Adoring God In Psalm 48

The Everlasting God Guides & Leads
(All the Way My Saviour Leads Me)

‘Jesus doeth all things well.’ It wasn’t
easy for Fanny Crosby to believe
that. When she was only six weeks
old in 1820, she lost her sight
because of a doctor’s error.
This particular hymn was written
on a day when Fanny needed five
dollars and didn’t know where she
would get it. She prayed about it
and a few minutes later a stranger
came to her door and handed her
that exact amount. She was amazed
at the Lord’s marvellous answer
to her simple prayer. She wrote:
It is sometimes wonderful the way
the Lord leads me, inspired by Ps48.

Lord, we will Follow Your Leading:
Great is the Lord, and greatly
to be praised (Psalm 48:1).
In the city of our God,
God makes her secure forever.
O God, we meditate on Your
unfailing love as we worship
in Your temple. As Your name
deserves, O God, You will be
praised to the ends of the earth.
Your strong right hand is filled
with victory (Psalm 48:8-10).
He is our God forever and ever.
And He will Guide us
until we die (Psa 48:14).

Lord Jesus, Thank You for being
our Savior, for caring & leading us.
You will never abandon us because
of Your Unfailing Love. In You, we are
secure with You as our defender.
And You will be our guide even
to the end and usher us to our
eternal and blissful presence.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, I ask thee for wisdom
for You are the great and wise
Everlasting God. I ask for the
ability to slow down and focus
my thoughts on You each day.
And help me use my life to further
Your kingdom for Your glory,
for the good of others & for the
fulfilment of my destiny. Amen.

All the way my Savior leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who thru life has been my guide.
Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well,
For I know, whate’er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well. Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 46 (May 7)

God Is Our Refuge, Inspiring the hymn: Be Still My Soul

In midst of the psalmist’s troubles,
the Lord said: Be Still and know
that I am God. These words spoke
to Katharina von Schlegel in the
turbulent times of post-Reformation
Germany. A century after Luther’s
reforms, Central Europe was racked
by the Thirty Years’ War. In the
darkness of that time, God raised
up the Pietist movement, which
stressed personal holiness, charity,
missions and music. Today’s hymn
was penned by the leading woman
of the Pietist movement and also
a canoness of a women’s seminary.

Lord, You are our Refuge:
God is our Refuge and Strength,
an Ever-Present Help in times
of trouble. So, we will not fear,
when earthquakes come and
Mountains crumble into the sea;
though waters roar & be troubled,
though the mountains shake
with its swelling (Psalm 46:1-3).
The Lord of hosts is with us;
God… is our refuge… Come behold
the works of the Lord (v7-8).
BE STILL and know that I am God…
I will be exalted in the earth!
The Lord of hosts is with us (and)
God is Our Refuge (Ps 46:10-11).

Lord, Your Word says You are ever
Ready To Help in times of trouble.
Forgive us for the times when
we act as though You don’t exist.
Teach us to pull back from troubles
and instead focus on You. We don’t
have to fear, no matter what we face.
For every moment that we breathe,
You are Our Strength. And though
our life may be shaken to its core,
You are still Our Refuge. Amen.

Father, when things in my life are
falling apart, help me experience
You Lord as My Firm Foundation.
Guide me Lord as I entrust
my mountains over to You.
Help me Lord to Be Still In You,
trust You and give me rest in You.
Let me know You’re With me, no
matter how difficult the situation.
Let me Experience You as a Very
Present Help in trouble. Amen.

Be Still my soul !
The Lord is on thy side;
Bear patiently
the cross of fear and pain.
Leave to thy God
to order and provide;
In every change
He Faithful will remain.
Be Still my soul! thy best,
thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways
leads to a joyful end. Amen !!

Adoring God In Psalm 42 (May 6)

God of My Life Worthy of Longing

As the Deer is a well-known hymn
song written by Martin Nystrom
in 1984. He was a school teacher in
Seattle who went to Bible College at
Dallas Christ for Nations Institute for
summer term. I was challenged by
a roommate at CFNI to go on a fast
and to reading the Bible and prayer.
On the 19th day of the fast, I was
at the piano trying to write a song,
when I noticed a Bible on the music
stand of the piano open to Psalm 42.
My eyes fell on the first verse of that
chapter: As the deer panteth after
the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee… After reading the verse I began to sing its message.

Lord, we Hope & Remember You:
As the deer pants for streams of
water, so I long for You, O God.
I Thirst for God, the living God…
Why am I discouraged? Why is
my heart so sad? I will Put My
Hope in God! I will Praise Him
my Saviour & my God(Ps 42:1-5)
O my God, my soul is cast down…
therefore I will remember You…
I will say to God my Rock: Why
have You forgotten me? (v6, 9).
Why am I discouraged?
Why so sad? I will put my Hope
in God! I will praise Him again
-my Saviour and my God! (v11).

