Adoring God In John 2 (Aug 20)

Christ Turns Lack to Abundance

John, the supplemental gospel
provides a fourth dimension of
Jesus’ life and ministry. Fully 92%
of John’s material is not found
in any other gospel account.
John writes to convince his readers
who Jesus is (the Son of God)
and how new life can be found
in Him. He begins in eternity past,
showing how the Word who was
one with God became flesh to take
His message of life to mankind.

Lord, You are the Game Changer:
The next day there was a wedding
celebration in the village of Cana
in Galilee. The wine supply ran out,
so Jesus’ mother told him: They
have no more wine. Jesus replied:
My time has not come. But His
mother told the servants: Do
whatever he tells you (Jn 2:1-5).
Jesus told the servants: Fill the
jars with water. When the jars
had been filled he said; Now dip
some out and take it to the master
of ceremonies. So the servants
followed His Instructions (v7-8).
This miraculous sign at Cana
in Galilee was the first time
Jesus revealed his glory. And
His disciples believed in Him (v11).

Lord, we learn that You are very
sensitive to God’s timing to publicly
demonstrate authority and power
by saying: My time has not come.
And Jesus did the miraculous sign
in such a way that met the need
of the situation, revealed the glory
of God and stimulated the faith of
the disciples. Help us Lord to be
be sensitive to Your timing. Amen.

Lord, when our lives run dry,
we rest in the hope that You will
replenish us. With patience and
sometimes without it, we plead
that You will provide what we
can never provide for ourselves.
For You Lord are the one who can
bring rest for our weary hearts,
bring peace for our troubled minds,
and bring us joy at experiencing
Your presence. In Your name. Amen

Lord, We trust You to take the
emptiness of the soul & fill us with
the richness of new creation in You.
We humbly submit ourselves to
Your transforming power & make us
into the people You want us to be.
Come and give us what we need
and come to make things complete.
We place our trust in You as we look
expectantly toward the future. Amen

Adoring God In John 1 (Aug 19)

Word With Us & Reveals Father

John, the supplemental gospel
provides a fourth dimension of
Jesus’ life and ministry. Fully 92%
of John’s material is not found
in any other gospel account.
John writes to convince readers
who Jesus is (the Son of God) and
how new life can be found in Him.
Jesus begins in eternity past,
showing how the Word who was
one with God became flesh to take
His message of life to all mankind.

Lord Jesus, You Reveal the Father:
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God… And the
light shines in the darkness and
the darkness did not comprehend it.
Yet to all who did receive Him,
to those who believed in His name,
He gave the right to become
children of God (John 1:1, 5, 12).
The Word became flesh and dwelt
among us, and we beheld His glory,
the glory as of the only begotten of
the Father, full of grace and truth…
And of His fullness we have received
and grace for grace (v14-16).
No one has ever seen God. But
his only Son, who is Himself God
is near to the Father’s heart;
He has told us about Him (v18).

Lord Jesus, I do believe in You
and I have already accepted
You as my Saviour and Master.
Thank You for revealing Yourself
to me and thank You for saving me.
Because of Your saving grace,
I am not just a forgiven sinner
but also a child of the living God.
Help me live out my true identity
in Your mighty name I pray, Amen.

Lord, You became flesh, lived among
us & giving us fullness of salvation.
Open my eyes and heart to behold
and experience Your immense love.
Make me complete with the fullness
of life & power that comes from You.
Fill me with Yourself and Your truth
so that I will have the wisdom I need.
Be the Word in me so that You don’t
just speak to me but thru me. Amen.

Father God, praise You for revealing
Yourself through Your Son Jesus.
Thank You for Your Word, which
reveals Your love & purpose for me.
Thank You for Jesus, who has
made it possible for me to have
a clearer vision to see You Father.
Help me see You more accurately
and love You more each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Reflection on the Prophetic Genre

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The path to intentional discipleship
is to grow towards spiritual maturity
by nurturing key disciple attitudes.
So for past 2-3 years, we had been
Seeking God thru biblical prayers;
and Trusting God thru His Promises.
And for the past eight months; we’ve
been Adoring God through Thanking
Him for what He has done for us
and Praising Him for who He is.

