Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 3)

I Have Decided to Follow Jesus

Backgrounder: The lyrics are based
on the last words of Nokseng, a
Garo man, a tribe from Meghalaya
in Assam India, who along with
his family decided to follow Jesus
Christ in mid 19th century thro
the efforts of a Welsh missionary.
Called to renounce his faith by the
village chief, the convert declared,
“I have decided to follow Jesus.”
His two children were killed and in
response to threats to his wife, he
continued, “Though none go with
me, still I will follow.” His wife was
killed, and he was executed while
singing:’The cross before me,
the world behind me.’ This display
of faith is reported to have led to
the conversion of the chief and
others in the village. The fierce
opposition is possible, as various
tribes in that area were formerly
renowned for head-hunting.
The formation of these words into
a hymn is attributed to the Indian
missionary Sadhu Sundar Singh.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 3)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 2)

At Calvary

Backgrounder: William Newell
(1868-1956) was best known
as a Bible teacher, pastor and
professor. While on his way to
teach a class at Moody Bible
Institute, the words of this hymn
began to form in his mind.
So he went into an unoccupied
classroom and there scribbled
the words on the back of an
envelope. A few minutes later
he gave the words to Daniel
Towner, the director of music
at the school. Within an hour
Towner had composed music
for them. The first three stanzas
tell the testimony of the Christian
and the final stanza praises God
for the greatness of divine love,
the depth of grace and
the breadth of mercy.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 2)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 1)

In the Sweet By and By

Backgrounder: Fillmore Bennett
(1836-98) in his autobiography
described the composition of the
hymn: Joseph Webster, like many
musicians, was of sensitive nature
& subject to periods of depression.
And I found I could rouse him up by
giving him a new song to work on.
He came to my place in Wisconsin
walked down to the stove & turned
his back on me without speaking.
I was at my desk. Turning to him,
I said, “Webster, what’s the matter
now?” “It’s no matter,” he replied,
“it will be all right by and by.” The
idea of the hymn came me like a
flash and I replied, “The Sweet By
and By! Why would not that make
a good hymn?” Turning to my desk
I penned the words of the hymn as
fast as I could write. I handed the
words to Webster. Taking his violin,
he played the melody and jotted
down the notes. It was not 30
mins from the time I took my pen
before we were singing the hymn.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 1)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 31)

Jesus Loves Me

Backgrounder: Anna Warner and
her sister Susan grew up near
West Point Military Academy
where they became known for
leading Sunday school services.
After the death of their father,
the sisters supported themselves
with their literary endeavours.
Susan became known for as a
best-selling novelist. Anna also
wrote novels and published two
collections of poems. She wrote
this simple hymn in 1860 to be
included in one of her sister’s
novels. In the story, it was a poem
of comfort spoken to a dying child.
Today millions around the world
sing these words: Yes Jesus loves
me. This profound yet simple truth
is certainly worth singing about.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 31)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 30)

Lamb of God

Backgrounder: Twila Paris (b1958)
has been one of the leading
contemporary Christian artists
for three decades, with 32 of her
singles reaching No 1 on Christian
radio charts. Several of Twila Paris’
songs have been included in
hymnals, including “He Is Exalted”
and “Lamb of God” (1985). Paris
comes from a family of ministers
and musicians. Her great grand-
parents were revival preachers
in Arkansas & Oklahoma, and her
grandmother composed sacred
songs. She was encouraged
to sing in church from a young
age by her father, who was also
a minister & songwriter. Following
graduation from high school and a
year of study in Bible school, Paris
focused on singing & Christian
composition. While composed in
the late 20th century, this hymnal
song’s biblical roots run deep in
Christian tradition & experience.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 30)”

Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 29)

Wise Decisions in Life
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 17-21)

Backgrounder: The purpose
of Proverbs is to teach people
how to apply wisdom to daily
life & to provide moral instruction.
The varied statements of common
sense in today’s reading are
descriptions of the perils facing
the wise and the unwise. Through
it all, Solomon sees God at work
in the hearts & affairs of people,
helping them to avoid flattery
and falsehood and to display
obedient behavior instead.
Continue reading “Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 29)”

Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 28)

Wise Words of Solomon
(Prayer Walk thro Prov 10-16)

Backgrounder: The purpose
of Proverbs is to teach people
how to apply wisdom to daily
life & to provide moral instruction.
One of the best ways to learn a
wise action is to contrast it with a
foolish one. Most of the proverbs
today contrast the path of folly
with the path of faith. The topics
are varied and intensely practical:
how to use your mouth & money;
how to be a good neighbour;
how to select friends; how to
conduct business; how to resolve
conflicts. Think of today’s reading
as a training manual designed
to teach us how to respond
to life from God’s perspective.
Continue reading “Praying Thro Proverbs (Oct 28)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 27)

O Master, Let Me Walk With Thee

Backgrounder:Washington Gladden
believed that Christians should be
involved in the world’s problems.
A journalist turned clergyman,
he crusaded against injustice.
In his various church postings,
he often preached social gospel,
trying to rouse his congregation
to the social and labour problems
that were engulfing the country.
When Gladden wrote this hymn
in 1979, he said the poem
was an honest cry of human
need and the need for divine
companionship. If our friendship
with Jesus does not lead us to
concern for our fellowmen, then
we better check to see how closely
we are walking with the Master.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 27)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 26)

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

Backgrounder: Few believers truly
love the cross of Christ. For though
it offers great deliverance, it also
demands great sacrifice. Isaac
Watts was deeply disappointed
with the hymns of his day, which
failed to inspire his parishes to
genuine worship and holy living.
His dissatisfaction led him to
compose more than 600 hymns,
designed to call his congregation
to a deeper knowledge & worship
of God. This hymn was written in
1707 for use in communion service.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 26)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 25)

Jesus Paid It All

Backgrounder: What do you do
when pastor rambles on too long?
Elvina Hall wrote a hymn (1865).
Seated in the choir loft at the
Monument Street Meth Church of
Baltimore, she wrote the stanzas
on the flyleaf of the hymnal.
The composer of the well-known
tune was John Crape,the organist
and choir director of the church.
He had called the tune “All to
Christ I Owe”. His wife like it but
no one seemed to. It was the
pastor George Schrick who put
the words and tune together,
and she added the chorus
to fit with his tune title.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Oct 25)”