Lord, satisfy this relentless Thirst
for You. Quench it with streams
of Your wisdom and inspiration.
Let Your words fulfill my deepest
desires; for I need You desperately.
Lord, I want to Connect with the
deepest part of Your Spirit in the
depths of mine; and let me hear
clearly the sound of Yr voice. Amen

Lord, I bring the places of my soul
where I am downcast over to You.
For You are my Hope; You are my
salvation and I will Hope in You.
I purpose to trust and not be afraid;
and I have no good reason to fear;
for You Lord are my strength.
Send Your grace to help me,
that I may glorify You openly. Amen.

Lord, as the deer panteth for the
water, so my soul thirsts after You.
I love our relationship Lord, but
I am not content with remaining
as it is. Cause my soul to want and
long to have even more of You.
Satisfy this thirst for You Lord.
Quench it with gushing streams
of Your wisdom and inspiration.
And let Your Words & my prayers
fulfil our deepest desires. Amen.

Thought for the Week:

The Lord My Shepherd Cares

This 17th century Scottish hymn
is a paraphrase of David’s original.
This version was often sung and
so the wordings became more
familiar than the Bible text itself.
This text of the hymn comes from
Francis Rous, a member of the
British Parliament. Rous’ Psalter
was authorised by the Westminster
Assembly, which also created the
Westminster Confession of Faith.

Lord, You Provide, Guide & Protect:
The Lord is My Shepherd,
I Lack Nothing and have
everything I need (Psalm 23:1).
He lets me rest in green meadows;
He Leads me besides peaceful
streams. He Renews my strength
He Guides me along right paths,
bringing honour to His name (v2-3).
Even when I walk through the
dark valley of death, I will not be
afraid for You are close beside me.
Your rod and Your staff Protect
and comfort me (Psalm 23:4).

Lord, the Shepherd of my soul,
praise & thank You for Your Care.
You are not just my Creator and
my God; You are not just the King
and the Judge of the universe. For
You are my Shepherd & I’m blessed
for because of You, I Lack Nothing.
Keep me from complaining; and
keep me from fear and worry; for
You’ll Provide all my needs. Amen.

Lord Shepherd, it is comforting
to know that I am not alone in
the journey of life. Thank You
that You are ever so vigilant,
Guiding and watching over me.
And thank You that You love to
lead me to “peaceful streams”.
Help me to respond to Your sweet
small voice, stay close to You;
and I will gladly Follow You. Amen.

Lord Shepherd, You faithfully
feed, guide and above all Protect
Your flock with Your very life.
Lord, You are always close by,
You protect & comfort us, and
You protectively watch over us.
Merciful Lord and dear Shepherd,
in my darkest moments when I’m
very afraid and I cry out to You,
extend Your hand to hold my hand.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Reflection on Psalm Book One

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

Psalms written mostly by David
capture the essence of what it
means to walk closely with God.
And just as Genesis tells how mankind was created, fell into sin
and was then promised redemption,
many of the psalms in book 1
(Psalms 1-41) discuss humans as
blessed, fallen & redeemed by God.

On Monday, we learn from Psa 23
that the Lord My Shepherd Cares.
On Tuesday, we learn from Psa 27
that the Lord Abide with Me.
On Wed, we learn from Psa 31
that God of Truth Leadeth Me.
On Thursday, we learn from Ps 32
that the Lord My Hiding Place.
On Friday, we learn from Psalm 33
that Creator God’s Plan Stands Firm.
On Sat, we learn from Psalm 34
that God Delivers Us From Affliction.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You Care, Abide and Lead us;
For You are worthy of our Praise
as You are Our Hiding Place;
For Your Plan for us Stands Firm
and You Deliver us from affliction.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 34 (May 4)

God Delivers Us From Affliction Inspiring “Let Us Exalt His Name”

Psalms 31-36 show how Proper
Perspective can help you face
any circumstance. It can bring
you from gloom to glory (Ps 31),
from failure to deliverance (Ps 32),
fr false security to secured trust(33)
from Affliction to Adoration (Ps 34),
from persecution to praise (Ps 35),
and from darkness to light (Ps 36).