From the earliest days of the church,
the singing of hymns and spiritual
songs has been an integral part
of Christian worship. It is a means
for believers to express praise to
their Creator and Saviour. And it’s
also a way for us to communicate
with God using more than words.
For it enables us to pour out the
grateful feelings of the heart and
to express commitment to God.

We are meditating through the Bible,
which is organised by genres:
Laws, History, Poetry and Prophets…
And the key purpose of the prophets was to convey messages from
God to His people; often included warnings, guidance and calls to repentance; as well as delivering divine revelation urging them to stay faithful to God’s commandments and offering hope for the future.

Having completed Old Testament,
we will continue to NT gospels.
But here’s the key thots over the last
10 weeks from 17 books of Prophets;
which encourage us return to God:
Jul 15: Lord Provides Needs (Isa 9)
J22:God Makes Way thru Trial(Isa43
J29: God Blesses & Heals (Jer 17)
Aug5:God Moves in the Spirit(Ez 36)
Aug 11:God Reveals Secret (Dan 2)
A18:God Shows Unfailing Love(Mic7)
Navigation: Click
Scroll to Calendar, Select mth & day.

Thought for the Week: Micah 7

God Shows Unfailing Love

Micah describes God’s people on
trial. The charges against Israel:
halfhearted worship, persistent
rebellion, hypocrisy, greed & idolatry
The verdict can only be guilty; and
the sentence: a generation of exile
in Babylon. Yet the message of
Micah is not complete until he
preached the richness of God’s
forgiveness and grace. Micah knows
that God’s discipline only comes
within the context of His ever-
lasting love. The aftermath of His
wrath brings mercy & forgiveness.

Lord, we delight in Yr Unfailing Love:
I will look to the LORD; I will wait
for the God of my salvation;
My God will hear me (Micah 7:7).
Though I have fallen, I will rise.
Though I sit in darkness, the Lord
Will Be My Light. Because I have
sinned against Him, I will bear
the Lord’s wrath, until He pleads
my case and upholds my cause.
He will bring me out Into the Light;
I’ll see His righteousness (v8-9).
Where is another God like You…
You will not stay angry with
Your people forever, because You
delight in showing Unfailing Love.
Once again You will hv compassion
on us. You’ll trample pour sins under
Your feet and Throw Them into the
depths of the Ocean (v18-19) Amen

Lord, thank You that even if I were
to fall off the path You have for me
to walk, You will still be there to
Lift Me Up when I repent of sins.
And so I will patiently wait upon You
for You are the God of my salvation.
Thank You Lord that You not only
forgive but You will also Restore.
I praise You as the light of my life
and the keeper of my heart. Amen.

Lord, when we sin severely,
we have to expect discipline.
Help us be Patient for You promise
to be our light in the darkness;
and You have not given up on us.
In fact You have promised that
we will see Your righteousness.
Gracious Lord bring me out of
the darkness and into Your light.
Show me also Your righteousness
and give me the victory. Amen.

Lord, grateful for Your tender
mercies; for You throw away sins
into the depths of the ocean.
How gracious of You Lord to
utterly hide them from Your sight.
Though men may bring up our past
sins over & over again to torment us,
You God doesn’t delight to do that;
but delight to show Unfailing Love.
We purpose not to take sin lightly;
for it costs Jesus’ blood & life. Amen

Reflection on the Minor Prophets

Adoring God thru Thanks & Praise

The 12 Minor Prophets cover a time
span of 400 years (800-400 BC).
Theologically, they focus on
warnings on impending judgment,
teachings on righteous living,
encouragement to the faithful and
oppressed, and God’s future plans.
They’re rich in God’s lovingkindness,
grace and mercy, and can teach us
how to wait for “the day of the Lord.”

