Thanksgiving In Prov 15 (Feb 26)

Thank God for Hearing Prayers

Backgrounder on Proverbs 14-17:
Nowhere is wisdom more essential
than in community relationships.
A heart attitude controlled by
the fear of the Lord is the key to
proper response towards others.
To promote peace, justice and
prosperity with others, commit to
godliness, in thoughts & motives,
as well as tongue and temper.

Lord, U Hear Prayers of Righteous:
The Lord detest the sacrifice of
the wicked, but the prayer of the
upright Pleases Him (Prov 15:8).
… For the happy heart,
life is a Continual Feast (v15).
Plans fail for lack of counsel, but
with advisors they Succeed (v22)

Father, I am grateful that You see
me as righteous just because
of my relationship with Jesus.
But I know You also want me to
choose to live righteously as well.
Grant that my thoughts, words
and actions will always be pleasing
in Your sight so that my prayers
will be pleasing to Your ears.
And enable me every day to do
what’s right in your sight. Amen.

Lord, help me to have a happy
heart and remove the anxiety that
sometimes weigh my heart down.
Keep my heart from growing proud;
but instead give me a pure heart
– a heart that is pleasing to You.
And help me hide Your Word
in my heart so that I can walk
in Your Ways and enjoy a life
that is a Continual Feast. Amen.

Lord, give me discernment to
know what advice is godly advice;
then help me make good decision.
I want to be known as a godly
person who knows right from
wrong and can give others solid
godly guidance. And as I mature
and grow older, help me to be
a godly advisor who can offer
wise counsel to others. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Prov 3 (Feb 25)

Thank God for Benefits of Trusting

The author of Proverbs clearly
states the book’s purpose:
To know wisdom & instructions
(P1:2-5). God wants His people
to be wise (skilful) in making
moral and ethical choices. And
the first nine chapters of Proverbs
take the form of a fatherly address
to a young son – a divine primer
for learning the fear of the Lord.

Lord, U Direct as We Trust You:
Trust in the Lord with all your
heart and lean not on your own
understanding; in all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He shall
Direct Your Paths (Prov 3:5-6).
Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord & depart from evil.
It will be health to your flesh,
and Strength to your bones (v7-8)
Honour the Lord with your wealth,
then your Barns Will Be Filled
to overflowing (v9-10). Amen.

Lord, help me to Trust You and
Your ways and not depend on
my own limited understanding
of things. Help me to acknowledge
You in every area of my life.
If I have shut You out of any part
of my life, I ask that You would
reveal this to me so that I can
invite You to reign there. And
Thank You for Your promise of
making my path straight. Amen.

Lord, thank You for the word of
warning that whenever I’m feeling
afraid or discouraged, these
may be symptoms that there
are places in my life where I am
depending on my own strength.
Right now I purpose to trust You
more and choose to lean on You.
And I choose to lean my weakness
on Your strength each day. Amen.

Lord, You pledge to meet the
needs of your children. Keep us
from being stingy with our time,
talents or treasure. And deepen
our conviction that we can give
ourselves freely; and that You
will be faithful to provide all that
we need out of your glorious
riches in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Praying thro Job 38-42 (Feb 24)

The Lord Knows What’s Best !!

Instead of answering Job’s
questions directly, God asks Job
a series of questions that no human
can possibly answer. Job responds
by recognising God’s ways are best
In response, Job humbles himself.
God rebukes the three friends for
adding to Job’s suffering by their
false assumptions and criticisms.
Job’s material possessions and
family are restored & he receives
even greater blessings than before.

Lord, thank You for Your answer
to Job, showing that You God is
in control; and only U understand
why the good are allowed to suffer.
Even Job finally learnt that when
nothing else was left, he had God
and that was enough. Help us
Lord to courageously accept what
You allow to happen in our lives.
Help us to love You regardless
of whether You allow blessing
or suffering to come to our life.
Help us Lord to maintain a humble
posture & not question Yr wisdom.
Help us trust U Know What’s Best &
Help us Put Our Trust in You. Amen

