Praying thro Hebrews (Aug 11)

Christ Our Great High Priest
(Prayer Walk thro Heb 1-4)

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His suffering & death,
Jesus He lifts mankind above
the angels into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
Moses was a servant in God’s
household, but Christ is the
divine Son over God’s household.
Joshua was Israel’s provider of
peace in the land of Canaan, but
Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for
the book of Hebrews that shows
You are superior over everyone
and everything. Thank you for
all that You have done for us,
for Living in You Christ Jesus
is having the best there is in life.
Whilst we may face challenges,
thanks for we have direct access
to You, whereby we can approach
your throne with confidence.
Help us to Listen to Your Truth; &
help us to Be Courageous. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Hebrews (Aug 11)”

Preview on Hebrews (Aug 11)

Preview on Hebrews

We have been Chronologically
covering the Bible phase by phase.
We start the Gospels, with Jesus
presented as the Perfect Servant, Savior of the world, Messianic King
and the Son of God, before Acts
chronicles Growth of the Church.
Then Paul urges the Galatians to
live by Faith alone, Thessalonians
to Serve ahead of Second Coming,
to Corinthians to Live Rightly,
to Romans Justification by Faith,
Ephesians living as Body of Christ
to Colossians Doctrinal Purity and
to Philippians Unity of the Spirit;
before Paul’s pastoral letters.

Next, we continue into Hebrews:
Jewish believers were tempted
to renounce their newfound faith
and return to Judaism to escape
persecution. The writer of Hebrews
appeals to them to pursue maturity
based on Christ’s superiority
to the Jewish religious system.
Christ is better than Moses
for Moses was created by Him;
He is better than Aaron for His
sacrifice never need be repeated;
He is better than the Law, for
He mediates a better covenant.
More is to be gained by suffering
for Christ than by reverting
to a system He came to fulfill.
Continue reading “Preview on Hebrews (Aug 11)”

Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 4

God Hears Intercessory Prayers

Heresy that Jesus is neither
central nor supreme is undermining
the Colossian church. Paul’s
responds to these false teachings
by upholding Christ as the
Preeminent Head of the church and
speaks agst man-made regulations.
Instead Paul encourages them
to pursue a godly life befitting
those who are risen with Christ.

Lord, we will Pray For One Another:
Devote yourselves to prayer with
an Alert mind and a Thankful heart.
Don’t forget to Pray For Us too,
that God will give us many
opportunities to preach Christ…
Epaphras from your city, always
prays earnestly For U, asking God
to make you strong and perfect,
fully confident of the whole Will
of God (Col 4:2-3 & v12). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 4”

Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 3

God Gives You Power of New Life

Heresy that Jesus is neither
central nor supreme is undermining
the Colossian church. Paul’s
responds to these false teachings
by upholding Christ as the
Preeminent Head of the church
and speaks against man-made
regulations & ritualistic worship.
Instead Paul encourages them
to pursue a godly life befitting
those who are risen with Christ.

Lord, we’ll Be Heavenly Minded:
Since you have been raised to
New Life with Christ,set your sights
on the Realities of heaven. Let
Heaven Fill Your Thots. Do not
think only about things down here
on earth. For you died when Christ
died, and your Real Life is hidden
with Christ in God (Col 3:1-3).
Let the message about Christ in all
its richness, fill your lives. Counsel
each other with all the wisdom He
gives. Sing spiritual songs to God
with thankful hearts (v16). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 3”

Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 2

You are Complete In Christ

All is not well in Colosse. A heresy
that Jesus Christ is neither central
nor supreme is undermining
the church. Paul’s response to
these false teachings is two-fold.
First, he upholds Christ as the
preeminent Head of the church.
Next, he speaks out against the
rituals and man-made regulations.
which typify worship at Colosse.

Lord Jesus, we’re Complete In You:
As you have received Christ Jesus
the Lord, so walk in Him, Rooted
and built up in Him & established
in the faith… abounding in it
with thanksgiving (Col 2:6-7).
In Christ the fullness of God lives
in a human body, and you are
Complete through your union
with Christ (Col 2:9-10). (And)
He Cancelled the record of the
Charges against us (v14). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 2”

Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 1

Christ Jesus Living In You

All is not well in Colosse. A heresy
that Jesus Christ is neither central
nor supreme is undermining
the church. Paul’s response to
these false teachings is two-fold.
First, he upholds Christ as the
preeminent Head of the church.
Next, he speaks out against the
rituals and man-made regulations.
which typify worship at Colosse.

