Faithful God Fulfils His Promises
Genesis 15-21 describes the
Abrahamic covenant in great detail,
confirmed with a unilateral treaty
and established by the sign of
circumcision. But as the years
pass with no evidence of fulfilment
Abraham acts in foolish impatience.
The result is a son Ismael, who will
cause the heartbreak of his father,
constantly reminding Abraham
the price of his unbelief. But
the Gracious God keeps reminding
Abraham & Sarah of His promise and
eventually fulfil it in His time.
Dear Creator & Almighty God,
thank You that You not only
have a great plan for mankind,
but also a good plan for each
of us that we may walk in them.
Lord, Help us Live a life of Faith
by having the Patience to Wait;
Trusting Nothing Too Difficult for U
& Knowing U Keep Promises. Amen
Lord, grant us Patience to Wait:
The Lord came to Abram in a vision:
I am your exceedingly great reward.
But Abram said: Lord God, what
will U give me, seeing I go childless.
Then He brought him outside and
said: Look toward heaven & count
the stars if you are able to number
them. And He said to him: So shall
your descendants be (Gen 15:1-5)
Sarai said to Abram: The Lord
has restrained me from bearing
children. Please go into my maid;
perhaps I shall obtain children by
her. And Abram herded the voice
of Sarai… So he went in to Hagar
and she conceived (Gen 16:2-4).
Lord, Grant me the Patience to
Wait for the answers to appear.
Keep me from giving up and
taking matters into my own hands.
Instead enable me to trust that
You have heard my prayers and
will answer in Yr way & time. Amen.
Lord, Nothing Too Hard for You:
The Lord said to Abraham: Why
did Sarah laugh saying: “Shall I
surely bear a child since I am old?”
Is anything too hard for the Lord?
At the appointed time I will return
to you, according to the time of life
& Sarah shall hv a son (G18:13-14)
Lord, You are Able to do miracles
and work wonders. Remind me
of your limitless power; for I serve
a God who can do anything.
In Your power and mercy display
Your might in my life dreams and
challenges. But if you choose not
to deliver me from the trials yet,
then give me the ability to hang
on and keep trusting You. Amen.
Lord, You Keep Your Promises:
The Lord Kept His Word and did
for Sarah exactly what He had
Promised. She became pregnant
and she gave birth to a son for
Abraham in his old age. This
happened as just the time God
had said it would (Gen 21:1-2).
Lord, we praise and thank you
for You are not only an Able God
but also a promise keeping God.
For all Yr promises are Yes & Amen.
Help me to have the faith enough
to believe U will answer my prayer.
And help me to rest in peace
during the time of waiting. Amen.