Lord, You Deliver When We Seek:
I Sought the Lord & He heard me
& Delivered me from all my fears…
The angels of the Lord
encamps all around those
who fear Him, and delivers them.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord
is good, Blessed is the man
who Trusts in Him… Fear the Lord…
Those who Seek the Lord shall not
lack any good thing (Psalm 34:4-10)
The eyes of the Lord are on the
righteous and His ears are open
to their cry… The righteous cry out,
and the Lord Hears and Delivers
them out of their troubles (v15-17).
The Lord is near to those who
have a broken heart, and saves
such as have a contrite spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the
righteous, but the Lord delivers
him out of them all (v18-19).

Lord, we give You all our anxieties  
over our finances, work, health or
relationships & look to You for help.
Do a deep work in my heart on
those things that strike fear in me.
I lay these burdens and worries
before You Lord and ask You
to exchange my fear for faith.
Thank You Lord for Your promise
to answer me when I call on You,
to free me from fear & shame and
to make me radiant with joy. Amen.

Lord, it’s such a comfort to know
that Your eyes watch over us and
Your ears hear our cries for help.
Grateful for hearing my cries and
rescuing when I am crushed in spirit.
You are close to the broken-hearted
and to those who are in dire straits.
Praise You for the hope and courage
Your promises give me when I am
facing difficult circumstances. Amen

Lord, You comfort me when I am
brokenhearted & my spirit crushed.
Though I am faced with troubles
of many kinds, but You Lord
will deliver me out of each one.
Through it all I stand secured;
for I am a redeemed child of God!
And grateful there is absolutely
no condemnation for me, for I have
taken refuge in You Lord. Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 33 (May 3)

Creator God’s Plan Stands Firm            Inspiring This Is My Father’s World

Maltbie Babcock (1858-1901)
was an athlete. When he was
pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church in Lockport New York,
he would run out in the morning
to the brow of the hill two miles
away & look over at Lake Ontario.
Before he left, he would tell his
church staff: I am going out to
see my Father’s world. Babcock
loved athletics & nature as well as
music. So it was not strange that
he should write a hymn extolling
God’s handiwork in nature. The
hymn: This is My Father’s World
was inspired also by Psalm 33.

Lord, we Stand In Awe of You:
The word of the Lord Holds True
& we can Trust everything he does…
The earth is full of the goodness
of the Lord (Psalm 33:4-5).
The Lord merely spoke, and
the heavens were created.
He breathed the word,
and all the stars were born.
He assigned the sea its boundaries…
Let the whole world fear the Lord.
And let everyone stand in awe
of him. For He spoke and
it was done; He commanded
and it stood fast (Psa 33:6-9).
The Lord’s plans stand firm forever;
His intentions can never be shaken.
(Psalm 33:11). Amen and amen.

Lord, Your Word must be handled
differently from other information;
for we trust the source of the word.
Help me Lord to live as someone
who is anchored in Your reality,
never moving from Your truth
or questioning Your promises.
Thank You for the assurance that
You’ll lead me & promise me with
rock-solid & absolute truth. Amen.

Lord, thank You that we are not
helpless victim of circumstances.
For we can affect the outcomes
of our situations thru prayer and
following Your gracious leading.
Scripture says You merely speak
and the universe is created. So,
speak words of power into our life;
speak words of fulfilment so that
we truly live the abundant life. Amen

Lord, believing You created the
world means You rule the world.
The truth that God spoke & it was
done also means You’re in control
of the circumstances of our lives.
Lord I take comfort that You are
working everything together for
good according to Your purpose.
And Lord let me ne’er forget
that this is my Father’s world,
that Your plans stand firm, and
that You’re the Ruler yet. Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 32 (May 2)

The Lord My Hiding Place

Psalms 31-36 show how a proper perspective can help you face any tough circumstance; and can bring you from gloom to glory (Ps 31); from failure to deliverance (Ps 32); fr false security to secured trust(33) from affliction to adoration (Ps 34); from persecution to praise (Ps 35); and from darkness to light (Ps 36).

Lord, You Are My Hiding Place:
Blessed is he whose transgression
is forgiven, whose sin is covered…
When I kept silent,
my bones grew old through
my groaning all the day long…
I acknowledged my sin to You…
And You forgave… my sin.
For this cause everyone who is
godly shall pray to You (Ps 32:1-6)
You are My Hiding Place;
You protect me from trouble
and surround me with songs
of Deliverance (Psalm 32:7).
The Lord says: I Will Guide you
along the best pathway for your life.
I will Watch over you… (And)
he Who Trusts in the Lord,
mercy shall surround him (v8-10).

Lord, I am blessed for You have
forgiven all of my transgressions.
And You have eliminated every
sin that was set to my account.
I am so blessed because my
heavenly Father does not count
any of my sin against me and
has given me a spirit where
deceit cannot be found.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You promise that You will
Guide Your people along the
best pathways for their lives.
Thank You for Your assurance
of direction and protection.
So, Guide me Lord day by day;
and give me the strength to step
out with courage and faith
as I sense Your leading. Amen.

