Adoring God In Hebrews 1&2

God Reveals His Truths (Nov 18)

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His suffering & death,
Jesus He lifts mankind above
the angels into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
Moses was a servant in God’s
household, but Christ is the
divine Son over God’s household.
Joshua was Israel’s provider of
peace in the land of Canaan, but
Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, we will Listen to Your Truth:
In these final days, he has spoken
to us through his Son… through
whom also He made the world’s…
and upholding all things by the
word of His power, when He had
by Himself purged our sins (and)
sat down at the right hand of
the Majesty on high (Heb 1:2-3).
We must listen very carefully
to the truth we have heard,
or we may drift away from it…
how shall we escape if we neglect
so great a salvation (Heb 2:1-3)
You have made him a little lower
than the angels; You have crowned
him with glory and honour, and…
You have put all things in subjection
under his feet (Heb 2:7-8).

Lord Jesus, thank You for the book
of Hebrews that shows You are
superior over everyone & everything.
Thank You for all that You have done
for us, for Living in You Christ Jesus
is having the best there is in life.
Whilst we may face challenges,
thanks we’ve direct access to You;
and we can approach Your throne
with confidence. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, speak to me through the
pages of scripture each day and
make them come alive in my heart.
Help me Listen very carefully to
Your Truth; and Challenge me
when I am drifting away from You.
Reveal Your thoughts on applying
of Your Word to my circumstance.
And breathe the saving power of
Your Word deep into me. Amen.

Father God, since I have identified
with Your Son Christ Jesus,
I have truly become one with Him.
I will not look to myself for success
but fix my thoughts on Jesus,
the High Priest of our confession.
It is He who takes my words before
the Father on my behalf, so that
I have the assurance that they
will accomplish its purpose. Amen.

Thought for the Week: 2Tim 4

God Stands By the Faithful

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood Faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There is no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we’ll Share Your Good News:
A time is coming when people will
no longer listen to sound teaching.
They will follow their own desires &
reject the truth… Don’t Be Afraid of
suffering for the Lord (2Tim 4:3-5)
I have Fought the good fight,
I have Finished the race, and
I have Remained FAITHFUL.
And now the prize awaits me,
which the Lord..the Righteous Judge
will give me on… His return (v7-8).
The Lord STOOD with me and gave
me Strength so that I might preach
the Good News for all to hear. And
the Lord will Deliver me (v17-18).

Lord, we are living in the end times
as we see more pestinences, earth
quakes & climatic disasters as well
as lawlessness around the world.
Living for Jesus and sharing the
good news can be challenging.
Cause us Lord to remember Your
commission; not slack in our
responsibility and the grace to
share Your love. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Jesus, Thank You for all
that You have done for us all.
In gratitude of Your sacrificial love
and in obedience to Your command,
we purpose to further Your kingdom.
Help me influence others toward
You & steer them to Your direction.
Help me speak words of edification
as well as utter prayers for others.
Help me Remain Faithful running the
race to receive Your crown. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise to
bring us to Your heavenly Kingdom.
You will bring us through difficulties
in a way that allows us to triumph.
We know You Lord are watching
as You use us to impact the world.
Stand by us, give us strength and
grant us deliverances that boost
our confidence to persevere
and Share Your Good News. Amen.

Reflection on 2 Timothy & Titus

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The purpose of Apostle Paul’s
letters to Timothy is to encourage
as well as to give instructions
to Timothy who is the young
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
And Paul’s letter to Titus in Crete
is to promote sound teaching
that emphasises holy living and encourages to live worthy of gospel.

On Monday, we learn from 2Tim 1
that God Keeps the Committed.
On Tuesday, we learn from 2Tim 2
that God Remains Faithful to us.
On Wed, we learn from 2Tim 3
that God Gives us Word of Life.
On Thur, we learn from 2Tim 4
that God Stands By the Faithful.
On Friday, we learn from Titus 2
that God Desires Holy Living.
On Sat, we learn from Titus 3
that God Desires Good Works.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as God Keeps the Committed
and Gives us the Word of Life.
For You are worthy of our Praise
as God Remains Faithful to us
as well as Stands By the Faithful.
For You Desire Holy Living from
us and that we’ll do Good Works.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Titus 3 (Nov 16)

God Desires Good Works

Titus lived on Crete, and worked
among a people who had one of
the worst reputations in the world.
Paul had left Titus to oversee the
church & now writes to encourage
him in that difficult task.To promote
sound teaching and offset false
doctrines, Titus is told to appoint
& train spiritual leaders as elders.
Paul’s short letter is a summary of
Christian doctrine that emphasises
holy living and encourages all
to live worthy of the gospel.