On Mon, we learn from Hosea 2/3
that God Is Loving and Faithful.
On Tues, we learn from Joel 2
that God Restores Past Loses.
On Wed, we learn from Jonah 3
that God Is Compassionate.
On Thurs, we learn from Micah 7
that God Shows Unfailing Love.
On Friday, we learn from Hab 2/3
that God Keeps His Promises.
On Sat, we learn from Zech 12/13
that God Is Gracious & Delivers.

Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who Adore You:
For You are Worthy of our Praise
as You are Loving and Faithful as 
well as Merciful & Compassionate;
For You are worthy of our Thanks
as You God Restores Past Loses
as well as Shows Unfailing Love;
For You God Keeps Promises 
as well as Gracious and Delivers;
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Adoring God In Zech 12/13 (Aug 17)

God Is Gracious & Delivers

Though horrible judgment would
fall on Israel’s neighbours, Israel
would be preserved for the long-
awaited day of her Messiah’s arrival.
The King of Zion would come
riding upon the colt of a donkey
to defend His people and defeat
His enemies just as He promised.
Zechariah closes his prophecy
with a breathtaking panorama of
events in store for Israel in that day.

Lord, help us to Be Gracious:
Rejoice greatly O daughter of Zion.
Behold your King is coming to you;
He is just and having salvation,
Lowly & riding on a donkey(Zech9:9)
In that day the Lord will defend
the inhabitants of Jerusalem;
the one who is feeble among them
in that day shall be like David…
And I will pour on the house of David
the Spirit of Grace (Zech 12:8-10).
In that day a fountain shall be
opened for the house of David…
for sin and uncleanness. I Will refine
them as silver & test them as gold…
They will call on My name, and
I will answer them (Zech 13:1,9).

Lord Jesus, You came so gently
and humbly to us Your people;
& the world senselessly crucified
You instead of bowing to You.
In Your grace and mercy forgive
us Lord and grant our eyes the
vision to see You are a good King.
In Your power, help us overcome
resistance & rebellion; and lead
us under Your loving rule. Amen.

Lord Jesus, we look forward to the
day when You reign as King on earth
and You pour Your Spirit of Grace.
Meanwhile, our hearts are burdened
over those who yet to know You.
Help us O Spirit to bring them, out
of unbelief, out of hardness, out of
rebellion to the cleansing fountain.
This we desire for we know You are
not willing any should perish but
all will come to repentance. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You so much
for Your sacrifice on the cross;
for without the shedding of blood
there can be no remission of sin.
Thank You that because of Your
great act of love, we have our sins
washed away & receive restoration
of relationship with Father God.
And we ask Your enabling to declare
Your redeeming love through
our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Adoring God In Habakkuk 2/3

God Keeps His Promises (Aug 16)

Habakkuk prophesies in Judah
before its overthrow by Babylonia.
Honestly concerned with how God
could chasten Judah by means of
a nation even more sinful than itself,
Habakkuk deals with perplexing
questions: Why is a just God silent?
Why do pleas of the faithful seem
to go unheard? The reply comes in
the statement of a timeless principle
of God’s sovereignty: God will deal
with the wicked in His way and
in His time. Meanwhile righteous
people must continue to trust God.

Lord, we Trust by Waiting on You:
I will stand my watch & set myself
on the watch tower. And watch
to see what He will say to me…
Then the Lord answered me:
The vision is yet for an appointed
time; but at the end it will speak,
and it will not lie. Though it tarries,
Wait for it; because it will surely
come, it will not tarry. Behold the
proud… is not upright; but the just
shall live by his Faith (Hab 2:1-4).
For the earth will be filled with the
knowledge of the glory of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea (v14).
Though the fig trees does not bud,
there are no grapes on the vines
and the olive crop fails; and though
the fields yield no food… yet I will
rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful
in God my Savior. The Sovereign
Lord is my strength (Hab 3:17-19).

