Trusting God In Mark 13 (April 7)

Christ Promises to Return

The final week of Jesus’ earthly
life dawns; that period of time
which occupies more space in
the Gospels than any other stage
of Jesus’ ministry. His arrival in
Jerusalem coincides with the
preparations for the Feast of
Passover. Though events move
quickly, Jesus is never hurried.
There is time to clean the temple,
watch the widow contributes
her two mites, and give final
instructions to the disciples.

Lord, we’ll Prepare for Your Return:
Nation will rise against nation…
And there will be earthquakes… and
there will be famines and troubles…
These are beginning of sorrows…
The gospel must 1st be preached
to all the nations (Mk 13:8-10).
Everyone will see the Son of Man
coming on the clouds with great
power & glory. And He will send out
his angels to gather his chosen ones
from all over the world(Mk13:26-27)
Since you don’t know when (these
things) will happen, stay alert and
keep watch. The coming of the Son
of Man can be compared with that
of a man who left home…(for) a trip.
He gave each of his employees
instructions on the work they were
to do, and He told the gatekeeper
to watch for his return. So keep a
sharp lookout! For you do not know
when the homeowner will return…
Don’t let him find you sleeping when
he arrives without warning (v33-36)

Lord, the events of the end times
are still to come in world history.
The signs are already here with
raised frequency of earthquakes,
pestinences and lawlessness.
And surely Lord the day will come
when You will appear in the clouds.
Help us be prepared for Your return,
know Your Word, be weary of false
prophets & share the gospel. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You have promised
to come back for Your church.
Help us not lose sight of what You
have called us to do as we wait Your
return with hope and expectation.
Help us be diligent in Your assigned
tasks as we anticipate that day.
We purpose to share the gospel
with our friends and loved ones.
Lead us sow seeds of love & prepare
their hearts to receive You. Amen.

These are the days of Elijah,
Declaring the word of the Lord.
And these are the days of Moses,
Righteousness being restored.
These are the days of the harvest,
The fields are as white in Yr world.
We are the labourers in Yr vineyard
Declaring the word of the Lord!
Behold He comes riding on t clouds
Shining like the sun at t trumpet call
Lift yr voice, it’s the year of jubilee
Out of Zion’s hill salvation comes.

Trusting God In Numbers 14

The Lord Abounds In Mercy (Jan 20)

Following the Lord’s instructions,
Moses selects one rep from each
of the 12 tribes to form a scouting
party. Their assignment: to spy out
the defenses of the land and bring
back a sample of the produce.
The 12 return with a divided report!
Ten see only the obstacles while
two see opportunities. The nation
disheartened & faithless, threatens
to stone Moses and return to Egypt
rather than face what lies ahead.
As a result, God condemns that
unbelieving generation to forty
years wandering the wilderness.
Lord, we’ll Choose Faith Not Doubt:
Joshua and Caleb said: The land
we explored is a wonderful land!
The Lord will bring us safely into that
land and give it to us… Do not rebel
against the Lord (Num 14:6-9).
The Lord said to Moses: How long
will these people treat me with
contempt? Will they never believe
Me, even after all the miraculous
signs I’ve done among them (v11).
Moses said… As You’ve spoken: The
Lord is longsuffering and abundant
in mercy, forgiving iniquity…
Pardon the iniquity of this people
I pray according to the greatness
of Your mercy… Then the Lord said:
I have forgiven them as you asked.
Because these men who have seen
My glory and signs… have put Me to
the test 10 times & have not heeded
My voice, they shall not see the land
which I swore to their fathers(18-23)

Lord, open my spiritual eyes to
see those exceedingly good things
that You have laid in my path.
Forgive me Lord for focusing
on the problems around me.
Help me keep my eyes on You and
the purpose You’ve put before me.
May I go forth in faith, not in fear,
so that I don’t miss Your blessings
each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, it is so easy to let our hearts
be affected by negativity; and treat
You in contempt by not obeying You.
I confess having inclination to live
by sight and not by faith; so Lord
help me reverse that tendency.
I purpose to hang on to Your word,
even when it may contradict the
circumstance; for I want to believe
in You more & more. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, Moses in his intercession for
the Israelites, appeal to Your mercy
and long-suffering & You relented.
But then the unbelieving Israelites
couldn’t enter the Promised Land.
Lord of Mercy and Longsuffering,
Help us not treat U with Contempt;
Help us Not to Doubt You; and
Help us see You thru Eyes of Faith.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Trusting God In Exodus 40 (Jan 14)

God Shows the Direction

The book of Exodus closes with
the record of how the tabernacle
& priestly garments are completed
exactly as God had instructed.
The people donated the materials,
the chosen artisans do the work,
Moses inspects finished product
and Aaron & his sons are anointed
for service. Finally, God declares
His satisfaction by filling the tent
with His glory. For the next 480 yrs
the tabernacle will remain the
focal point of the nation’s worship.