Lord Jesus, You Live Within Us:
We ask God to give you complete
understanding of what he wants
to do in your lives, & make you wise
with spiritual wisdom… We also
pray that you will be strengthened
with His glorious power so that
you will have all the patience and
endurance you need. May you
be filled with joy, always thanking
the Father, who has enabled you to
share the inheritance that belongs
to God’s people (Col 1:9-12).
Everything was created thro Him &
for Him…that in all things He may
have the preeminence (v16-18).
This is the secret: Christ lives in u
and this is your assurance that you
will share in his glory (v27). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day on Col 1”

Prayer Thot for the Day (Aug 6)

Appealing God thro NT Promises
(Significance Reinstated)

Dear Friends,
We have completed nine months
of devotion on God’s Promises,
following three earlier series on
Knowing, Thanking & Praising God.
Before continuing,let’s consider the
significance of Claiming Promises.
Often our prayers are held up by
our own doubts: Does God really
care about this request of ours?
How assuring to pray back to God
the promises found in His Word.
As we pray God’s promises, note
the starting point is His Nature:
that He is Trustworthy & Faithful.
Secondly,we must always trust God
to work In His Way and In His Time;
and Be Patient to Wait upon Him.

Dear Almighty & All-Loving God,
I pray even as Yr People meditate
on Your Scriptural Promises:
That Your Spirit minister to their
soul and Will Comfort them;
That they Will Experience the
blessings of a praying life; and
That their Faith Will Arise so that
they Will Trust You more and more.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Friends, NT Promises listed below:
For Today’s Devotion, pick a post
that addresses your present need.
Go to Romans, if you need
Transformation & Hope In Christ.
Go to Corinthians, if you need
Strength to Live Rightly for Christ.
Go to Galatians, if you need
Liberty and Freedom In Christ.
Go to Ephesians, if you need
inspiration to Live Out your calling.
Go to Philippians, if you need
to Rest in God’s Peace & Joy.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day (Aug 6)”

Praying thro Titus (Aug 5)

Instructions for Holy Living
(Prayer Walk thro Titus 1-3)

Titus lived on Crete, and worked
among a people who had one of
the worst reputations in the world.
Paul had left Titus to oversee
the growth of the church there
and now writes to encourage him
in that difficult task. In order to
promote sound teaching and
offset false doctrines that were
on the rise, Titus is told to appoint
& train spiritual leaders as elders.
Paul’s short letter is a summary of
Christian doctrine that emphasises
holy living and encourages all
to live worthy of the gospel.

Dear Lord, thank u for the lesson
from Titus that Christians are to
be self-disciplined and orderly.
Help us Lord to live upright lives,
control our speech & live peacefully
with others so that we can be
living examples of our faith in You.
Help us Lead a Godly Lifestyle;
help us Say “No” to Ungodliness &
help us Live Worthily of You. Amen
Continue reading “Praying thro Titus (Aug 5)”

Praying thro Philemon (Aug 4)

From Bondage to Brotherhood

On the run after committing
a wrong against his master;
Onesimus the slave sought refuge
among the masses in Rome.
There he crosses Paul’s path and
converts to faith in Jesus Christ.
Though he shows his gratitude
by serving Paul, he still must
reconcile with his master Philemon.
Paul writes this letter to Philemon
asking him to forgive Onesimus
and to accept him as a brother
in Christ. This short epistle
reminds believers of our heavenly
Father’s love and forgiveness.

Dear Lord, we learn from Philemon
that Christian relationships must
be full of forgiveness & acceptance
for in Christ we are one family. And
that persuasion accomplishes a
great deal more than commands
when dealing with people.
Help us to Share our Faith,
help us to Be More Gracious; and
help us to Be Forgiving. Amen.
Continue reading “Praying thro Philemon (Aug 4)”

Prayer Thot for the Day on Phil 4

God Supplies All Your Needs

Despite adverse circumstances,
Philippians is an encouraging letter
in the midst of persecution. Paul
rejoices esp the church’s steadfast
testimony for the gospel. Though
that testimony is threatened by
divisions in the church, Paul is
confident unity will be restored as
they imitate the humility of Christ.
And Paul urges contentment
for God will supply all our needs.

Lord, You Strengthen & Provide:
I know what it is to be in need,
and I know what it is to have plenty.
I have learned the secret of being
Content in any and every situation,
whether well fed or hungry,
whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do all this through Him who
Gives me Strength (Phil 4:12-13).
This same God who takes
care of me Will Supply all your
needs from his glorious riches,
which have been given to us
in Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). Amen.
Continue reading “Prayer Thot for the Day on Phil 4”