Lord, we’ll Do Good Works:
Remind them to be subject
to authorities… to be ready
for every good work; to speak
evil of no one, to be peaceable,
gentle, showing all humility
to all men (Titus 3:1-2).
This is a faithful saying… that
those who have believed in God
should be careful to maintain
good works. These things are
good and profitable to men (v8).
Avoid foolish questions, contentions
and striving about the law.
Such things are unprofitable and
useless… And let our people also
learn to maintain good works,
to meet urgent needs, that
they may not be unfruitful (v9-14).

Lord, we purpose to be submissive
to the governing authorities and
be obedient to the laws of the land.
Help us Lord to be prepared to do
whatever is good and honourable.
Remind us to be peace-loving
people and to speak evil of no one.
And help us to be who are kind
and considerate as well as display
humility towards everyone. Amen.

Lord, You saved me not because
of any works of righteousness that
I’ve done, but because You love me
so much and grants me Your mercy.
And having been justified by Your
grace, I have been become an heir
with the assurance of eternal life.
In gratitude, I will give my all to Him
and devote myself to doing that
which is good and profitable. Amen.

Lord, I purpose to avoid foolish
controversies, arguments and
quarrels about the law; for such
things are unprofitable & useless.
And Lord, I purpose to live my
life productively, working hard
to do what is good and to meet
needs so that You God have
the avenue to bless through me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Titus 2 (Nov 15)

God Desires Holy Living

Titus lived on Crete, and worked
among a people who had one of
the worst reputations in the world.
Paul had left Titus to oversee the
church and now writes to encourage
him in that difficult task. To promote
sound teaching and offset false
doctrines, Titus is told to appoint
and train spiritual leaders as elders.
Paul’s short letter is a summary of
Christian doctrine that emphasises
holy living as well as encourages
all to live worthy of the gospel.

Lord, we aspire Godly Lifestyle:
Teach the older men to exercise
self-control, to be worthy of
respect, and to live wisely…and
be filled with Love and patience…
Teach the older women to live
in a way that is appropriate
for someone serving the Lord.
They must not go around
speaking evil of others (Tit2:2-5).
The grace of God has appeared
that offers salvation to all people.
It teaches us to Say “No” to
Ungodliness and worldly passions,
and to live self-controlled,
upright and godly lives (v11-12).

Lord, I want to be a person who
lives wisely with love & patience;
& helping others to live godly lives.
Since I can do nothing apart
from You Lord, I ask for the power
of Your Holy Spirit to enable
me to be a shining example.
Help me Lord to mentor others
in living a life that truly honours
and glorifies Your name. Amen.

Lord, thank You for reminding us
to live in a way that is appropriate
for someone serving the Lord.
Help us Lord to avoid speaking evil,
control our speech & live peacefully
with others, so that we can be
living examples of our faith in You.
Help us lead a godly lifestyle;
help us to avoid ungodliness; and
help us live worthily of You. Amen.

Lord, thank You for teaching us
to be self-disciplined and orderly.
Help me Lord to Say “No” to
ungodliness and worldly passions.
Help me know the right thing to do
and give me the courage to do it; for
I want to honour You in my choices.
Help me grow spiritually, serve You,
and to build Your kingdom so that
I’ll be ready for Your return. Amen.

Adoring God In 2Tim 4 (Nov 14)

God Stands By the Faithful

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood Faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There is no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we’ll Share Your Good News:
A time is coming when people will
no longer listen to sound teaching.
They will follow their own desires &
reject the truth… Don’t Be Afraid of
suffering for the Lord (2Tim 4:3-5)
I have Fought the good fight,
I have Finished the race, and
I have Remained FAITHFUL.
And now the prize awaits me,
which the Lord..the Righteous Judge
will give me on… His return (v7-8).
The Lord STOOD with me and gave
me Strength so that I might preach
the Good News for all to hear. And
the Lord will Deliver me (v17-18).

Lord, we are living in the end times
as we see more pestinences, earth
quakes & climatic disasters as well
as lawlessness around the world.
Living for Jesus and sharing the
good news can be challenging.
Cause us Lord to remember Your
commission; not slack in our
responsibility and the grace to
share Your love. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Jesus, Thank You for all
that You have done for us all.
In gratitude of Your sacrificial love
and in obedience to Your command,
we purpose to further Your kingdom.
Help me influence others toward
You & steer them to Your direction.
Help me speak words of edification
as well as utter prayers for others.
Help me Remain Faithful running the
race to receive Your crown. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise to
bring us to Your heavenly Kingdom.
You will bring us through difficulties
in a way that allows us to triumph.
We know You Lord are watching
as You use us to impact the world.
Stand by us, give us strength and
grant us deliverances that boost
our confidence to persevere
and Share Your Good News. Amen.