Lord, Thank for Your assurance
of direction and protection,
that Your unfailing love will
surround those who trust You.
Lord, You are My Hiding Place
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance.
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust in You; I will trust in You…
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of the Lord
I will trust in You. Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 31 (May 1)

God of Truth Leadeth Me

At the start of the American Civil
War, Joseph Gilmore, pastor of
Philadelphia First Baptist Church
wanted to turn people’s attention
to the Security of God’s guidance.
The important thing he said is
to know that God is leading – no
matter how or where He leads us.
After service, Gilmore went to
a deacon’s home and the topic
revolved around the Blessedness
of God’s leading. As others went
on talking, he wrote the words of
the hymn (He Leadeth Me) which
is inspired also by Psalm 31.

Lord, we will Follow Your Leading:
In You, O Lord I put my trust;
Let me never be ashamed;
Deliver me in Your righteousness…
Deliver me speedily; Be my rock
of refuge, a fortress of defense
to save me (Psalm 31:1-2).
For You are my rock & my fortress;
Therefore, for Your name’s sake,
Lead me and guide me…
Into Your hand I commit my spirit;
You have ransomed & redeemed
me, O Lord, God of Truth
Jehovah El Emeth (Psa 31:3-5).
But as for me I trust in You
O Lord; I say: You are my God.
My (future) is in Your hands.
Deliver me (v14-15).

Lord Jehovah El Emeth, our desire
is to live according to Your truth.
And yet we struggle at times during
adversity or trials when walking
in faith and truth seems so hard.
Help me trust You and always put
Your perspective above my own.
Give me discernment of situation
and wisdom to walk in Your ways.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we put our Trust in You for
there’s Blessedness in Your leading.
I will trust You with all my heart and
lean not on my own understanding.
In all my ways I will acknowledge
You and You will surely make my
paths straight. For You God knows
the plans You have for me, plans
to prosper me and not to harm me,
to give me a future & a hope. Amen.

Lord leadeth me! O blessed thot!
O words of heav’nly comfort fraught!
Whate’er I do, where’re I be,
Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me!
He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
By His own hand He leadeth me:
His faithful follower I would be,
For by His hand He leadeth me!
Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine
Nor ever murmur nor repine,
Content, whatever lot I see, Since
’tis thy hand that leadeth me! Amen.

Adoring God In Psalm 27 (Apr 30)

The Lord My Light Abide With Me

Henry Lyte was 54 years old pastor
who laboured for 23 years in a
poor church in Devonshire England.
This hymn was written shortly
before his death in 1847, and was
inspired by Psa 27:4 & the words
of the two disciples met by Jesus
on the road to Emmaus: Stay the
night with us, since it’s getting late.
It was eventide for Lyte and he felt
very much alone. But he was not
alone; for the Lord is “the help of
the helpless”, our guide & security.
And He will not leave nor forsake us.

All Praise be to Lord My Light:
The Lord (Jehovah) is my light (ORI)
and my salvation, whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the strength of my life,
of whom shall I be afraid?… Though
an army may encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear; though
war may rise against me, in this
I will be confident (Ps 27:1-3).
One thing I have desired of the Lord,
that will I seek: that I may dwell
in the house of the behold
the beauty of the Lord, and to
inquire in His temple (Ps 27:4).
I would have lost heart, unless
I had believed that I would see the
goodness of the Lord… Wait on the
Lord; be of good courage. And He
shall strengthen your heart (v13-14).

Lord Jehovah ORI, You are the light
of our life, brightening our path.
Praise You for helping us navigate
through the darkness of this life.
And You Lord will bring us the
light of salvation when we turn
to You with a heart of trust.
Draw people to You Lord so that
they may know and experience
You as the light of their lives. Amen.

Lord, I listen with an attitude Your
goodness will show up in my life.
For Your goodness is not a theory
but it’s real. I am grateful for that
and fully expect to see more of it.
But Lord, holding on to faith in
situations that dictate against it
requires fortitude and boldness.
So give me patience and courage
to hear You amidst struggles and
pauses in our dialogues. Amen.

Lord, Abide with me;
fast falls the eventide.
The darkness deepens;
Lord with me abide !
When other helpers fail
and comforts flee.
Help of the helpless,
O abide with me.
Lord, I need Thy presence
every passing hour.
Shine through the gloom
and point me to the skies.
Heaven’s morning breaks
and earth’s vain shadows flee.
In life, in death, O Lord,
abide with me. Amen.