Post of the Week Launch (May31)

Lord, we are willing to Obey:
Some time later God tested Abraham.
He said to him: Abraham! ‘Here I am’
he replied. Then God said: Take your
son, your only son, Isaac, whom you
love & go to Moriah. Sacrifice him
there as a burnt offering on one of
the mountains I’ll tell you(Gen22:1-3)
Then (Abraham) tied his son Isaac
and laid him on the altar… And
Abraham picked up the knife to
kill his son as a sacrifice. At that
moment the angel of the Lord called:
Don’t lay a hand on the boy!… for
now I know that you truly fear God.
You have not withheld from me even
your son… Then Abraham…took the
ram & sacrificed it as burnt offering
in place of his son (Gen 22:10-13).