Prayer Thot for the Day (May 10)

God Gives Direction when U Seek:

Backgrounder on Matthew 12-15:
A turning point in Matthew’s gospel
occurs in chapter 12. Mounting
antagonism by the Jewish
religious leaders erupts into open
denunciation of Jesus. Attributing
His miracles to the power of Satan,
they demand yet another sign to
substantiate Jesus’ messianic claim
Because of their fierce rejection,
Jesus begins to speak in parables.
After a rude reception in his
hometown of Nazareth, Jesus
withdrew across the Sea of Galilee
to the regions of Tyre and Sidon in
order to escape growing opposition

Lord, we will Seek Your Direction:
Now those who had eaten were
about 5,000 men besides women
and children. Immediately Jesus
made His disciples get into the
boat and go before Him to the
other side while He sent the
multitudes away…(Then) He went
up on the mountain by Himself
to pray. Now when evening came,
He was alone there (Matt 14:21-23)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 10)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 9)

God Promises Rest to You

Backgrounder on Matthew 8-11:
Matthew shared ten miracles to
demonstrate Jesus’ power over
disease, nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power and authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as he calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we receive Your Rest:
Jesus said: Come to Me, all of u
who are weary and carry heavy
burdens, and I will give you Rest.
Take my yoke upon you.
Let me teach you, because I am
Humble & Gentle at heart, and
you will Find Rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy to bear, and
the burdens I give you is light
(Matt 11:28-30). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 9)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 8)

God Blesses Those Who Believe

Backgrounder on Matthew 8-11:
Matthew shared ten miracles to
demonstrate Jesus’ power over
disease, nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power and authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as he calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we come to You in Faith:
When He came down from the
mountain, a leper worshiped Him
saying: Lord if U are willing, U can
make me clean. Then Jesus put out
His hand and touched him saying:
I am willing, be cleansed. And
instantly the leprosy disappeared…
Now when Jesus had entered
Capernaum, a centurion came
pleading: Lord my servant is lying
at home paralysed. And Jesus said:
I will come and heal him. The
centurion answered: Only speak a
word & my servant will be healed…
Jesus said to those who followed:
I have not found such great faith
in Israel… Then Jesus said to the
centurion: Go your way; as you
have believed, so let it be done
for you. And his servant was
healed that same hour (Mt 8:1-13)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 8)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 7)

God Rewards Those Who Seek

Backgrounder on Matthew 5-7:
Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And this
section traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, focuses
on Relationship to God and our
inward attitude towards Him.

Lord, we will Ask, Seek & Knock:
Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find; knock and
the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives;
he who seeks finds; and to him
who knocks, the door will be
opened (Matt 7:7-8). If you then,
being evil, know how to give
good gifts to your children, how
much more will your Father who
is in heaven give good things to
those who Ask Him (v11). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 7)”

Praying thro Acts (May 6)

Challenges Can Boost Growth
(Prayer Walk thro Acts 8-12)

Backgrounder: Two years after
the Commission, only Jerusalem
had heard the good news.
In chapter 8, persecution hits,
scattering all but the apostles
into Judea and Samaria. Phillip
extends his witness to Africa thro
the conversion of visiting dignitary.
Saul experiences a confrontation
with the risen Lord on the road
to Damascus which transform
him from Saul the Antagonist
to Paul the Missionary. With the
conversion of Cornelius, the
outreach of the church is enlarged
to include Gentiles as well.
But it takes an unusual vision,
a stubborn vessel (Peter) and
a well-timed visit to break down
centuries of deep-seated prejudice

Dear Lord, thank you for the
book of Acts which records the
growth of the Christian church,
aided by the power of Holy Spirit.
Almighty God, You can work
thro any challenge or opposition.
Help us to realise that hostility
may come about because we
have been faithful witnesses.
Help us to seize opportunities
that opposition brings about.
Help us Submit to Your Will;
Help us Tune In to Your Plan &
Help us Tap to Your Power. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Acts (May 6)”

Praying thro Acts (May 5)

Growth of the Church
(Prayer Walk thro Acts 1-7)

Backgrounder: With Jesus’ last
words of instruction still ringing
in their ears, the disciples go forth
speaking words of eternal life,
first to the Jews & Jewish officials.
Visited by their resurrected Lord
and empowered by the promised
Comforter, they fearlessly follow
their marching orders in spite of
mocking, threats & physical abuse.
The advance of the gospel is
soon opposed by adversaries. But
prompt discipline, wise leadership
and unflinching commitment only
serve to enlarge the church as
the number of disciples multiplies
in Jerusalem greatly (Acts 6:7).

Dear Lord, thank you for the
book of Acts which records the
growth of the Christian church.
Our faith is supernatural and
we need to be more Spirit’s
conscious rather than problem
conscious as well as claim Holy
Spirit’s power to do Christ’s work.
When the Holy Spirit work, there
is power, excitement and growth.
Help us Pray for Church Growth;
Help us Be Open to Holy Spirit &
Help us Pray for Church leadership.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Acts (May 5)”

Preview on Acts of Apostles (May5)

We’ve Chronologically covered the
Old Testament, phase by phase:
OT1: Five Books of Laws incl Job.
OT2: Israel History to King David
OT3: United & Divided Kingdoms
OT4: Return from the Exile
We had also meditated on the
synoptic gospels & John gospel.
(All accessible in
Blog Announcements Menu)

We now continue with Book of Acts.
Beginning with a frightened band
of disciples in an upper room,
Acts traces the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem
following the ascension of Christ
and the subsequent spread and
growth of Christianity throughout
the Roman Empire. Written by
Luke, Acts records the fulfilment
of Jesus’ Great Commission
as Spirit-transformed disciples
carry the gospel to Jerusalem…
Judea and Samaria and into the
uttermost part of the earth (A1:8).
Continue reading “Preview on Acts of Apostles (May5)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 4)

God Will Provide Your Needs

Backgrounder on Matthew 5-7:
Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And this
section traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, presents
His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (rather than
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not outward action)
become the focus of His message.

Lord,You’ll Take Care of Our Needs:
Do not worry saying: What Shall
We Eat..or What shall we wear? For
the pagans run after these things
and Your Heavenly Father knows
that you need them. But Seek
First the Kingdom of God and
His righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well.
Therefore Do Not Worry about
tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry
about itself (Matt 6:31-34). Amen
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 4)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 3)

God Blesses those Depend on Him

Backgrounder on Matthew 5-7:
Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And this
section traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, presents
His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (rather than
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not outward action)
become the focus of His message.

Lord, we will Depend on You:
Blessed are the Poor in spirit
(and realise their need for Him)
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the Meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the Merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
(Matthew 5:3, 5, 7). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 3)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 2)

God’s Word Keeps You from Sin

Backgrounder on Matthew 1-4:
Matthew begins his gospel with
the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
Whilst Genesis traces the creation
of man, Matthew shows the advent
of Jesus begins a new creation.
From the call of Abraham, God
has been moving to accomplish
His great redemption plan. Jesus
the prophesied Messiah, fulfills
the OT promises in every facet of
His life: birth, boyhood & baptism.

Lord, Your Word keeps us from Sin:
Jesus was led into the wilderness
to be tempted by the devil. And
when He had fasted 40 days,
He was hungry. Now the tempter
came to Him and said: If You are
the Son of God command these
stones become bread. But (Jesus)
answered: It is written: Man shall
not live by bread alone but by
every word that proceeds from
the mouth of God (Matt 4:1-4).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 2)”