Lord,we’ll Not Question Yr Wisdom:
Then the Lord answered Job
from the whirlwind: Who is
this that questions my wisdom
with such ignorant words?
Brace yourself because I
have some questions for you.
Does the rain have a father?
Where does the dew come from?
Who gives birth to the frost?
Can you ensure the proper
sequence of the seasons?
Do you know… how God rules
the earth? (Job 38: 1-3, 27-33).
Lord, as we don’t understand
common occurrences of God’s
creation which is under His
command, it will be challenging
to understand God’s purposes.
It is not our job to question U God
but to worship & serve You. Amen

Lord, You Know What’s Best:
The Lord said to Job: Do you
still want to argue with the
Almighty? You are God’s critic,
but do you have the answers?
Then Job replied to the Lord:
I am nothing. How could I ever
find the answers? I will put my
hand over my mouth in silence.
I have said too much already.
I have nothing more to say.
Then the Lord spoke to Job out
of the storm: Would you discredit
My justice? Would you condemn
Me to justify yourself? Do u have
an arm like God’s and can your
voice thunder like His (Job40:1-9)
Lord, regardless of what we think
is fair, You will still do what You
know is best. We confess we
can’t question Your fairness or
ability to perform. We submit and
give U the chance to reveal Your
greater purpose in Yr time. Amen.

Lord, we put our Trust in God:
Then Job replied to the Lord:
I know that You can do anything
and no one can stop You. You ask:
Who is this that questions My
wisdom with such ignorance?
It is I. And I was talking about
things I did not understand.
I take back everything I said
and I sit in dust and ashes to
show my repentance (J42:1-6).
When Job prayed for his friends,
the Lord restored his fortunes.
In fact, the Lord gave him twice
as much as before (Job42:10-13)
Lord, in our fallen world, suffering
may come to good and bad alike.
Knowing You are in control, we
will not question Your sovereignty.
Whilst we don’t know the reasons
for the trial, we trust You God
with our unanswered questions
and turn to You for strength.
For those who persist trusting
God will be rewarded. Amen.

Praying thro Job 32-37 (Feb 23)

Man Don’t Have All the Answers

Young Elihu rebukes the 3 friends
for not giving Job a reasonable
answer for why he was suffering.
But he only gives a partial answer
to Job’s question by saying that
man cannot understand all that
God allows, but must trust him.
This was the best answer that man
could give, yet it was incomplete.

Lord, we realise the best human
answers are incomplete because
we do not have all the facts and
because we are not in control.
Lord, in the midst of life trials,
Help us focus on Your Goodness
and Incline our ears to Listen to U.
Help us not lose hope but Wait upon U; for U will act in due time.
Help us know your power is great
and You are in Sovereign control.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we Incline to Listen to You:
Elihu: In this you are not right,
for God is greater than man.
Why do you complain to him that
he answers none of man’s words?
But God speaks again and again
although people do not recognise
it… He causes them to change
their minds; he keeps them from
pride. God disciplines people with
sickness and pain (J33:12-19).
Lord, you are not silent but warn
people of the dangers of sin and
pride to bring them to repentance
Help us not be engrossed with
our circumstances which can
colour everything dark but
instead focus on the goodness
of God and that we will see how
sovereignty as benevolent. Amen.

Lord, we’ll Seek & Wait upon You:
Elihu: The oppressed cry out for
help. But no one says: Where is
God my Maker, who gives songs
in the night… And if they do cry
out and God does not answer;
it is wrong to say the Almighty
isn’t concerned. It is wrong to say
he doesn’t see what is going on.
He will bring about justice if
you will only wait (Job 35:9-14).
Lord, Your word says that when
we seek you, you will give us
a song in the night. When I am
going through a dark night in the
soul, I pray you would enlighten
my darkness with your presence.
Even though God didn’t intervene
immediately, I purpose not to lose
hope but wait upon God for He will
surely deliver in due time. Amen.

Lord,we accept Your Sovereignty:
Elihu: God is all-powerful. No one
can tell Him What To Do. No one
can say to Him: You have done
wrong. Instead, glorify His mighty
works, singing songs of praise…
Look, God is exalted beyond what
we can understand (J36:22-26).
Listen carefully to the thunder of
God’s voice. He does not restrain
the thunder when He speaks…
We Cannot Comprehend the
greatness of His power (37:2-5).
The Almighty is beyond our reach
and exalted in power…Therefore,
men Revere Him (Job 37:23-24).
Lord, we can never know enough
of You God to answer all of life’s
questions or to manipulate God
for our own ends. And we can’t
comprehend the greatness of
His power and God is in control.
We revere Your sovereignty over
all & over our life. Amen & amen.