Lord, we praise You for Your
lovingkindness & Yr faithfulness.
We thank You Lord for recording
Your Word for us so that through
endurance, the encouragement
of scriptures and of Your Spirit,
we might have confident hope.
Thank You that Your rhema word
will surely come to pass and
grant us the strength to wait
upon You. In Jesus’ mighty name.

Lord, we note that to trust God
fully means to trust Him even
when we do not understand
why events occur as they do.
Help us Lord to live by Faith by
Waiting upon You and trust that You
God will direct all things according
to Your purpose, Yr way & Yr time.
For the world will see Your glory;
in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Merciful and faithful Lord, I pray
especially over people right now
who are experiencing losses,
who are experiencing suffering,
who are undergoing severe trial,
who are facing health challenge.
God, I pray be able to rejoice in You;
God, I pray for satisfaction in You;
God, I pray for strength from You,
in tough circumstances. Amen.

Adoring God In Micah 7 (Aug 15)

God Shows Unfailing Love

Micah describes God’s people on
trial. The charges against Israel:
halfhearted worship, persistent
rebellion, hypocrisy, greed & idolatry
The verdict can only be guilty; and
the sentence: a generation of exile
in Babylon. Yet the message of
Micah is not complete until he
preached the richness of God’s
forgiveness and grace. Micah knows
that God’s discipline only comes
within the context of His ever-
lasting love. The aftermath of His
wrath brings mercy & forgiveness.

Lord, we delight in Yr Unfailing Love:
I will look to the LORD; I will wait
for the God of my salvation;
My God will hear me (Micah 7:7).
Though I have fallen, I will rise.
Though I sit in darkness, the Lord
Will Be My Light. Because I have
sinned against Him, I will bear
the Lord’s wrath, until He pleads
my case and upholds my cause.
He will bring me out Into the Light;
I’ll see His righteousness (v8-9).
Where is another God like You…
You will not stay angry with
Your people forever, because You
delight in showing Unfailing Love.
Once again You will hv compassion
on us. You’ll trample pour sins under
Your feet and Throw Them into the
depths of the Ocean (v18-19) Amen

Lord, thank You that even if I were
to fall off the path You have for me
to walk, You will still be there to
Lift Me Up when I repent of sins.
And so I will patiently wait upon You
for You are the God of my salvation.
Thank You Lord that You not only
forgive but You will also Restore.
I praise You as the light of my life
and the keeper of my heart. Amen.

Lord, when we sin severely,
we have to expect discipline.
Help us be Patient for You promise
to be our light in the darkness;
and You have not given up on us.
In fact You have promised that
we will see Your righteousness.
Gracious Lord bring me out of
the darkness and into Your light.
Show me also Your righteousness
and give me the victory. Amen.

Lord, grateful for Your tender
mercies; for You throw away sins
into the depths of the ocean.
How gracious of You Lord to
utterly hide them from Your sight.
Though men may bring up our past
sins over & over again to torment us,
You God doesn’t delight to do that;
but delight to show Unfailing Love.
We purpose not to take sin lightly;
for it costs Jesus’ blood & life. Amen

Adoring God In Jonah 3-4 (Aug 14)

God Is Gracious & Compassionate

God calls Jonah to warn Assyrian
city of Nineveh of impending
destruction. However the brutal
Assyrians are Israel’s bitter enemies
and Jonah fears & despises them.
Instead of heading to Nineveh
Jonah sets sail in the opposite
direction. A storm ensues, Jonah
is tossed overboard and swallowed
by a great fish. After three days,
the fish deposits Jonah on dry land.
Jonah then goes to Nineveh and
preaches as God had instructed.
When the people repent, Jonah’s
resentment grows until God must
teach him a lesson in compassion.

