challenges in our lives.
Help us Lord when we struggle
or doubt; to make praise the first
response to fearful situations.
Help us not to dwell on problems
but instead praise Yr mighty name.
And as we praise and thank You
Help us by taking away our fear
and instead give us peace. Amen.

Reflection on Ezra/Neh/Esth

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The purpose of the book of Ezra
is show God’s faithfulness and
the way He kept His promise to
restore His people to their land;
whilst for Nehemiah is to record
the third return to Jerusalem after
captivity, telling how the walls were
rebuilt and the people were renewed
in their faith; and for Esther is to
demonstrate God’s sovereignty
and His loving care for His people.

On Monday, we learn from Ezra 1-3
that God Is Faithful & In Control.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ezra 8
that God Hears Earnest Prayers.
On Wed, we learn from Neh 1/2
that God Puts His Word In Yr Heart.
On Thu, we learn from Neh 8-10
that God Strengthens & Gracious.
On Friday, we learn from Esther 6/7
that Almighty God Is In Control.
On Sat, we learn from Esther 8/9
that God’s Mighty Deeds Spur Us.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You Put Your Word in our hearts;
and You Hear our earnest prayers;
For You are worthy of our Praise
as You are Faithful and Gracious;
For You are worthy of our Thanks as
You Strenghten,In Control & Spur us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Esther 8-9

God’s Mighty Deeds Spur Us 

The final chapters of Esther’s drama
read like the ending of a fairy tale.
Mordecai is promoted, the Jews’
enemies are destroyed and Esther
secures letters from the king
establishing the Feast of Purim
as a perpetual reminder of God’s
great deliverance. In the epilogue,
Mordecai receives recognition in the
Persian annals fr pagan historians.

Lord, we will Remember Your Deeds:
King Xerxes gave estate of Haman
to Queen Esther… The king took
off his signet ring… and presented it
to Mordecai…Esther appointed him
over Haman’s estate. Esther again
pleaded with the king to put an end
to the evil plan of Haman… against
the Jews. Then the king extended
the gold scepter to Esther(Est 8:1-4)
Mordecai recorded these events
and sent letters to the Jews
throughout all the king’s provinces,
encouraging them to celebrate
an annual festival (Esth 9:20-21).
These would commemorate a time
when the Jews gained relief from
their enemies, when their sorrow
was turned into gladness and their
mourning into joy. So, the Jews
adopted Mordecai’s suggestion
and began this custom (v28).

Lord, as we read the book of Esther,
we reflect on the many events
demonstrating sovereign control:
Mordecai’s unrewarded kindness,
king’s insomnia, Haman’s casting
of lots and Esther’s two banquets.
With God in charge, we can take
courage that He will guide and
lead us through life’s challenges.
Lord, we’ll Remember Your Deeds
and Be Committed to You. Amen.

Lord, we note Esther and Mordecai
were faithful to the point of risking
their lives to save others. And God
gave them a reward in proportion
to their all-out commitment. Lord,
we note You are faithful and do not
abandon Your people and promises.
Help us run with perseverance the
race marked out, fixing our eyes on
Jesus perfecter of our faith. Amen.

Lord, we ask for Your favour in
response to our keeping faith in You.
And we will run with perseverance
the race marked out by You for us.
As we seek first the kingdom of God,
we can be confident to benefit from
Your sovereign care and faithfulness.
And we will remember and celebrate
Your goodness in our lives and Your
faithfulness to Your people. Amen.

Adoring God In Esther 6/7

Almighty God Is In Control

The king and Haman are invited to
yet another banquet. Esther’s wise
and timely delay allows the Divine
Director to stage Haman’s exit.
Meanwhile, King Ahasuerus has
trouble sleeping and tries to cure
his insomnia by reading the court
records. To his surprise he discovers
the unrewarded kindness of
Mordecai and orders Haman to lead
the procession in Mordecai’s honor.
Thoroughly humiliated, Haman
returns to Esther’s banquet, where
she reveals both her nationality
and his treachery. The king directs
his servants to hang Haman on the
very gallows prepared for Mordecai.

Lord, we Trust You are In Control:
That night the king could not sleep.
So the book of records… were read
before the king. It was found written
that Mordecai had exposed… two
of the king’s officers… who had
conspired to assassinate Kg Xerxes.
Then the king said: What recognition
has Mordecai received for this? And
the king’s servants… said: Nothing
has been done for him (Esth 6:1-3).
The king and Haman went to Queen
Esther’s banquet. While they were
drinking wine, the king again asked
her: Tell me what you want. I will
give u even if it’s half the kingdom.
And so Queen Esther replied:
My petition is that my life and the
lives of my people will be spared.
For my people and I have been
sold to those who would kill us.
Who would do such a thing?
King Xerxes demanded. Who would
dare to touch you? Esther replied:
He is wicked Haman (Est 7:1-6).
Then the king said: Hang him… So
they hang Haman on the gallows he
had prepared for Mordecai (v9-10).

Lord, noted king Xerxes unable to
sleep and decided to review history
of his reign may seem coincidental;
but You God are always at work.
Trust events that come together
for good are not mere coincidence.
But they are the result of almighty
God’s sovereign control over the
course of our lives. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, when I’m anxious, help me
to remember that Your grace is
sufficient for me and Your power
is made perfect in my weakness.
Lord, when dealing with those in
authority, it is important to ensure
the timing is right before speaking.
So teach us Lord to listen to Your
voice and respond in obedience
on Your perfect timing. Amen.

Lord, because You are in control of
history, You’re not frustrated by turn
of events & You’re able to deliver us.
Because we trust You God, we are
not to fear; but instead we are to
be confident that God is in control.
And we will purpose to act with
courage to follow God’s guidance;
knowing & trusting You’re In Control.
Lord, we’ll Wait for Your Timing; and
we’ll Seize the Opportunity. Amen.