Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 8)

God Is Merciful & Will Save You

Backgrounder on Psalms 140-145:
Your enemies will either drive you
from God or drive you to God.
In David’s hour of need he found
a sure Refuge (Ps 140, Ps 142),
a trustworthy Friend (Ps 141),
a listening Ear (Ps 143),
a strong Arm (Ps 144),
A Merciful King (Ps 145);
and You Can Too !! Amen.

Lord, U are Merciful & Will Save Us:
The Lord is kind and Merciful…
He showers compassion on all…
Your faithful followers will bless U.
They will talk about the glory of
your kingdom; they will celebrate
examples of yr power (Ps145:8-11)
The Lord is faithful to all His
promises & gracious in all He does.
The Lord Upholds all who fall & lift
up all who are bowed down(v13-14)
The Lord Is Near to all who call on
Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire
of those who fear Him; He also will
Hear their cry & Save them (v18-19)
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Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 7)

God Brings You Through Trouble

Backgrounder on Psalms 140-145:
Your enemies will either drive you
from God or drive you to God.
In David’s hour of need he found
a sure Refuge (Ps 140, Ps 142),
a trustworthy Friend (Ps 141),
a listening Ear (Ps 143),
A Strong Arm (Ps 144),
a merciful King (Ps 145);
and You Can Too !! Amen.

Lord, You bring us Thro Trouble:
Bless the Lord, who is my rock.
He Gives Me Strength… He is
my loving ally and my fortress,
my tower of safety, my deliverer.
He stands before me as a Shield,
& I Take Refuge in Him (Ps 144:1-2)
O Lord, what are mortals that You
should notice us, mere mortals
that You should care for us ?
For… our days are like a passing
shadow. Bend down the heavens,
Lord & Come Down (v3-5) Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 7)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 6)

God You Can Count On

Backgrounder on Psalms 140-145:
Your enemies will either drive you
from God or drive you to God.
In David’s hour of need he found
a sure Refuge (Ps 140, Ps 142),
a Trustworthy Friend (Ps 141),
a listening Ear (Ps 143),
a strong Arm (Ps 144),
a merciful King (Ps 145);
and You Can Too !! Amen.

Lord, we can Count On You:
O Lord, I am Calling on You.
Please hurry! Listen when I cry
to You for help! … Take Control
of What I Say, O Lord, and keep
my lips sealed. Don’t let me
lust for evil things; don’t let me
participate in acts of wickedness.
Let the godly strike me! It will be
a kindness! If they reprove me,
it is soothing medicine. Don’t let
me refuse it (Ps 141:1-5) Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 6)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 5)

God Knows You & Cares For You

Backgrounder on Psalms 135-139:
These psalms about Praising God.
Sometimes it’s easy to praise the
Lord simply by recalling the past
(P135-136); at other times, past
memories produce more pain than
praise (P137). But even times of
trouble can be cause of praise
(P138) as you think about the
infinite Knowledge & unceasing
Presence of yr mighty God (P139)

Lord, Praise Your Constant Care:
You Discern my going out and
my lying down; You are Familiar
with all my ways (Psalm 139:3).
Where can I free from Yr Presence?
If I go to the heavens, U are there;
If I settle on the far side of the
sea, even there Your hand will
guide and hold me fast (v7-10).
Every day of my life was recorded.
Every moment was Laid Out before
a day had passed. How precious
are Your Thoughts (v16-17) Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 5)”

Praying thro Daniel (Mar 4)

Confidence from Visions of Future
(Prayer Walk thro Daniel 7-12)

Backgrounder: Whilst the first half
of Daniel’s book centres around
the prophet’s personal adventures;
the second half focuses on his
prophetic visions. God’s people
now find themselves under Gentile
domination. But even world powers
do not rise or fall without the
consent of almighty God. In a
remarkable collection of prophetic
glimpses, Daniel sets forth both
the near and distant future of God’s
chosen people – a future filled with
purifying judgment and blessing.

Dear Lord, we note that Daniel’s
visions gave the captives added
Confidence that You God is In
Control of history. Lord, help us
Not give in to the pressures of
challenges and temptations of
the sinful way of life around us.
Lord, we appeal to Your Mercy,
for we will Wait for the Answer, &
we’ll Persevere & Be Refined. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Daniel (Mar 4)”

Praying thro Daniel (Mar 3)

Glowing Faith in Trying Times
(Prayer Walk thro Dan 1-6)

Backgrounder: The first 3 chapters
of the book describes the spiritual
integrity of Daniel and his three
friends. Selected for government
service, they resist the pressure
to conform to their pagan
environment and instead take
a clear-cut stand for God of Israel.
Next three chapters covers Daniel
when he’s already in his 70s to 90s.
Throughout his days, Daniel’s
faith shines brightly, whether
interpreting a king’s dream,
reading the handwriting on the
wall or taking a stand for his God.

Lord, thank you for the book of
Daniel that shows how You God
is In Control of the destiny of
nations & Care for Your people.
Help us take courage & put our
Faith in You who controls all things.
Lord, in the face of life challenges,
help us purpose to Obey You;
grant us Revelation & Wisdom and
lead us be Devoted in Prayer. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Daniel (Mar 3)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 2)

God Promises With His Name !

Backgrounder on Psalms 135-139:
These psalms about praising God.
Sometimes it’s easy to praise
the Lord simply by recalling the
past (P135-136); at other times
memories of the past produce
more pain than praise (P137).
But even times of trouble & tears
can be cause of praise (P138)
as you think about the infinite
knowledge & unceasing presence
of your omnipotent God (P139).

Lord,we receive Yr Caring Promises:
I will give thanks to Your Name for
your unfailing love & faithfulness,
because Your Promises are Backed
by all the honour of Your Name.
In the day when I cried out,
You answered me, and made me
bold with strength (Ps 138:2-3).
Though the Lord is great, He
Cares for the humble, but keeps
his distance from the proud (v6).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 2)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 1)

God Who Builds & Gives Rest

Backgrounder on Psalms 120-127:
These psalms deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
provision (123, 124, 126); and
Protection (121, 125, 127). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life

Lord, You Build & Give Rest:
Unless the Lord Builds a house,
the work of the builders is useless.
Unless the Lord protects a city,
guarding it with sentries will do
no good. It is useless for you
to work so hard from early morning
until late at night, anxiously working
for food to eat; for God Gives Rest
to His loved ones (Ps 127:1-3).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Mar 1)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 28)

God Will Restore & Provide Harvest

Backgrounder on Psalms 120-127:
These psalms deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
protection (121, 125, 127); and
Provision (123, 124, 126). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life

Lord, You’ll Restore to Your People:
When the Lord Brought Back
His exiles to Jerusalem, it was
like a dream! We were filled with
laughter, and we sang for joy. Yes,
the Lord has done amazing things
for us! What joy! (Ps 126: 1-3).
Those who plant in tears
Will Harvest with shouts of joy.
They weep as they go to plant
their seed, but they sing as
they return with the harvest,
Bringing In the Sheaves (v5-6).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 28)”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 27)

God Helps & Protects His People

Backgrounder on Psalms 120-127:
These psalms deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
Protection (121, 125, 127); and
provision (123, 124, 126). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life

Lord, You Help and Protect us:
My Help Comes from the Lord,
who made the heavens and the
earth! He will not let you stumble
and fall; the one who Watches
over u will not slumber (Ps121:2-3)
The Lord himself Watches over you!
The Lord stands besides you as
your protective shade…The Lord
Keeps you from Evil & preserves
your life. The Lord keeps watch
over you as u come & go (v5-8).
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Feb 27)”