Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 7)

Christ our Bread of Life

Backgrounder on John 6-8:
Early in His ministry, Christ issues
a challenge: Search the scriptures
for they testify of me (Jn 5:39).
Now His public declarations and
miraculous demonstrations serve
to confirm what the Old Testament
said would be true of Him. Using
the Jewish feast days as public
forum, Jesus declares Himself
to be the Bread of Life (6:35),
the Sent One of God (7:28),
the Forgiver of Sins (8:11) and
the Light of the World (8:12).

Lord, we’ll Come to You for Help:
Jesus replied: I am the Bread
of Life. No one who comes to
me will ever be hungry again.
Those who believe in me will
never thirst (John 6:35). And the
one who comes to Me, I will by
no means cast out (v37). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 7)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 6)

God Satisfies Your Deep Longings

Backgrounder on John 3-5:
Jesus’ ministry is not reserved for
the temple or synagogue. At any
time and in all places He is ready
with a word and a healing touch.
Nicodemus comes by night seeking
answers and finds the miracle of
the second birth. The Samaritan
woman comes seeking water
at the well and leaves to tell
her city about a source of living
water that will never run dry.
Jew or Samaritan, religious leader
or religious outcast, Jesus’
compassion knows no bounds.

Lord, You Satisfy our Longings:
Jesus said to her: If you knew who
it is who says to u: Give Me a drink,
you would have asked Him and He
would have given you living water…
Whoever drinks of this water will
thirst again, but whoever drinks
of the water that I shall give them
will Never Thirst. Indeed the water
I give them will become in them
a spring of water welling up to
eternal life (John 4:10-14). Amen
The woman left her water jar
beside the wall and went back
to the village and told everyone:
Come and meet a man who
told me everything I ever did!
Can this be the Messiah? So
the people came streaming from
the village to see him (v28-30).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 6)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 5)

God Gives You Eternal Life

Backgrounder on John 3-5:
Jesus’ ministry is not reserved for
the temple or synagogue. At any
time and in all places He is ready
with a word and a healing touch.
Nicodemus comes by night seeking
answers and finds the miracle of
the second birth. The Samaritan
woman comes seeking water at
the well and leaves to tell her city
about a source of living water that
will never run dry. The paralytic
at the pool finds that even 38 years
of lameness is no obstacle to
the miracle-working Son of God.
Jew or Samaritan, religious leader
or religious outcast, Jesus’
compassion knows no bounds.

Lord, we will Respond to Your Love:
For God so loved the world that
He gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life
(John 3:16). Whoever believes
in the Son has eternal life, but
whoever rejects the Son will
not see life for God’s wrath
remains on them (v36). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 5)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 4)

Appealing God thro NT Promises:
(Significance Reinstated)

Dear Friends,
We have completed seven months
of devotion on God’s Promises,
following three earlier series on
Adoring God thro Thanksgiving,
Knowing God’s thro His Names
and Praising God thro Hymns.
Before continuing, let’s pause
to consider the significance of
Appealing God on NT Promises.

There are so much to pray about:
our dreams, hopes and plans.
But often we are held up by our
own doubts: Does God really
care about this request of ours?
How assuring to pray back to God
the promises found in HIS Word.
Then we no longer wonder if this
is something God cares about,for
He brought it up in the first place.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 4)”

Praying thro 1 Corinthians (Jun 3)

Building Up the Church of Christ
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Cor 7-16)

Backgrounder: The Corinthians
had sent Paul a list of questions
on marriage, morality, liberty,
worship & resurrection. And Paul
answered them in a way meant
to correct abuses in the church
and to show how important it is
that they live what they believe.

Lord, we thank you for inspiring
Paul who gives us the Christian
approach to problem-solving:
analysing the problem thoroughly
to uncover the underlying issue;
and then highlighting the Biblical
value that will guide our actions.
Thanks Lord for giving spiritual
gifts to build up the church.
Help us Seek Spiritual Gifts,
Help us Choose to Love and
Help us Use Spiritual Gifts. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro 1 Corinthians (Jun 3)”

Praying thro 1 Corinthians (Jun 2)

Dealing With Disunity Problem
(Prayer Walk thro 1 Cor 1-6)

Backgrounder: Churches aren’t
perfect because churches are
full of imperfect people. Paul
writes to the believers at Corinth
to correct errors in their public
and private behaviour which
are detracting from their gospel
witness. These include factions,
immorality and lawsuits between
believers. In an orderly fashion,
Paul set forth godly guidelines
for conduct consistent with
the grace of God given by Christ.