Lord, we purpose to Follow You:
Then the Lord spoke to Moses…
On the first day of the first month
you shall set up the tabernacle of
the tent of the meeting (Ex 40:1-2)
Then you shall bring Aaron and his
sons to the door of the tabernacle
and wash them with water…
Moses proceeded to do
everything as the Lord
had commanded(12-16).
Then the cloud covered Tabernacle
and the glory of the Lord filled
the Tabernacle… Whenever the
cloud lifted from the Tabernacle,
the people of Israel would set
out on their journey, following it.
But if the cloud did not rise,
they remained where they were
until it lifted (Exodus 40:34-37).

Lord, we note when the Israelites
were following God in wilderness,
they waited until the cloud rose
and led them; sometimes long
beyond their own comfort level.
That isn’t easy to do, but it’s an
exercise of faith and listening.
God want us to ask and wait; and
wait some more until we’ve heard.
Grant us Lord the grace of faith
to wait upon You so that You will
renew our strength. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, tell me everything that
I need to know so that I can get
to Your work & eternal perspective.
Reveal destructive tendencies to
enable informed decision making.
Reveal the assignments so that
I can plan engagement strategy.
I am eager to understand the facts
and ensuing wisdom that will enable
me honour You with my life. Amen.

Lord, I submit my every step to
You; the one who is in controI.
I invite You to direct my path
preferably with my awareness.
Give me Lord understanding
when I need it; and give me
trust when I don’t understand.
Lead me into the land of promise
which You have designed for me.
In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Reflection on Genesis (Jan 8)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of Genesis is to
record God’s creation of the world
and note His desire to have a
people set apart to worship Him.
On Mon, we learn fr Ps 145:13 the
Lord is faithful to all His promises.
On Tuesday, we learn from Gen 5
that God Desires Our Fellowship.
On Wed, we learn from Gen 12 to
Follow God’s Call & Trust His Word.
On Thurs, we learn from Gen 17/18
that Almighty God Can Do Anything.
On Friday, we learn from Gen 22
to Trust the Lord Will Provide.
On Sat, we learn from Gen 37/41
that God Fulfils Promised Vision.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who purpose
to have close fellowship with You,
trust Your Word & Follow Your call;
for You’re almighty, can do all things
and fulfil all Your promises. Amen.

Seeking God In Heb 10 (Dec 13)

Prayer of Faith & Perseverance

The writer of Hebrews highlighted
the superiority of Christ by pointing
out the heart of the human problem
is the problem of the human heart.
The old covenant was inadequate
for it was unable to deal with sin.
But God’s new covenant written in
Christ’s own blood which He shed
on the cross – makes full provision
for the forgiveness of sins.

Lord, You’ll Renew Our Mind to Faith:
This is the covenant I will make
with them… I Will Put my laws in
their hearts, and I Will Write them
on their minds. Then…their sins…
I’ll remember no more(Heb10:16-17)
Let us Go Into the Presence of God
with sincere hearts fully trusting
Him. Let us hold fast the confession
of our hope without wavering, for
He who promised is faithful. And let
us consider one another to Stir Up
Love and good works (v22-24).
Do not throw away this confident
trust in the Lord. Remember the
great reward it brings you! Patient
endurance is what you need now,
so that you will continue to do God’s
will. Then you will receive all that
He has promised. For in a little while,
the Coming One will come (v35-37).

Father God, Thank You for Your
new covenant which is not only
gracious but also encouraging.
Guide me according to the truth
and instructions that You have
Written on my Heart and Mind.
Even as I purpose to obey Your
Word, grant me the grace to be
willing to do Your will each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father, empower me to hold tightly
to hope in You without wavering.
Grant me breakthrough so that
I can testify of Your greatness and
encourage others towards faith.
Give me creative ideas to spur
others to love and good deeds.
Show me who I can encourage
to discipleship, devotion & prayer.
And I give You all the glory. Amen.

