Hearing God In Joshua 13/21

God Keeps His Promises

Israel under Joshua leadership
has already conquered Canaan by
destroying key cities & their kings;
yet there remain much land to be
possessed. To complete the task,
Joshua assigns territories to each
individual tribe with instructions
to clear out the remaining pagan
influence and possess the land
completely. And God helped
them to do so as promised.

Lord, thanks for Keeping Promises:
When Joshua was an old man,
the Lord said to him: Much land
remains to be conquered…
All the regions of the Philistines
and the Geshurites. Northward
includes the territory of the
five Philistine rulers of Gaza…
all the land of the Canaanites…
and the Lebanon area to the east.
I myself will drive these people
out of the land… So be sure
to give this land to Israel as a
special possession (Jos 13:1-6).
The Lord gave to Israel all the land
of which He had promised to give
to their fathers, and they took
possession of it… And not a man
of all their enemies stood against
them; the Lord delivered all
their enemies into their hand.
Not a word failed of any good
thing which the Lord had spoken
to the house of Israel. All came
to pass (Josh 21:43-45). Amen.

Lord, just as the Israelites, we
still face the trials and fight the
battles of unconquered land.
Reveal the promised land You
have given us to conquer which
can include undone good works,
unmet needs as well as
unused talents and resources.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, I realise I could cling to Your
promise for years and then made
a momentary decision that could
forfeit everything like Moses did.
Help me be like Joshua believing
God does not withdraw promises.
For You mean what you say and
will do all that You have promised.
Give me Lord the faith to believe
You will fulfill everything that You
have ever spoken to me. Amen.

Lord, our hearts tend to become
so fixated with the here and now.
Lift our eyes to our promised
land and promised inheritance.
Fill our hearts with anticipation
of all we stand to inherit when
we enter into Your Holy Land.
And Lord, let the fulfilment of the
promise in Josh 21:43 be repeated
these days; for What for What A
Faithful God Have I; for every good
Word of Yours is: Yes and Amen!!