Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 26)

God Gives Instructions for Victory

Backgrounder on 1 Chron 10-14:
After the death of King Saul
David becomes king of all Israel.
Then David forms his mighty men
of warriors. And the Philistines
begin their attacks of Israel. Learn
from David his secret to successes.

Lord, we will Inquire for Instruction:
Now the Philistines has come and
raided the Valley of Rephaim; so
David inquired of God: Shall I go
and attack the Philistines? Will U
hand them over to me? The Lord
answered him: Go I will hand them
over to you. So David defeated
them there (1 Chron 14:9-11).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 26)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 25)

God Answers Simple Bold Prayer

Backgrounder on 1 Chron 1-9:
Chronicles which focuses on the
southern kingdom of Judah, gives
a priestly perspective on the history
of God’s people. And 1 Chronicles
opens with a series of genealogies
(including Jabez) which show
God at work throughout history.

Lord, we will Pray Boldly:
There was a man named Jabez
who was more distinguished than
any of his brothers. His mother
named him Jabez because
his birth had been so painful.
He was the one who prayed to
the God of Israel: O that U would
bless me and extend my territory!
Please be with me in all that I do
and keep me from all trouble
and pain! And God granted him
his request (1 Chron 4:9-10).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 25)”

Praying thro Micah (Dec 24)

God Offers Pardon & Restoration
(Prayer Walk thro Micah 1-7)

Backgrounder: Sin had infiltrated
every segment of society with
injustice and oppression of poor.
Micah pleads with countrymen to
turn away from sin & back to God.
But the message falls on deaf ears
that will soon hear invading armies.
But within the hardness lies hope;
for when justice is done, God will
restore His people to covenant land

Dear Lord, your holiness calls for
judgment of sins but your mercy
offers pardon to all who repent.
Lord Jesus we welcome You;
we will Walk in Goodness and
we’ll Rise Out of Darkness. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Micah (Dec 24)”

Praying thro Hosea (Dec 23)

God’s Love for His Sinful People
(Prayer Walk thro Hosea 1-14)

Backgrounder: Hosea prophesies
to an idolatrous Israel from his
own experience. Instructed by God
to marry the harlot Gomer, Hosea
finds mirrored in his domestic life
the unfaithfulness of God’s people.
Hosea carries God’s message:
The wickedness of Israel will bring
calamity. But though God’s love
must discipline, it will also restore.

Dear Lord, thank you for your
Lovingkindness: that though
Your love compels U to discipline
You will also restore your children.
Lord, we will Respond to Your Love,
We will Know You More &
We will Return to You. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Hosea (Dec 23)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 22)

A God Who Rescues

Backgrounder on 2 Kings 13-17:
Time is running out for the nation
of Israel. Though God’s patience
with His wayward people is
enormous, his hand of judgment
is poised and will not be stayed
much longer. Following the
death of Elisha, the nation’s
downward spiral accelerates.

Lord, You are a God who Rescues:
Jehoahaz prayed for the Lord’s
help & the Lord heard his prayer.
The Lord could see how terribly
the king of Aram was oppressing
Israel. So the Lord raised up a
deliverer to rescue the Israelites
from the tyranny of the Arameans.
Then Israel lived in safety again
as they had in former days
(2 Kings 24:4-5).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 22)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 21)

God’s Strength Is Greater

Backgrounder on 2 King 4-8:
Elisha, the great miracle worker
of God performs eight miracles
in these 5 chapters, including
providing an oil well for a widow,
giving new life for a deaf boy,
multiplying bread for hungry crowd,
curing a leprous army captain and
enabling servant to see angels.

Lord, Your Strength Is Greater:
Ah my lord, what will we do now?
(Elisha’s servant) cried out to
Elisha. Don’t be afraid? Elisha
told him. For there are more
on our side than on theirs!
Then Elisha prayed: Oh Lord,
open his eyes and let him see!
The Lord opened his servant’s
eyes and when he looked up,
he saw that the hillside around
Elisha was filled with horses and
chariots of fire (2Kings 6:15-17)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 21)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 20)

A God Who Acts

Backgrounder on 1 Kings 15-19:
From 1 Kings 15 onwards show
the two nations of Israel & Judah
in spiritual decline. Prophet Elijah
courageously faces a heathen
Israelite king and 850 pagan
prophets of Baal, prayed
persistently for rain, only to flee
for his life from Queen Jezebel.

Lord, You are A God Who Acts:
And Elijah came to all the people
and said: How long will you falter
between two opinions? If the Lord
is God follow; but if Baal follow him.
I alone am left a prophet of the Lord
but Baal’s prophets are 450 men…
Elijah prayed: O Lord, answer me!
Answer me so these people will
know that You, O Lord are God
and that You have brought them
back to yourself. Immediately
the fire of the Lord flashed down
from heaven and burned up the
young bull. It even lick up all the
water in the ditch! And when
the people saw it, they fell on
their faces & cried out: The Lord
is God! (I Kings 18:2-4, 37-39).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 20)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 19)

God Provides for His Servants

Backgrounder on 1 Kings 15-19:
From 1 Kings 25 onwards show
the two nations of Israel & Judah
in spiritual decline. Prophet Elijah
courageously faces a heathen
Israelite king and 850 pagan
prophets of Baal, only to flee
for his life from Queen Jezebel.

Lord, U Provide for your servants:
Then the Lord came to Elijah
saying: Hide by the Brook, which
flow into the Jordan. You shall drink
from the brook & I’ve commanded
the ravens to feed you there…
Widow did as Elijah said. And she,
her son & Elijah continued to eat
from her supply of flour and oil
for many days. For no matter how
much they used, there was always
enough left in the containers,
just as the Lord had promised
through Elijah (1K17:3-4, 15-16).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 19)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 18)

God Fulfills His Declared Plan

Backgrounder on 1 Kings 5-8:
Before his death, David had
charged his son Solomon with the
responsibility of building a house
for God in Jerusalem. Now at last
it is time to make that dream a
reality. For 7 years Solomon plans &
prepares the Temple. When at last
the ark of the covenant is installed
in the Holy Place, the cloud of
God’s presence fills the house of
the Lord. Once again, God’s glory
dwells in the midst of His people.

Lord, You God Fulfils Your Plan:
It came to pass when the priests
came out of the holy place, that the
cloud filled the house of the Lord…
Praise the Lord who has given
rest to His people Israel, just as he
promised. Not one word has failed
of all the wonderful promises He
gave through his servant Moses.
May the Lord our God be with us
as He was with our ancestors;
may He never forsake us.
May He give us the desire to do
His will in everything and to obey
all the commands…that He gave
our ancestors (1Kings 8:10,56-58)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 18)”

Praying thro Amos (Dec 17)

Guard Against Complacency
(Prayer Walk thro Amos 1-9)

Backgrounder: Externally the
northern kingdom was marked
by flourishing business. But
internally the nation’s condition
was grim. Idolatry, injustice, greed,
hypocrisy & arrogance indicated
deep-seated sin. Amos makes
God’s message crystal clear
to those who had grown lax in
luxurious living: Repent or Perish.
The storm clouds of judgment are
soon to break over God’s people.

Dear Lord, Your are holy and you
require truth, goodness, justice
& righteousness from yr people.
Help us to be open to Your Word:;
Help us Live in the Truth and
Help us Care for Others. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Amos (Dec 17)”