Adoring God In 2 Timothy 3

God Gives Word of Life 

I’m Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
And yet the focus of Paul’s letter
is not on his own problems and
needs but on the problems and
needs of young Timothy who is
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we Receive Your Word of Life:
All Scripture is inspired by God
and is useful to teach us what
is true and to make us realise
what is wrong in our lives.
It straightens us out and
teaches us to do what is right.
It is God’s way of preparing us
in every way, fully equipped for
every good thing God wants us
to do (2nd Timothy 3:16-17).

Father God, You have shown us
in the Old Testament the need of
Man for redemption. Through the
gospels, You reveal the way to
salvation thro faith in Your Son.
And You have given us letters that
reveal Your heart & guide our lives.
Thank You for Your inspired Word
which is more precious than
silver or gold. In His name, Amen.

Lord, thank You for not leaving us
to walk in darkness & for giving us
the light of Your Word to guide us.
Help us to cherish the wonderful
gift in Your holy Scriptures and
also to receive its teaching
and instructions for our lives.
Spur us Lord to desire to lead godly
lives and be prepared to withstand
testing of our faith in Christ. Amen.

Lord, thank You for revealing
Yourself through the Bible.
Your Word is our invaluable
guide; for it teaches & corrects us
as well as prepare us spiritually
for whatever the future holds.
And we claim Your Word as
our resource when in trouble.
Thank You Lord for giving us
Your Wonderful Word of Life.Amen

Adoring God In 2 Timothy 2 (Nov 12)

God Remains Faithful to Us;                    Inspiring hymn: “Pass It On”

Kurt Kaiser was born in 1934
in Chicago. While known for his
youth musicals, Kaiser composed
more than 60 hymn texts & tunes,
the most famous is “Pass It On.”
In 1969, Kaiser collaborated on a
musical: “Tell It Like It Is” written to
get young people involved in church.
On a Sunday night I was sitting by
the fireplace, and it occurred to me
it only takes a spark to get a fire
going & the rest came very quickly.
My wife suggested I should say something about shouting it from
mountain tops, and that ended up
in the third verse. The song also
drew inspiration from 2Timothy 2:2.

Lord, we will Pass On Your Truths:
Therefore… Be strong in the
grace that is in Christ Jesus…
You have heard me teach many
things that have been confirmed
by many reliable witnesses. Teach
these great truths to trustworthy
people who are able to Pass
Them On to others (2 Tim 2:1-2).
And as Christ’s soldiers, do not
let yourself become tied up
in the affairs of this life… Follow
the Lord’s rules for doing His work,
just as an athlete either follows
the rules or is disqualified and
wins no prize. Hardworking farmers
enjoy the fruit of their labour (v3-6)
If we endure hardship, we will reign
with Him… If we are unfaithful,
He Remains Faithful, for He
cannot deny who He is (v12-13).

Lord, thank You for the blessed
privilege of being used by Your
Holy Spirit in the lives of others.
Prepare the hearts of those
to whom You are calling me
to witness, encourage or edify.
Give me boldness mingled with
love; and let me not miss or shy
away from any opportunity to
Pass On to others the great truths
that have changed my life. Amen.

Lord, we realise living a life of
faith requires much endurance.
Help us to endure the hardship
and restrictions of a soldier.
Help us to be like a good athlete
who follows the rules of the sport.
Help us be like a farmer who is
hardworking to taste the fruit
of his labour. Grant us the grace
of perseverance, discipline and
hardwork for Your glory. Amen.

Loving Lord, we praise You that
Your Faithfulness to us is eternal.
Thank You for Your promise that
You’re devoted & faithful to us all.
Help me Lord to endure hardship
even when I can’t sense You at
work in challenging circumstances.
Help me to remember that You’re
in control, that You love me and
that You will never let me go. And
let me experience Your faithfulness
and love so that I’ll pass it on. Amen

Lord, It only takes a spark
To get a fire going.
And soon all those around
Can warm up in its glowing.
That’s how it is with God’s love
Once you’ve experienced it.
You spread His love to ev’ryone
You want to pass it on…
I wish for you my friend
This happiness that I’ve found.
You can depend on Him
It matters not where you’re bound.
I’ll shout it from the mountain top
I want my world to know.
The Lord of love has come to me
I want to pass it on. Amen.