Lord Jesus, all through the ages,
Christians have been looking
forward to Your second coming.
Thank You Lord for helping me to
press on; and I purpose to endure
by faith, holding out to do God’s
will and claiming the promises.
With Your help Lord, I pupose
to run the race with endurance.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Seeking God In 2 Samuel 15 (Apr 8)

Prayer in Challenging Situation

Today’s reading describes the
fulfilment of Nathan’s prophetic
judgment on David. While his own
transgression was done in secret,
the shame & murder within his own
family circle would be done before
all Israel. But the greatest headache
would be the rebellious attempt by
Absalom to usurp his father’s throne.
David’s faith in God never diminish,
though severely tested. Driven from
Jerusalem and disgraced by his son,
David is restored eventually, though
at heavy personal and national cost.

Lord, we Entrust our future to You:
(Absalom) got up every morning
and went out to the gate of the city.
When people brought a case to the
king for judgment, Absalom would
ask where in Israel they were from,
and they would tell him their tribe.
Then Absalom would say: You’ve
really got a strong case here! It’s
too bad the king doesn’t have any-
one to hear it. I wish I were the judge.
Absalom did this with everyone
who came to the king for judgment,
and so he stole the hearts of all
the people of Israel (2 Sam 15:2-6).
A messenger came and told David:
The hearts of the men of Israel are
with Absalom. Then David said to
all his officials… Come! We must
flee, or none of us will escape from
Absalom… They set down the ark of
God and Abiathar offered sacrifices..
Then the king said to Zadok: Take
the ark of God back into the city.
If I find favour in the Lord’s eyes,
He will bring me back and let me
see it… again. But if He says: I am
not pleased with you… let Him do
to me whatever seems good to Him
(2 Samuel 15:13-14, 24-26). Amen.

Lord, all scripture is profitable
for instruction in righteousness;
including obscure passages related
to the judgment on King David.
Help us Lord to do the right thing
in difficult & challenging situations.
Help us to entrust our future to You
help us to be Guided by Your Law;
Help us to think being doing anything.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord of Justice, we realize that
there is much pressure to conform
to the world in its ways and values.
Rather than trying to be popular,
guide our life Lord by the moral principles given in God’s Word.
For You who never change will stand for justice, You know the ways of
evil men & know what is best for us.
We entrust our future to You. Amen.

Lord, let us follow the example of
David when life’s broken & dreams
shattered, he still worshipped You.
Help us when the future is uncertain
to entrust ourselves to Your hands.
Help us to trust that when we
protect Your honour and seek
Your kingdom and righteousness,
You will provide all that we need.
Help us to depend solely on You for
deliverance. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Seeking God In 1 Samuel 12

Prayer as a Vindication
and for Intercession (Mar 26)

From all outward appearance, Saul’s
selection as the first king of Israel
is an outstanding choice. His kingly
demeanour and imposing presence
make him a promising candidate
from a human perspective. But while
man looks on outward appearance
the Lord looks on the heart. Saul is
anointed by Samuel, installed as king
at Mizpah, proven in battle against
the Ammonites and confirmed as
king at Gilgal. But the fact remains
(as pointed out by Samuel in his
final address to the nation) that God
not Saul should be King over Israel.

Lord, we will also Pray For Others:
Samuel called to the Lord and
the Lord sent thunder and rain…
and the people greatly feared
the Lord and Samuel. And the
people said to Samuel: Pray to
the Lord your God that we may
not die; for we have added to
our sins… (by) asking a king
for ourselves (1 Sam 12:18-19).
(Samuel said to the people):
As for me, far be it from me that I
should sin agst the Lord by failing
to pray for you. And I will teach
you the way that is good and right.
But be sure to fear the Lord and
serve Him faithfully with all your
heart; consider what great things
He has done for you (v23-24).

Lord, I pray for my family and
loved ones to be blessed with
good health, provision, peace
and a greater knowledge of You.
Help me Lord not to be selfish
or lazy in praying; but instead
show me whom to pray for.
And help me not to sin against
You by failing to pray for other
people according to Your will.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we admit that our prayers
are often self-centered lists of
things we need and even want.
We are reminded this day that
we need to intercede for others.
Pray that You God will meet
the needs of friends & loved ones
according to Your riches in Christ.
Pray for those who are depressed
that they may have peace of mind
and may put their Hope in God.
Pray those facing challenges will
have friends & family members who
stand by them in adversity. Amen

Seeking God In Gen 50 (Jan 15)

Salient Prayer of Divine Control

Gen 48-50 conclude the book
of beginnings by recording the
final acts of Jacob and Joseph.
As his final earthly act, Jacob
blesses each of his 12 sons, giving
a divinely guided pronouncement
of their future history. Meanwhile,
Joseph gave a great affirmation
of faith. His body will remain
in Egypt until the release of
the newly born nation of Israel.