Dear Lord, we recognise the
tendency of the church to fall
into divisiveness and disorder.
Help us to be concerned over
unity in our local churches; and
not mistake cordiality for unity.
And help the church leadership to
squarely address such problems.
Help us to be of One Mind;
Help us to Seek Your Insight and
Help us Focus on Your View. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro 1 Corinthians (Jun 2)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 1)

Christ Urges Prayer & Not Give Up

Backgrounder on Luke 16-18:
With His gaze fixed on Jerusalem,
Jesus intensifies His final training
of the disciples. In these three
chapters, stewardship is theme
for the disciples will soon be
entrusted with the message of
the gospel. Jesus outlines the
duties of a servant; illustrates
from the lives of 10 lepers; and
underscores the importance of
prayer that is Persistent & humble.

Lord, we’ll Persevere in Prayer:
Then Jesus told his disciples a
parable to show them that they
should always Pray & Not Give Up..
Will Not God bring about justice
for his chosen ones who cry out
to him day and night? Will he keep
putting them off?…However when
the Son of Man comes, will He
finds Faith on the earth (Lk 18:1-8)
Jesus called for the children and
said to the disciples: Let the
children come to me. Don’t stop
them! For the Kingdom of God
belongs to such as these. I assure
you, anyone who doesn’t have their
kind of Faith will not get into the
Kingdom of God (Lk 18:16-17).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Jun 1)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 31)

God Favours the Ready

Backgrounder on Luke 10-12:
Seventy disciples are sent out to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan rather than God. Others
clamour for more miraculous signs.
And Jesus denounces the religious
leaders for their hypocrisy and
warns the disciples to Be Watchful.

Lord, we’ll be Ready for Yr Return:
Jesus said to His disciples: Don’t
Worry about your life… Who of
you by worrying can add a single
hour to his life? (Luke 12:22-25).
Be dressed for service and
well-prepared, as though you
were waiting for your master to
return from the wedding feast…
There will be Special Favour for
those who Are Ready and waiting
for His Return (v35-38). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 31)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 30)

God Answers Persistent Prayers

Backgrounder on Luke 10-12:
Seventy disciples are sent out to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan rather than God. Others
clamour for more miraculous signs.
And Jesus denounces the religious
leaders for their hypocrisy and
warns the disciples to be watchful.

Lord, we’ll Pray with Perseverence:
Which of you shall have a friend,
and go to him at midnight and say
to him: Friend lend me 3 loaves…
I say to you, though he will not
get up and give him the bread
because he is his friend, yet
because of the man’s persistence
he will get up and give him as
much as he needs (Luke 11:5-8).
So I say to you, ask and it will be
given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and it will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks receives,
and he who seeks finds and to him
who knocks it will be opened(9-10)
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 30)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (May 29)

God Gives U Witnessing Authority

Backgrounder on Luke 10-12:
Seventy disciples are sent out
two-by-two with instructions to
heal the sick & say: The kingdom
of God is come nigh unto you.
Their enthusiastic return prompts
Jesus to rejoice in praise to God.
But confrontation is gathering.
Some attribute His miracles to
Satan rather than God. Others
clamour for more miraculous signs.
And Pharisees attack His seeming
disregard for their traditions.
Jesus responds by denouncing the
religious leaders for their hypocrisy
and by warning the disciples
to be watchful as they work.

Lord, U Give Us Authority over Evil:
Then Jesus said: The harvest
is so great but the workers are
so few. Pray to the Lord who is
in charge of the harvest, and
ask him to send out more workers
for his fields. Go now (Lk 10:2-3).
Then the seventy returned with
joy saying: Lord, even the demons
are subject to us in Your name.
And He said: I saw Satan fall like
lightning from heaven. Behold,
I give you the Authority to trample
on serpents and over all the power
of the enemy and nothing shall by
any means hurt you (v17-19). Amen
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (May 29)”