Discipling Devotion Explained

Dear Friends,
The weekday Topical Devotion are
in-depth studies on crucial issues
affecting our relationship with God.
And this section will enable you to
cultivate better Relation with God.
by Knowing God thro His Names,
Praising God thro Hymns,
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving,
Imploring God thro His Promises
& Experiencing God thro Scripture.

First, we must know the Attributes
of God and his nature so that we
can relate appropriately with Him.
For instance, when we know that
God is Holy, we will live our life
in a certain manner that will not
bring dishonour to His name.
And when we really Know God
is Almighty and Loving, we will
learn to Trust Him more, Obey
and carry out His instructions.
And in scripture, we can Know
God’s nature thro His Names.

From Rom 1:20-21, we learn
that God had sown his attributes
through creation, but mankind did
not glorify him nor were thankful.
We Praise God for Who He Is, and
one of the best ways to express
our Praise to God is thro Hymns.
And we can learn to Adore God
deeply through Thanksgiving,
whereby we Thank God for
What He Has Done for us.
When we Thank God deeply,
we develop Gratitude to Him,
which over time grows into Love.
And with love, we will learn to
Obey God and Trust Him more.

In life, we will face challenges,
and instead of trying to face
problems with our own strength,
we can Call upon God, implore or
appeal to him thro His Promises.
Finally, God created mankind to
have close relationship with them.
And God has given us the Holy
Bible to enable us to know Him
better, experience His Presence
and appropriate it to our life.

Friends, let PrayerThots daily
devotion enable you to develop
Closer Relationship with God
through Knowing Him better,
Praising & Thanking Him as well
as Imploring & Experiencing Him.

Praying thro Obadiah (Dec 2)

God Protects His People
(Prayer Walk thro Obadiah)

Backgrounder: Obadiah is given
the unenviable task of confronting
two members of a feuding family.
The Jews in Judah (descendants
of Jacob) and the Edomites
(descendants of Esau) were blood
brothers but with little visible love
between them. When the enemies
of Judah attacked the capital city
of Jerusalem, the Edomites rushed
in to help the enemy! As a result,
God sends Obadiah to predict
doom for the nation for refusing
to be its “brother keeper.”

Dear Almighty God who is
in control and on our side.
Help us Not to Be Proud,
help us to Help Others in need;
and Protect us from harm. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Obadiah (Dec 2)”

Explaining Biblical Exposition (Dec 2)

Dear Friends,

Man’s key problems are that of
Unbelief & Rebellion against God.
And the Grand Theme of the Bible
is that the solution is to Trust God
& accept Christ as Lord & Saviour.
We have been systematically
meditating through the bible to
see and appreciate how the Mega
Theme develops thro each book.
We Alternate between OT & NT
to add variety & more importantly
to remind ourselves that the
central theme is all about Christ.

The Bible is a collection of books
sorted according to categories
(Laws, History, Poetry, Prophets..)
and therefore not chronological.
And readers may be somewhat
unclear of the context, especially
when they come to 1 & 2 Kings,
1 & 2 Chronicles as well as the
major & minor prophetic books.
Continue reading “Explaining Biblical Exposition (Dec 2)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 1)

The Lord My Shield & Strength

Backgrounder to Deut 31-34:
With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at the
Jordan River, Moses completes his
duties as leader of God’s people.
He commissions Joshua as his
successor. In order for the people
to remember his message of life,
Moses records his final words
with a song and teaches it to the
nation. After pronouncing blessings
on each of the 12 tribes, Moses
climbs Mount Nebo for a final
glimpse of the Promised Land.

Lord, U are our Shield & Strength:
This is the blessing with which
Moses blessed the children
of Israel before his death:
Blessed are you, O Israel; Who is
like you, a people saved by the
Lord (Jehovah) Who is the shield
(Magen) of your help & the sword
of your majesty! (Deut 33:1, 29).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Dec 1)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 30)

God Goes Before You

Backgrounder to Deut 31-34:
With the covenant reestablished
and the nation poised at the
Jordan River, Moses completes his
duties as leader of God’s people.
He commissions Joshua as his
successor. In order for the people
to remember his message of life,
Moses records his final words
with a song and teaches the
melody & message to the nation.