Thanksgiving In Psalm 145 (Feb 22)

Thank God for Saving Us

Backgrounder on Psalms 140-145:
Your enemies will either drive you
from God or drive you to God.
In David’s hour of need he found
a sure Refuge (Ps 140, Ps 142),
a trustworthy Friend (Ps 141),
a listening Ear (Ps 143),
a strong Arm (Ps 144),
a Merciful King (Ps 145);
and You Can Too !! Amen.

Lord, U are Merciful & Will Save Us:
The Lord is kind and Merciful…
He showers compassion on all…
Your faithful followers will bless U.
They will talk about the glory of
your kingdom; they will celebrate
examples of yr power (Ps145:8-11)
The Lord is faithful to all His
promises & gracious in all He does.
The Lord Upholds all who fall & lift
up all who are bowed down(v13-14)
The Lord Is Near to all who call on
Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire
of those who fear Him; He also will
Hear their cry & Save them (v18-19)

Lord, You are all Merciful, full of
loving-kindness and compassion.
You are good to all & rich in grace.
And You always do what you
promise! Reveal more of yourself
to me. For I want to Tell Others
about the glory of your kingdom
and examples of your power.
Help me tell of your mighty deeds
and praise you forever, Amen.

Lord, You promise to Help those
who fall. Sometimes I feel like
I spend too much time in trouble.
Come to my aid or my situation
will not change. You Lift up those
who are bent beneath their loads.
When I am weary and worn-down,
prompt me to look to You in faith.
And make me sensitive to others
who are heavy-laden. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says when I call
on You in truth, You will be close
to me. I confess the times when
I have doubted U are near to hear
my prayers, because it seemed
my prayers went unanswered.
Help me pray even more fervently
when concerned nothing changes
still. For You the Sovereign God
does things Your Way & Your Time.
Help us to wait upon You & surely
You Will Come & Save Us. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Psalm 127 (Feb 21)

Thank God for Giving Rest

Psalms 120-127 deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
provision (123, 124, 126); and
Protection (121, 125, 127). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life

Lord, You Build & Give Rest:
Unless the Lord Builds a house,
the work of the builders is useless.
Unless the Lord protects a city,
guarding it with sentries will do
no good. It is useless for you
to work so hard from early morning
until late at night, anxiously working
for food to eat; for God Gives Rest
to His loved ones (Ps 127:1-3).

Lord, thank you for the reminder
that while progress & advancement
are good, it must be seen in the
light of U God’s ultimate provision.
Human striving can provide only
temporary benefits, but it can
also lead to longterm destruction.
We realise only by conforming
our efforts to God’s will & plan
will our efforts construct anything
worthwhile. And thank you God
for this promise that U can prevent
our work from being wasted. Amen.

Lord, I acknowledge that without
dependence and trust in You, all
my work is in vain & effort wasted.
So, I need and want You to be the
foundation of my life, my family
and my vocation so that the work
of my hands will bear fruit that
honours You. And I will be able to
enjoy the rest that U give. Amen.

Lord, thank you for the sweet
promise that You God Gives Rest
to Your loved ones. We realise
You God didn’t wire us to work
like machines 24/7 all the time.
In your goodness , You God has
promised to Give us Rest so that
we can also have balance in life.
And we can Trust You God with
the results for You are Almighty
and You are a faithful God. Amen.

Thanksgiving In Psalm 121 (Feb 20)

Thank God for Help & Protection

Psalms 120-127 deal with topics
dear to the heart of travellers
far from home: peace (120, 122);
Protection (121, 125, 127); and
provision (123, 124, 126). As you
read these “hymns of the highway”
imagine yourself on a journey of life

Lord, You Help and Protect us:         I will lift up my eyes to the hills-     from whence comes my help?                           My Help Comes from the Lord,
who made the heavens and the
earth! He will not let you stumble
and fall; the one who Watches
over U will not slumber (Ps121:1-3)
The Lord himself Watches over you!
The Lord stands besides you as
your protective shade…The Lord
Keeps you from Evil & preserves
your life. The Lord keeps watch
over you as u come & go (v5-8).

