Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 25)

Solomon’s Fame & Failure
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Kings 1-11)

Backgrounder: As David’s life
draws to a close, he publicly
proclaims Solomon his successor.
Solomon asks God for wisdom
to rule skilfully rather than for
wealth to live lavishly. In return,
God gives him both! Before his
death, David charged Solomon
with the responsibility of building
a house for God in Jerusalem.
Under Solomon’s able leadership,
the nation boundaries expand
five times the area ruled by David.
Financially, Solomon enjoys
unparalleled prosperity as tribute
from neighbouring nations flows
into national treasury. But even
as the nation prospers, the seeds
of spiritual decay are being sown.
Solomon’s passion for pagan
women turns his heart from the
God of heaven to gods of men.

Dear God, Thanks for the lessons
from the life of King Solomon.
Help us to Seek Your Wisdom;
Help us Follow Yr Will & Obey it &
Help us Turn our Heart to U. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 25)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Apr 24)

The Lord Who Sanctifies You

Backgrounder to Exodus 28-31:
After describing the place of
worship (the Tabernacle), Moses
goes on to detail the people
of worship (the priests, Israel’s
representatives before God).
Everything about them is special,
from the clothing they wear to
the elaborate rituals they perform
in leading the worship of the nation
Both they and the implements of
worship they use require special
purification, as befitting those
in the service of a Holy God.

Lord, we praise U for sanctifying us:
And the Lord said to Moses,
say unto the Israelites, Truly you
shall keep my Sabbaths, for it
is a sign between Me and you
throughout your generations that
you may know that I am the LORD
who sanctifies you (Exo 31:12-13)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Apr 24)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 23)

The Lord Will Help You Press On

Backgrounder to Exodus 16-18:
When Israel left Egypt, there
were two things the people could
do well: make bricks & complain.
So as supplies decrease, their
complains increase. However,
when their resources run out,
God supplies manna, quail & water
in abundance to demonstrate
that He is their reliable supply.

Lord, we rely on you for provision:
This is the thing which the Lord
has commanded: Let every man
gather it according to each man’s
need… He who gathered much
had nothing left over, and he
who gathered little had no lack.
And Moses said: Let no one
leave any of it till morning.
Notwithstanding they did not
heed Moses. But some of them
left part of it until morning, and it
bred worms & stank (Exo16:16-20)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 23)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 22)

The Lord Who Covers & Protects

Backgrounder to Exodus 16-18:
When Israel left Egypt, there
were two things the people could
do well: make bricks & complain.
So as supplies decrease, their
complains increase. When their
resources run out, God supplies
manna, quail & water in abundance
to demonstrate that He is their
reliable supply. And when in
danger, the Lord helps Israel
fights and wins its first battle.

Lord, You’ll Cover & Protect us:
Joshua fought with Amalek
while Moses, Aaron and Hur
went up to the top of the hill.
And so it was, when Moses held
up his hand that Israel prevailed
and when he let down his hand,
Amalek prevailed. But Moses’
hands became heavy. Aaron and
Hur supported his hands & his
hands were steady. So Joshua
defeated Amelek. And Moses
built an altar and called its
name: The LORD Is My Banner
Jehovah Nissi (Exo 17:10-15).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 22)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 21)

God Who Heals

Backgrounder to Exodus 13-15:
Delivering the people from
Egyptian bondage is only the first
step in God’s plan to bring the
Israelites to the Promised Land
of Canaan. Many obstacles lies
ahead. Trapped between the
Red Sea & the rapidly approaching
chariots of Egypt, the people cry
out in desperation & God answers
in miraculous fashion. And as
they proceed on arid land and as
resources run out, God supplies.

Jehovah Rapha, U are our Healer:
Moses cried to the Lord for help
& the Lord showed him a branch.
Moses took the branch and threw
it into the water. This made the
water good to drink. It was there
at Marah that the Lord test their
faithfulness to him: if u will obey
his commands, then I’ll not make
you suffer the diseases I sent on
the Egyptians, for I am the Lord
Who Heals (Jehovah Rapha)
you (Exodus 15:25-26).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 21)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 20)

God Who Can Meet All Our Needs

Backgrounder to Exodus 3-6:
With his long period of desert
exile drawing to a close, Moses
becomes God’s choice to lead His
people out of bondage in Egypt.
When confronted by God in the
burning bush, Moses is far from
convinced he is the right man
for the job! But once his objections
have been answered & knowing
the Almighty All Sufficient God
can meet all his needs, Moses
goes forward to confront Pharaoh.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 20)”

Praying thro Ecclesiastes (Nov 19)

The Meaning of Life Explained
(Prayer Walk through Ecc 7-12)

Backgrounder: Up to this point
the preacher has concentrated
mainly on the problems of life
without seeking an explanation.
But the deeper he probes life’s
patterns & perplexities, the more
conclusive becomes the evidence
that points him to the solution:
Fear God. When wisdom turns
to vanity, fear God (E7:18).
When God’s ways seem uncertain,
fear God (E8:12-13). When all is
said and done, fear God (E12:13)
for this is the whole duty of man.
Continue reading “Praying thro Ecclesiastes (Nov 19)”

Praying thro Ecclesiastes (Nov 18)

The Meaning of Life Explored
(Prayer Walk through Ecc 1-6)

Backgrounder: Making sense out
of life is not always easy. This is
the problem facing the preacher
of the book of Ecclesiastes as
he thinks his way through what
he has seen & experienced in life.
Every enterprise he has undertaken
fr acquiring wisdom to amassing
wealth, has ended in emptiness.
In a sudden burst of emotion
the preacher realises that God
does indeed appoint the times
and purposes of life. But his insight
fades as he focuses on the futility
of life under the sun & overlooks
the One who alone can put life
together into a meaningful whole.

Dear Lord, you are all knowing
and the source of all wisdom
for us to lead a meaningful life.
Help us to purpose to Pursue You
to Please You; to Wait upon You &
have reverent Fear of You. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Ecclesiastes (Nov 18)”

Praying thro Ecclesiastes

Friends, we’ve been systematically
meditating through the bible to
better appreciate its chronological
context and see how the Mega
Theme develops thro each book.
So, we covered 5 books of Laws
& Job to understand deeper the
plan of God and His sovereignty.
We then meditated on the six
historical books up to King David
(the high point of Israel history)
and Psalms where we learn
to pray, thank and praise God.
We then go on to to 2 Chronicles,
Proverbs and Song of Songs.
Next we meditate on Ecclesiastes
to conclude the second phase
of the history of Israel.
Continue reading “Praying thro Ecclesiastes”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 17)

God’s Sovereign Control

Backgrounder: Genesis 48-50
concludes the book by recording
the final acts of Jacob & Joseph.
As his final earthly act, Jacob
blesses each of his 12 sons, giving
a divinely guided pronouncement
of their future history. Meanwhile,
Joseph gave a great affirmation
of faith. His body remains in Egypt
until the release of the newly
born nation of Israel.

Lord, we heed Yr sovereign control:
Joseph told them: Don’t be afraid
of me. Am I God to judge and
punish you? As far as I am
concerned, God turned into good
what you meant for evil. He brought
me to the high position I have today
so I could save the lives of many
people… Soon I will die, Joseph
told his brothers: He will bring you
back to the land he vowed to give
to the descendants of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob (Gen 50:19-24).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 17)”