Thought for the Week: Psalm 27

The Lord My Light

Overview: As David penned
Psalms 25-30, he would have
thought of the multifaceted
character of the God he served.
The Lord is good and upright (25:8),
my light (27:1), my strength (28:7),
King forever (29:10) and
my God (30:2).

All Praise be to Lord My Light:
The Lord (Jehovah) is my light
(ORI) and my salvation, whom
shall I fear? The Lord is the
strength of my life, of whom
shall I be afraid?… Though
an army may encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear; though
war may rise against me, in this
I will be confident (Ps 27:1-3).
I would have lost heart, unless
I had believed that I would see
the goodness of the Lord…
Wait on the Lord; be of good courage.
And He shall strengthen your heart.
Wait I say on the Lord (v13-14).

Lord Jehovah ORI, You are the light
of our life, brightening our path.
Praise You for helping us navigate
through the darkness of this life.
And You Lord will bring us the
light of salvation when we turn
to You with a heart of trust.
Draw people to You Lord so that
they may know and experience
You as the light of their lives. Amen

Lord, how many hours have I spent
trying to figure out my own way?
How often have I called a friend
rather than turn to You in surrender
that You alone are the light,
that You alone know the way.
Forgive me for wasted time and
energy. Forgive me for being so
consumed with my own darkness.
Forgive me for forgetting You are
there as my light & salvation. Amen

Lord Jehovah Ori, sometimes
the decisions I need to make
overwhelms me. I want to make
the right decision, but I can’t
foresee all the consequences
of the choices. Whatever the
decision is, shine Your light
on the path I need to take and
show me which way I should go.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Thought for the Week: Joshua 2

Supreme God In Heaven

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed. No one has the
courage to fight after hearing
such things. For the Lord your
God is supreme God in heaven
Elohim Bashamayim (Josh 2:10-11)
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