Lord, our Help comes from You,
who made the heavens & earth!
Because You hold me, I will not
stumble and fall. Because You
watch over me, I will not fear
for my security is in You my God.
Thank you for watching over me
and for caring about my situation.
Thank You I am not alone for You
are with me and helping me. Amen

Lord, I pray for protective covering.
And thank You for watching over
and protecting my loved ones!
What peace it gives me to know
that You never slumber or sleep.
And that I can confidently entrust
those I love to Your care & keeping.
Bless and keep my family coming
and going both now & always.Amen

Lord, Your assurance to Your
followers is that You Will Keep
them from all Evil. Thank you
Lord that though evil may come,
it has no real power over me.
I believe that U will, as promised
preserve my life. I want to live
with confidence that I am safe
in You. Keep me busy Trusting,
not worrying over things. Amen.

Thanksgiving in Psalm 119 (Feb 19)

Thank God for His Direction

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm
and the longest chapter of the
longest book in the Bible. And
it provides the multifaceted Word
of God. Just as the psalm seems
to go on endlessly as you read its
176 verses, so let your praise and
love for God’s Word be endless
as you make it the focus of your
devotional time today & every day.

Lord, Your Word Directs Our Path:
Your Word I have hidden in
my heart that I might Not Sin
against You. (Psalm 119:11).
Your Word is a lamp for my feet
and a Light for my Path (P119:105)
You are my refuge and my shield;
Your Word is my only Source
of Hope (v114). Amen and amen.

Lord, when I hide Your Word in
my heart, I can Keep From Sin.
Grant me the wisdom to seek You
and to hide your Word in my heart.
Grant me discernment to apply
Your truth to everyday situations.
Grant me the perseverance and
faith to trust Your Word when l am
going thro difficult times. Amen.

Lord, I want to delight in your Word,
to obey it and to commit myself
to walking in the light it provides.
I praise you that Your Word Lights
the Path at my feet so that I don’t
have to wander in the darkness.
Guide me each day with your
wonderful Word so that I will not
copy the customs of this world
but instead be transformed into
a new person in Christ. Amen.

Lord, how grateful I am that You
are my refuge and my shield.
Although my perspective is often
focused on the circumstances
around me, you already know
the outcome of your plans for
my life. In the midst of difficulties,
Your Word is my Source of Hope.
Help me to Trust in You and gain
an eternal perspective. Amen.

Thanksgiving in Psalm 57 (Feb 7)

Thank God for Having Plan For Me

Psalms 55-59 capture the
emotions of King David during
some of his most difficult days.
Notice David’s frank petitions and
confident trust in God in the wake
of being betrayed (P55), broken-
hearted (P56) & pursued (P57,59)
Through it all David knows there
is a reward for the righteous and
God judgeth in the earth (P58:11).

Lord, You Have A Plan for us:
My soul trusts in You; and in the
shadow of Your wings I will make
my refuge, until these calamities
have passed by. I Cry Out to
God Most High, who will Fulfil
His Purpose for me (Psa 57:1-2).
My Heart Is Confident In You,
O God; my heart is confident.
No wonder I can sing your praises
(v7-8). In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, help us learn from David
the psalmist to Focus On You
in the midst of his difficulties.
For it is when our heart has
a firm foundation in You that our
faith will have a resting place.
Help us to have our thoughts
rooted in You Lord that we will
experience peace, even joy, in
the midst of life’s difficulties. Amen

Lord, in the midst of tough times,
it is hard to remember that You
are In Control. You sit enthroned
above the heavens and will
Fulfil Your Purpose in my life.
Instead of complaining & doubting,
I will wait patiently for Your
goodness and Trust confidently
in Your infinite power. Amen.

Lord, in my distress, I still choose
to Trust and have hope in the
fulfilment of Your purposes for
my life. Cause me not to hide
my troubled heart from You,
but to Cry Out to You. For You
are able to turn any trouble I face
into a fulfilment of my destiny.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.