Lord, we will Deliver Your Message:
The Lord spoke to Jonah a 2nd time.
Go to the great city of Nineveh and
deliver the message of judgment…
This time Jonah obeyed the Lord’s
comd. He shouted to the crowds:
Forty days from now Nineveh
will be destroyed! The people of
Nineveh believed God’s message
and from the greatest to the least,
they decided to go without food and
wear sackcloth in sorrow (Jon 3:1-5)
But it displeased Jonah exceedingly
and he became angry. So he prayed.
I know that You are a gracious
and merciful God, slow to anger
and abundant in lovingkindness…
It is better for me to die (Jon 4:1-3).
Then God said: Is it right for you
to be angry because the plant died?
You feel sorry about the plant,
though you did nothing to put it
there… But Nineveh has more than
120,000 people living in spiritual
darkness…Shouldn’t I feel sorry
for such a great city? (v9-11).

Lord, we learn from passage that
Jonah was to preach only what
You told him: a message of doom.
We realise those who bring God’s
Word to others should not let
fear of people dictate their words.
For we are called to follow the
Spirit’s leading and share God’s
message and His truth, even
though it may be unpopular. Amen.

Lord, there are people around who
need to hear Your message of hope;
people whom I might not even
notice, but whom You love deeply.
Reveal them to me so that I can
pray for them and perhaps speak
an encouraging word to them.
Prepare their hearts to receive
word from You through me. Amen.

Dear Lord, we acknowledge Your
Sovereignty & You are In Control.
Help us not run from doing Your
purpose but Deliver Your Message.
Help us Lord to Be Compassionate,
to those who are different from us.
Help us not be inward looking but
be Your witnesses wherever we are.
Help us to share the Good News for
people truly Need the Lord. Amen.

Adoring God In Joel 2 (Aug 13)

God Restores Past Loses

Addressing hearts that have grown
cold to the things of God, Joel
confronts the people of Judah.
He reminds them of the destruction
brought by a plague of locusts and
warns of the castastrophe to come.
Unless the nation repents, it will be
destroyed by an army fr the north.
The only hope of escape is for
the people to repent. If they do,
then God will divert judgment and
will deliver unparalleled blessing
and the gift of peace to Zion!

Lord, You Restore Past Loses:
Now therefore, says the Lord,
Turn to Me with all your heart,
with fasting, with weeping…
So rend your heart and…
return to the Lord your God,
for He is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and of the great
kindness and He relents
from doing harm (Joel 2:12-13).
I Will Repay you for the years
the locusts have eaten… my
great army that I sent among you.
You shall eat in plenty and be
satisfied, and praise the name
of the Lord your God, who has
dealt wondrously with you…
Then you shall know that…
I am the Lord your God and there
is no other. And My people shall
never be put to shame (v25-27).
It shall come to pass afterward
that they will pour out My Spirit
on all flesh… Whoever Calls
on the name of the Lord Shall
Be Saved (Joel 2:28-32). Amen.

Lord, thank You that it’s never
too late to turn to You and see
Restoration happens in our life.
Even though there has been time
wasted when we didn’t live fully for
You, pray that You Will Redeem the
time and help us to make up for it.
Restore Lord everything that has
been lost, wasted or ruined so that
we can testify of Your glory. Amen.

Lord, there’s times when we ignore
the still small voice & make mistake.
Though discipline may come our
way but You promise to give back
the years the locusts had eaten.
Grateful that You Lord not only
forgive but Your mercy is great.
Help us learn from our mistakes
and grow even closer to You Lord.
And thank You that You will redeem
our past and guide our future. Amen.

Lord, thank You for Your Word
that everyone who calls
on Your name Will Be Saved.
Grateful for the promise to hear
and answer my cries for help.
Your rescue of me may not end
up looking like what I imagine
but You do promise to deliver.
Grant me the faith to believe this
promise with all my heart. Amen.