Lord, You Intended for Good:
Then his brothers fell down
before his face and they said:
Behold, we are your servants.
Joseph said to them: Do not be
afraid… You intended to harm me,
but God intended it all for good.
He brought me to this position
so I could save the lives of
many people (Gen 50:18-20).
Do not be afraid; I will provide
for you… And he… spoke kindly
to them. So Joseph dwelt in Egypt,
he and his father’s household. And
Joseph lived 110 years (v21-22)
Soon I will die, Joseph told
his brothers: He will bring you
back to the land he vowed to give
to the descendants of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob (Gen 50:24).

Lord, though there is no record of
prayer from Joseph, we see in his
actions such overwhelming sense of
the presence & providence of God.
Such a God-conscious man must
have lived in full harmony with God.
We also see in Gen 50:20 You are
always in control of circumstances.
You Lord sent Joseph to Egypt as
slave & then prisoner, to position
him to receive Your promise.
Help us see circumstances from
Your divine vantage point. Amen.

Lord, sometime we wonder why
You God let us go through difficult
distressing & even unfair situation.
Thank You for the Joseph story
that encourages us to hold on tight
to our faith in You God who has
a plan and purpose in the situation.
And You will use it to bring some
-thing positive out of it. For You
promise to work all things for good
to those who love God & are called
according to His purpose. Amen.

Lord, Your promise to us is that
You are always calling the shots.
And no matter how it looks at the
moment, we are safe in Your hands,
even as You work out Your plan.
Father, we embrace our present
moment, knowing You’re in control.
Because of Your deep love for us,
Your mighty power & faithfulness,
You will work everything for good.
So we can & purpose to Trust You
in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Thought for the Week: Hebrews 6

God Anchors Our Souls

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Remember & Anchor Us:
For God is not unfair. He will not
forget how hard you have worked
for Him and how you have shown
your love to Him by caring for
other Christians (Heb 6:10).
God also bound Himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise could be perfectly sure
He would never change His mind…
These 2 things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God
to lie. Therefore, we who have
fled to Him for refuge can take
new courage, for we can hold on
to His promise with confidence.
This confidence is like a strong
and trustworthy Anchor for
Our Souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and thanks for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, ministry can be tough, like
a grind with endless repetition of
routines. We wish someone will
notice how hard we are working.
Thankfully this is not really so.
For You God sees what we do,
will reward the sacrifices made;
and greatly approves when we
further the kingdom of Christ.
And God has promised that He will
never forget. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
Our hope in Jesus is an Anchor
for our souls and will keep us
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.

Knowing God In Romans 8 (Dec 10)

Christ Frees Us from Condemnation

Backgrounder on Romans 6-8:
Paul anticipates questions arising
fr hearing gospel of grace. If God’s
grace is free, then am I free to sin?
If I am free from the law, then can
I ignore the ethical demands of
the law? Paul has no illusions that
becoming a Christian means the
end of your troubles. But the life
-giving Spirit provides confidence,
for victorious Christian living
in the storms of everyday life.

Lord, we’ll Flow with the Spirit:
There is No Condemnation for
those who are In Christ Jesus, who
do not walk according to the flesh
but according to the Spirit. For
the law of the Spirit of life in Christ
Jesus has made me free from the
law of sin and death (Rom 8:1-2).
The Spirit helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to
pray for, but the Spirit intercedes
for us with groans that words
cannot express. He who searches
our hearts… intercedes for the
saints in accordance with the
will of God (v26-27). And we know
that in all things God Works for
the Good of those who love Him,
who have been called according
to His purpose (Rom 8:28). Amen.

Father, forgive me for the times
that I wrongly think You want
to punish me for my failures.
For Jesus took my punishment
and gave me His righteousness.
Because of that Father U see me
as perfect and precious. And Lord,
help me to better understand Your
grace and mercy so that I might be
more gracious and merciful. Amen.

Lord Jesus, No Condemnation are
two of the most beautiful words.
Yet some days they are hard to
believe, hard to really take hold of.
On one hand, I may be quick some-
time to blame others for the problem
but deep down I condemn myself.
Help me Lord to live in the reality
of the freedom that comes from
Your grace and be at peace. Amen.

Holy Spirit, help me in my weakness
by interceding for me and thro me.
You know the will of the Father
and You know what to pray for.
Guide me and teach me especially
when I have exhausted all words.
Help me to communicate to God
my deepest thoughts, feelings,
fears and doubts, so that my
prayers are pleasing to God. Amen