Lord, You goes before us:
Then Moses called Joshua and
said to him in the sight of all Israel:
Be strong and of good courage,
for you must go with this people
to the land which the Lord has
sworn to their fathers to give
them and you shall cause them
to inherit it. The Lord himself goes
before you and will be with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake
you. Do not be afraid; do not
be discouraged (Deut 31:7-8).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 30)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 29)

God Is the Source of Wealth

Backgrounder to Deut 8-11:
Moses continues his review of
Israel’s history as an illustration
to the people of God’s faithfulness
throughout their 40-year
wilderness trek. God’s provision
in the past provides confidence
for the future. He will continue
to do great things for His
people if they continue to
walk in obedience to Him.

Lord, U are the source of wealth:
When you have eaten and are full,
then you shall bless the Lord your
God for the good land which He
has given you. Beware that you do
not forget the Lord your God by
not keeping His commandments…
And you shall remember the Lord
your God, for it is He who gives
you power to get wealth, that
He may establish His covenant
which He swore to your fathers,
as it is this day (Deut 8:10-11, 18).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 29)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 28)

The Faithful God

Backgrounder to Deut 5-7:
Moses’ second sermon begins in
chap 5 & extends thro Chap 26.
He opens with a repetition of the
Ten Commandments and exhorts
the people to obey the Lord from
a heart of love, to teach their
children obedience and to be
careful not to forget the Lord in
times of prosperity. Victory over
the pagan occupants of Canaan
is assured as long as the people
faithfully obeys God’s commands.

All Praise be to The Faithful God:
It was because the Lord loved u
and kept the oath he swore to
your forefathers that he brought
you out with a mighty hand and
redeemed you from the land of
slavery, fr the power of Pharaoh
king of Egypt. Know therefore
that the Lord your God is God;
he is the faithful God El Emunah
who keeps covenant (Deut 7:8-9)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 28)”

Launch of Prayer Thots

Users’ Prayers Depository

Dear Friends,
The reading of God’s Word and
speaking to God in prayer are
two key spiritual disciples crucial
to a close relationship with God.
While it’s important to read the
Word of God to renew our mind,
it’s crucial to allow our will be
more and more yielded to the
Holy Spirit even as we Respond
to the Word in application prayer.
And the scriptural prayer thots in
this website will help build up the
prayer life of believers in Christ.

Since the start of this website
less than two months ago,
there have been more than 60
prayers and comments from
PrayerThots Users. And today
we launch PrayerThots Users
Prayers Depository, which is
located under the Mission menu.
We thank those who have been
contributing their prayers to this
website. And we encourage more
to do so to strengthen their walk
with the Lord, intercede for one
another or corporately in areas
of common concern as well as
encourage one another through
testimonies of answered prayers.
Continue reading “Launch of Prayer Thots”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 27)

The God Who Rules

Backgrounder to Deut 1-4:
In the first of three sermons to
the nation, Moses begins with
a review of the past. God had
promised His people a new home
land but Israel failed to possess it
because of unbelief. For 40 years
they had wandered and died.
Now with the passing of that
unbelieving generation, God
has led the nation in smashing
victories over Sihon and Og,
bringing them to the threshold
of the land once again. But before
they are ready to enter, they must
learn a crucial lesson from the past
– that obedience brings victory
and blessings while disobedience
results only in defeat & judgment.

Praise be to the God who Rules:
At that time Moses pleaded
with the Lord: O Sovereign Lord
(Adonai) God, You have begun
to show Your servant Your
greatness and Your strong hand;
for what god is there in heaven or
on earth who can do such works
and mighty acts as Yours? Let me
go over and see the good land
beyond the Jordan (Deut 3:23-25
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Nov 27)”

Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 26)

The Divided Kingdom
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Kings 12-22)

Backgrounder: After Solomon’s
death, the northern tribes revolt
following an increase in tax burden
resulting in a divided kingdom of
two distinct nations (Israel and
Judah) ruled by two decadent
kings (Jeroboam and Rehoboam).
Chapter 15 begins a pattern that
will extend throughout the rest of
1 & 2 Kings. The writer flip flops
in his account between the nations
of Israel and Judah, first describing
the reigning power in the North,
then moving to the South & so on.
He traces the parallel stories of
two nations in spiritual decline,
taking time occasionally to
highlight a king (such as Ahab)
or a prophet (such as Elijah)
confronting the kings for their sins.

Dear Lord, we learn from 1Kings
U deal with sin in powerful ways.
Thanks for the lessons from
the ministry of Prophet Elijah.
When in challenging situation,
help us learn to Pray Boldly;
take Step of Faith; Expect U to
Act; yearn to Hear from You and
Press On with U in control. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro 1 Kings (Nov 26)”