Adoring God In 2 Timothy 1

God Keeps the Committed;                                      I Know Whom I Have Believed

As a POW during the American
Civil War, Daniel Whittle read the
Bible his mother had given him
and committed his life to Christ.
After the war, in which he lost
his arm in battle, Whittle was
promoted to major and became
a successful businessman.
In 1873 he began preaching
in evangelistic services and for
a quarter century he led revivals
throughout the United States.
Whittle penned the hymn “I Know
Whom I Have Believed” in 1883;
inspired by 2Tim 1 & the questions
he asked during his imprisonment.
There were many things he didn’t
know but he certainly know Jesus.

Lord, we will Hold On to You:
I thank God whom I serve with a
clear conscience… as I constantly
remember you in prayers…
greatly desiring to see you…that
I may be filled with joy (2Tim 1:3-4)
Stir up the gift of God which is in u..
For the Spirit God gave us does not
make us timid, but gives us power,
love and self-discipline (v6-7).
Therefore do not be ashamed
(to testify) for our Lord… but take
your share of the suffering… of
the Gospel in the power of God;
who has saved us and called us…
For I know whom I have believed
and am persuaded that He is able
to keep what I have committed
to Him until that Day (v8-12).

Lord, help us to not forget anyone
in prayers, especially those who
are lonely and feel forgotten.
Bring specific people to our mind
who need deliverance and joy.
Show us Lord who needs to
hear Your voice guiding them.
And enable the people we pray to
sense Your love in their lives. Amen.

Lord, grateful that we need not
be timid or fearful of challenges
for You promise us empowerment.
Grant us grace when we turn to You,
we find the motivation of Your love,
the needed strength of Your power
and the discipline to do Your will.
And we do so in a way that draws
people to You Lord; and also brings
You all the glory. In Jesus’ name.

Father God, You are my provider;
Lord Jesus, You are my saviour;
Holy Spirit, You are my sanctifier.
And I dedicate and yield my whole
self to You God freely and forever.
At the cross Lord, You saved me;
and in the future, You will lead me.
I believe whatever I entrust to You,
You’re Able to keep what You have
Committed against that day. Amen!!

I know not why God’s wondrous
grace to me He hath made known,
Nor why, unworthy, Christ in love
Redeemed me for His own…
But I know whom I have believed
And am persuaded that He is able
To keep that which I’ve committed
Unto Him against that day!!!
I know not how this saving faith
To me He did impart,
Nor how believing in His Word
Wrought peace within my heart…

Thought for the Week: 1 Tim 6

God Desires Eternal Mindset;                Inspiring “Fight the Good Fight”

Too many of us spiritually flabby,
we often avoid spiritual conflict
instead of facing it. That was not
the apostle Paul’s style, nor was
it John Monell’s (1811-1875).
Morsell was a gifted Anglican
clergyman who could hold his
congregation spell-bound as
he spoke and who advocated
“more fervent and joyous singing
In his church. He once said:
We sing but not as we should,
to Him who is the chief among ten
thousand, the altogether lovely.
The hymn “Fight the Good Fight”
was largely inspired by Eph 4
as well as 1 Timothy 6:11-12.

Lord, we’ll Fight the Good Fight:
Godliness with Contentment is
great gain…We can take nothing
out of (this world). If we have food,
we’ll be content (1 Tim 6:6-8).
Pursue righteousness, godliness,
faith, love, patience, gentleness.
Fight the Good Fight of Faith…
I urge you…keep this commandment
until our Lord’s appearing (v11-14).
Command those who are rich…
to do good… to be generous and
willing to share. By doing this
they will be storing up treasure
for the future so that they may
experience true life (v17-19).

Lord, You want Contentment to be
the virtue and goal for Your people.
Forgive me Lord for the times
when I get discontented with life.
Teach me to focus on all I have,
rather than on the things that I seem
to lack when comparing with others.
Teach me Lord to make connected
relationship with You and others be
priority over material things. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise
of eternal life in Your presence.
I realise that the road ahead
may not be easy; but I purpose
to be steadfast & stay the course.
Help me not grow weary in battles;
but pursue love and righteousness
as well as to Fight the good fight.
And grant me faithfulness and
perseverance. In Jesus name, Amen

Lord, thank You for all You have
given including material provision.
Keep me from being covetous,
greedy or being selfish minded.
Help me Lord find balance in
the stewardship of the resources
that You have put in my care.
Show me practical ways to use the
resources to do good, bless others
and further Your kingdom. Amen.

Fight the good fight with
all thy might! Christ is thy
strength and Christ thy right.
Lay hold on life and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally…
Run the straight race
through God’s good grace;
Lift up thine eyes & seek His face.
Life with its way before us lies;
Christ is the path & Christ the prize..
Faint not nor fear, His arms are near;
He changeth not, and thou art dear.
Only believe and Thou shall see
That Christ is all in all to Thee.